






I was recently intrigued by Seth Bling’s MarI/O - a neural network slash genetic algorithm that teaches itself to play Super Mario World.

Seth’s implementation (in Lua) is based on the concept of NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (or NEAT). NEAT is a type of genetic algorithm which generates efficient artificial neural networks (ANNs) from a very simple starting network. It does so rather quickly too (compared to other evolutionary algorithms).

For another example of why this field is incredibly exciting, watch this amazing video of Google’s DeepMind learning and mastering space invaders. How good is that clutch shot at the end?!

Seth’s MarI/O can play both Super Mario World (SNES), and Super Mario Bros (NES). If you want to try it out yourself, read on.

Setup (Windows 8.1)

To evolve your own ANN with MarI/O that can play Super Mario World, here’s how to do it;


  1. Install BizHawk Prereqs

  2. Download and unzip BizHawk

  3. Get a copy of Seth’s MarI/O (call it neatevolve.lua )

  4. Put neatevolve.lua in the root folder of your BizHawk folder. (In the same dir as the EmuHawk executable.)

Emulator Setup

  1. Set BizHawk video Mode to OpenGL (not GDI+)

    Config > Display > Display Method > Open GL

  2. Restart BizHawk for settings to take effect. Double check it actually works.

  3. Optional: Set emulation speed to 200% - this makes the evolution go a lot faster!

Initial State Setup

We need an initial/fresh game state that gets loaded for each genome. In other words, we need to save the ROM state at the start of the desired level we want MarI/O to learn.

  1. Load the Super Mario World (USA).sfc ROM.

  2. Start a new game

  3. Go to the level you want MarI/O to learn. I chose Yoshi’s Island #1.

  1. Use the File -> Save Named State -> Save As “DP1.state” in the BizHawk root folder (i.e. in the same dir as neatevolve.lua).

Now we have an initial state that MarI/O will load before each genome is evaluated.

Running MarI/O

  1. Load neatevolve.lua. You can do this via Tools->Lua Console. I prefer to drag and drop neatevolve.lua into the running emulator.

  2. MarI/O will load, creating a base set of about 300 very simple genomes. This is as per the NEAT methodology, which starts with a very simple ANNs (i.e. very few hidden nodes), and evolves from there.

  3. You can see the ANN that MarI/O is currently evaluating by checking ‘Show Map’ setting in the MarI/O ‘Fitness’ window.

Congratulations! If all goes well you’ll see Mario sitting there or jumping up and down, like an idiot, while it learns how to play the game. Don’t worry, it gets ‘smarter’.

Restarting MarI/O

MarI/O saves the genomes of a given generation in a .pool file. The current generation being evaluated is saved in temp.pool. After each generation, a new .pool file will be saved, prefixed with the generation number.

If your computer melts, and you need to restart MarI/O;

  1. Delete temp.pool
  2. Copy the desired generation .pool file to DP1.state.pool
  3. In the MarI/O ‘Fitness’ window, load the DP1.state.pool
  4. MarI/O should resume from the latest complete generation.


Here are solutions to common errors myself an other people have ran into with MarI/O.

‘Buttonnames’ error

  LuaInterface.LuaScriptException: [string "main"]:33: attempt to get length of global 'ButtonNames' (a nil value)

The NEATevolve.lua script has a hardcoded (and relative) file reference to DP1.state. You need to make sure these files are in the same directory.

  1. Create a Save State in BizHawk at the start of the level you want the algorithm to learn.

  2. you’ll need to rename that file to DP1.state, and drop it in the same directory as the neatevolve.lua script. Putting both these files in the same directory as EmuHawk.exe is recommended

Source discusson on reddit

‘neurons’ error

  LuaInterface.LuaScriptException: [string "main"]:337: attempt to index field 'neurons' (a nil value)

A similar error - try the solution above, and failing that;

  1. As above create a quicksave at the start of a level Renamed the QuickSave1.state found in /SNES/State/ to DP1.state and move it to the folder with the EmuHawk executable.

  2. Put the neatevolve.lua file in the same folder as EmuHawk.exe.

  3. Noticed while I was testing that it generated a temp.pool file that seemed to have all the variables in it. Renamed that file to DP1.state.pool

Source discussion on reddit

‘Parameter name: source’ error

  "System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source"

Are you running MarI/O in a VM? Check out my notes on running MarI/O on OSX


Check out these discussions for more info on MarI/O




neatevolve.lua  文件内容:

-- MarI/O by SethBling
-- Feel free to use this code, but please do not redistribute it.
-- Intended for use with the BizHawk emulator and Super Mario World or Super Mario Bros. ROM.
-- For SMW, make sure you have a save state named "DP1.state" at the beginning of a level,
-- and put a copy in both the Lua folder and the root directory of BizHawk. if gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario World (USA)" then
Filename = "DP1.state"
ButtonNames = {
elseif gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario Bros." then
Filename = "SMB1-1.state"
ButtonNames = {
end BoxRadius = 6
InputSize = (BoxRadius*2+1)*(BoxRadius*2+1) Inputs = InputSize+1
Outputs = #ButtonNames Population = 300
DeltaDisjoint = 2.0
DeltaWeights = 0.4
DeltaThreshold = 1.0 StaleSpecies = 15 MutateConnectionsChance = 0.25
PerturbChance = 0.90
CrossoverChance = 0.75
LinkMutationChance = 2.0
NodeMutationChance = 0.50
BiasMutationChance = 0.40
StepSize = 0.1
DisableMutationChance = 0.4
EnableMutationChance = 0.2 TimeoutConstant = 20 MaxNodes = 1000000 function getPositions()
if gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario World (USA)" then
marioX = memory.read_s16_le(0x94)
marioY = memory.read_s16_le(0x96) local layer1x = memory.read_s16_le(0x1A);
local layer1y = memory.read_s16_le(0x1C); screenX = marioX-layer1x
screenY = marioY-layer1y
elseif gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario Bros." then
marioX = memory.readbyte(0x6D) * 0x100 + memory.readbyte(0x86)
marioY = memory.readbyte(0x03B8)+16 screenX = memory.readbyte(0x03AD)
screenY = memory.readbyte(0x03B8)
end function getTile(dx, dy)
if gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario World (USA)" then
x = math.floor((marioX+dx+8)/16)
y = math.floor((marioY+dy)/16) return memory.readbyte(0x1C800 + math.floor(x/0x10)*0x1B0 + y*0x10 + x%0x10)
elseif gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario Bros." then
local x = marioX + dx + 8
local y = marioY + dy - 16
local page = math.floor(x/256)%2 local subx = math.floor((x%256)/16)
local suby = math.floor((y - 32)/16)
local addr = 0x500 + page*13*16+suby*16+subx if suby >= 13 or suby < 0 then
return 0
end if memory.readbyte(addr) ~= 0 then
return 1
return 0
end function getSprites()
if gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario World (USA)" then
local sprites = {}
for slot=0,11 do
local status = memory.readbyte(0x14C8+slot)
if status ~= 0 then
spritex = memory.readbyte(0xE4+slot) + memory.readbyte(0x14E0+slot)*256
spritey = memory.readbyte(0xD8+slot) + memory.readbyte(0x14D4+slot)*256
sprites[#sprites+1] = {["x"]=spritex, ["y"]=spritey}
end return sprites
elseif gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario Bros." then
local sprites = {}
for slot=0,4 do
local enemy = memory.readbyte(0xF+slot)
if enemy ~= 0 then
local ex = memory.readbyte(0x6E + slot)*0x100 + memory.readbyte(0x87+slot)
local ey = memory.readbyte(0xCF + slot)+24
sprites[#sprites+1] = {["x"]=ex,["y"]=ey}
end return sprites
end function getExtendedSprites()
if gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario World (USA)" then
local extended = {}
for slot=0,11 do
local number = memory.readbyte(0x170B+slot)
if number ~= 0 then
spritex = memory.readbyte(0x171F+slot) + memory.readbyte(0x1733+slot)*256
spritey = memory.readbyte(0x1715+slot) + memory.readbyte(0x1729+slot)*256
extended[#extended+1] = {["x"]=spritex, ["y"]=spritey}
end return extended
elseif gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario Bros." then
return {}
end function getInputs()
getPositions() sprites = getSprites()
extended = getExtendedSprites() local inputs = {} for dy=-BoxRadius*16,BoxRadius*16,16 do
for dx=-BoxRadius*16,BoxRadius*16,16 do
inputs[#inputs+1] = 0 tile = getTile(dx, dy)
if tile == 1 and marioY+dy < 0x1B0 then
inputs[#inputs] = 1
end for i = 1,#sprites do
distx = math.abs(sprites[i]["x"] - (marioX+dx))
disty = math.abs(sprites[i]["y"] - (marioY+dy))
if distx <= 8 and disty <= 8 then
inputs[#inputs] = -1
end for i = 1,#extended do
distx = math.abs(extended[i]["x"] - (marioX+dx))
disty = math.abs(extended[i]["y"] - (marioY+dy))
if distx < 8 and disty < 8 then
inputs[#inputs] = -1
end --mariovx = memory.read_s8(0x7B)
--mariovy = memory.read_s8(0x7D) return inputs
end function sigmoid(x)
return 2/(1+math.exp(-4.9*x))-1
end function newInnovation()
pool.innovation = pool.innovation + 1
return pool.innovation
end function newPool()
local pool = {}
pool.species = {}
pool.generation = 0
pool.innovation = Outputs
pool.currentSpecies = 1
pool.currentGenome = 1
pool.currentFrame = 0
pool.maxFitness = 0 return pool
end function newSpecies()
local species = {}
species.topFitness = 0
species.staleness = 0
species.genomes = {}
species.averageFitness = 0 return species
end function newGenome()
local genome = {}
genome.genes = {}
genome.fitness = 0
genome.adjustedFitness = 0
genome.network = {}
genome.maxneuron = 0
genome.globalRank = 0
genome.mutationRates = {}
genome.mutationRates["connections"] = MutateConnectionsChance
genome.mutationRates["link"] = LinkMutationChance
genome.mutationRates["bias"] = BiasMutationChance
genome.mutationRates["node"] = NodeMutationChance
genome.mutationRates["enable"] = EnableMutationChance
genome.mutationRates["disable"] = DisableMutationChance
genome.mutationRates["step"] = StepSize return genome
end function copyGenome(genome)
local genome2 = newGenome()
for g=1,#genome.genes do
table.insert(genome2.genes, copyGene(genome.genes[g]))
genome2.maxneuron = genome.maxneuron
genome2.mutationRates["connections"] = genome.mutationRates["connections"]
genome2.mutationRates["link"] = genome.mutationRates["link"]
genome2.mutationRates["bias"] = genome.mutationRates["bias"]
genome2.mutationRates["node"] = genome.mutationRates["node"]
genome2.mutationRates["enable"] = genome.mutationRates["enable"]
genome2.mutationRates["disable"] = genome.mutationRates["disable"] return genome2
end function basicGenome()
local genome = newGenome()
local innovation = 1 genome.maxneuron = Inputs
mutate(genome) return genome
end function newGene()
local gene = {}
gene.into = 0
gene.out = 0
gene.weight = 0.0
gene.enabled = true
gene.innovation = 0 return gene
end function copyGene(gene)
local gene2 = newGene()
gene2.into = gene.into
gene2.out = gene.out
gene2.weight = gene.weight
gene2.enabled = gene.enabled
gene2.innovation = gene.innovation return gene2
end function newNeuron()
local neuron = {}
neuron.incoming = {}
neuron.value = 0.0 return neuron
end function generateNetwork(genome)
local network = {}
network.neurons = {} for i=1,Inputs do
network.neurons[i] = newNeuron()
end for o=1,Outputs do
network.neurons[MaxNodes+o] = newNeuron()
end table.sort(genome.genes, function (a,b)
return (a.out < b.out)
for i=1,#genome.genes do
local gene = genome.genes[i]
if gene.enabled then
if network.neurons[gene.out] == nil then
network.neurons[gene.out] = newNeuron()
local neuron = network.neurons[gene.out]
table.insert(neuron.incoming, gene)
if network.neurons[gene.into] == nil then
network.neurons[gene.into] = newNeuron()
end genome.network = network
end function evaluateNetwork(network, inputs)
table.insert(inputs, 1)
if #inputs ~= Inputs then
console.writeline("Incorrect number of neural network inputs.")
return {}
end for i=1,Inputs do
network.neurons[i].value = inputs[i]
end for _,neuron in pairs(network.neurons) do
local sum = 0
for j = 1,#neuron.incoming do
local incoming = neuron.incoming[j]
local other = network.neurons[incoming.into]
sum = sum + incoming.weight * other.value
end if #neuron.incoming > 0 then
neuron.value = sigmoid(sum)
end local outputs = {}
for o=1,Outputs do
local button = "P1 " .. ButtonNames[o]
if network.neurons[MaxNodes+o].value > 0 then
outputs[button] = true
outputs[button] = false
end return outputs
end function crossover(g1, g2)
-- Make sure g1 is the higher fitness genome
if g2.fitness > g1.fitness then
tempg = g1
g1 = g2
g2 = tempg
end local child = newGenome() local innovations2 = {}
for i=1,#g2.genes do
local gene = g2.genes[i]
innovations2[gene.innovation] = gene
end for i=1,#g1.genes do
local gene1 = g1.genes[i]
local gene2 = innovations2[gene1.innovation]
if gene2 ~= nil and math.random(2) == 1 and gene2.enabled then
table.insert(child.genes, copyGene(gene2))
table.insert(child.genes, copyGene(gene1))
end child.maxneuron = math.max(g1.maxneuron,g2.maxneuron) for mutation,rate in pairs(g1.mutationRates) do
child.mutationRates[mutation] = rate
end return child
end function randomNeuron(genes, nonInput)
local neurons = {}
if not nonInput then
for i=1,Inputs do
neurons[i] = true
for o=1,Outputs do
neurons[MaxNodes+o] = true
for i=1,#genes do
if (not nonInput) or genes[i].into > Inputs then
neurons[genes[i].into] = true
if (not nonInput) or genes[i].out > Inputs then
neurons[genes[i].out] = true
end local count = 0
for _,_ in pairs(neurons) do
count = count + 1
local n = math.random(1, count) for k,v in pairs(neurons) do
n = n-1
if n == 0 then
return k
end return 0
end function containsLink(genes, link)
for i=1,#genes do
local gene = genes[i]
if gene.into == link.into and gene.out == link.out then
return true
end function pointMutate(genome)
local step = genome.mutationRates["step"] for i=1,#genome.genes do
local gene = genome.genes[i]
if math.random() < PerturbChance then
gene.weight = gene.weight + math.random() * step*2 - step
gene.weight = math.random()*4-2
end function linkMutate(genome, forceBias)
local neuron1 = randomNeuron(genome.genes, false)
local neuron2 = randomNeuron(genome.genes, true) local newLink = newGene()
if neuron1 <= Inputs and neuron2 <= Inputs then
--Both input nodes
if neuron2 <= Inputs then
-- Swap output and input
local temp = neuron1
neuron1 = neuron2
neuron2 = temp
end newLink.into = neuron1
newLink.out = neuron2
if forceBias then
newLink.into = Inputs
end if containsLink(genome.genes, newLink) then
newLink.innovation = newInnovation()
newLink.weight = math.random()*4-2 table.insert(genome.genes, newLink)
end function nodeMutate(genome)
if #genome.genes == 0 then
end genome.maxneuron = genome.maxneuron + 1 local gene = genome.genes[math.random(1,#genome.genes)]
if not gene.enabled then
gene.enabled = false local gene1 = copyGene(gene)
gene1.out = genome.maxneuron
gene1.weight = 1.0
gene1.innovation = newInnovation()
gene1.enabled = true
table.insert(genome.genes, gene1) local gene2 = copyGene(gene)
gene2.into = genome.maxneuron
gene2.innovation = newInnovation()
gene2.enabled = true
table.insert(genome.genes, gene2)
end function enableDisableMutate(genome, enable)
local candidates = {}
for _,gene in pairs(genome.genes) do
if gene.enabled == not enable then
table.insert(candidates, gene)
end if #candidates == 0 then
end local gene = candidates[math.random(1,#candidates)]
gene.enabled = not gene.enabled
end function mutate(genome)
for mutation,rate in pairs(genome.mutationRates) do
if math.random(1,2) == 1 then
genome.mutationRates[mutation] = 0.95*rate
genome.mutationRates[mutation] = 1.05263*rate
end if math.random() < genome.mutationRates["connections"] then
end local p = genome.mutationRates["link"]
while p > 0 do
if math.random() < p then
linkMutate(genome, false)
p = p - 1
end p = genome.mutationRates["bias"]
while p > 0 do
if math.random() < p then
linkMutate(genome, true)
p = p - 1
end p = genome.mutationRates["node"]
while p > 0 do
if math.random() < p then
p = p - 1
end p = genome.mutationRates["enable"]
while p > 0 do
if math.random() < p then
enableDisableMutate(genome, true)
p = p - 1
end p = genome.mutationRates["disable"]
while p > 0 do
if math.random() < p then
enableDisableMutate(genome, false)
p = p - 1
end function disjoint(genes1, genes2)
local i1 = {}
for i = 1,#genes1 do
local gene = genes1[i]
i1[gene.innovation] = true
end local i2 = {}
for i = 1,#genes2 do
local gene = genes2[i]
i2[gene.innovation] = true
end local disjointGenes = 0
for i = 1,#genes1 do
local gene = genes1[i]
if not i2[gene.innovation] then
disjointGenes = disjointGenes+1
end for i = 1,#genes2 do
local gene = genes2[i]
if not i1[gene.innovation] then
disjointGenes = disjointGenes+1
end local n = math.max(#genes1, #genes2) return disjointGenes / n
end function weights(genes1, genes2)
local i2 = {}
for i = 1,#genes2 do
local gene = genes2[i]
i2[gene.innovation] = gene
end local sum = 0
local coincident = 0
for i = 1,#genes1 do
local gene = genes1[i]
if i2[gene.innovation] ~= nil then
local gene2 = i2[gene.innovation]
sum = sum + math.abs(gene.weight - gene2.weight)
coincident = coincident + 1
end return sum / coincident
end function sameSpecies(genome1, genome2)
local dd = DeltaDisjoint*disjoint(genome1.genes, genome2.genes)
local dw = DeltaWeights*weights(genome1.genes, genome2.genes)
return dd + dw < DeltaThreshold
end function rankGlobally()
local global = {}
for s = 1,#pool.species do
local species = pool.species[s]
for g = 1,#species.genomes do
table.insert(global, species.genomes[g])
table.sort(global, function (a,b)
return (a.fitness < b.fitness)
end) for g=1,#global do
global[g].globalRank = g
end function calculateAverageFitness(species)
local total = 0 for g=1,#species.genomes do
local genome = species.genomes[g]
total = total + genome.globalRank
end species.averageFitness = total / #species.genomes
end function totalAverageFitness()
local total = 0
for s = 1,#pool.species do
local species = pool.species[s]
total = total + species.averageFitness
end return total
end function cullSpecies(cutToOne)
for s = 1,#pool.species do
local species = pool.species[s] table.sort(species.genomes, function (a,b)
return (a.fitness > b.fitness)
end) local remaining = math.ceil(#species.genomes/2)
if cutToOne then
remaining = 1
while #species.genomes > remaining do
end function breedChild(species)
local child = {}
if math.random() < CrossoverChance then
g1 = species.genomes[math.random(1, #species.genomes)]
g2 = species.genomes[math.random(1, #species.genomes)]
child = crossover(g1, g2)
g = species.genomes[math.random(1, #species.genomes)]
child = copyGenome(g)
end mutate(child) return child
end function removeStaleSpecies()
local survived = {} for s = 1,#pool.species do
local species = pool.species[s] table.sort(species.genomes, function (a,b)
return (a.fitness > b.fitness)
end) if species.genomes[1].fitness > species.topFitness then
species.topFitness = species.genomes[1].fitness
species.staleness = 0
species.staleness = species.staleness + 1
if species.staleness < StaleSpecies or species.topFitness >= pool.maxFitness then
table.insert(survived, species)
end pool.species = survived
end function removeWeakSpecies()
local survived = {} local sum = totalAverageFitness()
for s = 1,#pool.species do
local species = pool.species[s]
breed = math.floor(species.averageFitness / sum * Population)
if breed >= 1 then
table.insert(survived, species)
end pool.species = survived
end function addToSpecies(child)
local foundSpecies = false
for s=1,#pool.species do
local species = pool.species[s]
if not foundSpecies and sameSpecies(child, species.genomes[1]) then
table.insert(species.genomes, child)
foundSpecies = true
end if not foundSpecies then
local childSpecies = newSpecies()
table.insert(childSpecies.genomes, child)
table.insert(pool.species, childSpecies)
end function newGeneration()
cullSpecies(false) -- Cull the bottom half of each species
for s = 1,#pool.species do
local species = pool.species[s]
local sum = totalAverageFitness()
local children = {}
for s = 1,#pool.species do
local species = pool.species[s]
breed = math.floor(species.averageFitness / sum * Population) - 1
for i=1,breed do
table.insert(children, breedChild(species))
cullSpecies(true) -- Cull all but the top member of each species
while #children + #pool.species < Population do
local species = pool.species[math.random(1, #pool.species)]
table.insert(children, breedChild(species))
for c=1,#children do
local child = children[c]
end pool.generation = pool.generation + 1 writeFile("backup." .. pool.generation .. "." .. forms.gettext(saveLoadFile))
end function initializePool()
pool = newPool() for i=1,Population do
basic = basicGenome()
end initializeRun()
end function clearJoypad()
controller = {}
for b = 1,#ButtonNames do
controller["P1 " .. ButtonNames[b]] = false
end function initializeRun()
rightmost = 0
pool.currentFrame = 0
timeout = TimeoutConstant
clearJoypad() local species = pool.species[pool.currentSpecies]
local genome = species.genomes[pool.currentGenome]
end function evaluateCurrent()
local species = pool.species[pool.currentSpecies]
local genome = species.genomes[pool.currentGenome] inputs = getInputs()
controller = evaluateNetwork(genome.network, inputs) if controller["P1 Left"] and controller["P1 Right"] then
controller["P1 Left"] = false
controller["P1 Right"] = false
if controller["P1 Up"] and controller["P1 Down"] then
controller["P1 Up"] = false
controller["P1 Down"] = false
end joypad.set(controller)
end if pool == nil then
end function nextGenome()
pool.currentGenome = pool.currentGenome + 1
if pool.currentGenome > #pool.species[pool.currentSpecies].genomes then
pool.currentGenome = 1
pool.currentSpecies = pool.currentSpecies+1
if pool.currentSpecies > #pool.species then
pool.currentSpecies = 1
end function fitnessAlreadyMeasured()
local species = pool.species[pool.currentSpecies]
local genome = species.genomes[pool.currentGenome] return genome.fitness ~= 0
end function displayGenome(genome)
local network = genome.network
local cells = {}
local i = 1
local cell = {}
for dy=-BoxRadius,BoxRadius do
for dx=-BoxRadius,BoxRadius do
cell = {}
cell.x = 50+5*dx
cell.y = 70+5*dy
cell.value = network.neurons[i].value
cells[i] = cell
i = i + 1
local biasCell = {}
biasCell.x = 80
biasCell.y = 110
biasCell.value = network.neurons[Inputs].value
cells[Inputs] = biasCell for o = 1,Outputs do
cell = {}
cell.x = 220
cell.y = 30 + 8 * o
cell.value = network.neurons[MaxNodes + o].value
cells[MaxNodes+o] = cell
local color
if cell.value > 0 then
color = 0xFF0000FF
color = 0xFF000000
gui.drawText(223, 24+8*o, ButtonNames[o], color, 9)
end for n,neuron in pairs(network.neurons) do
cell = {}
if n > Inputs and n <= MaxNodes then
cell.x = 140
cell.y = 40
cell.value = neuron.value
cells[n] = cell
end for n=1,4 do
for _,gene in pairs(genome.genes) do
if gene.enabled then
local c1 = cells[gene.into]
local c2 = cells[gene.out]
if gene.into > Inputs and gene.into <= MaxNodes then
c1.x = 0.75*c1.x + 0.25*c2.x
if c1.x >= c2.x then
c1.x = c1.x - 40
if c1.x < 90 then
c1.x = 90
end if c1.x > 220 then
c1.x = 220
c1.y = 0.75*c1.y + 0.25*c2.y end
if gene.out > Inputs and gene.out <= MaxNodes then
c2.x = 0.25*c1.x + 0.75*c2.x
if c1.x >= c2.x then
c2.x = c2.x + 40
if c2.x < 90 then
c2.x = 90
if c2.x > 220 then
c2.x = 220
c2.y = 0.25*c1.y + 0.75*c2.y
end gui.drawBox(50-BoxRadius*5-3,70-BoxRadius*5-3,50+BoxRadius*5+2,70+BoxRadius*5+2,0xFF000000, 0x80808080)
for n,cell in pairs(cells) do
if n > Inputs or cell.value ~= 0 then
local color = math.floor((cell.value+1)/2*256)
if color > 255 then color = 255 end
if color < 0 then color = 0 end
local opacity = 0xFF000000
if cell.value == 0 then
opacity = 0x50000000
color = opacity + color*0x10000 + color*0x100 + color
for _,gene in pairs(genome.genes) do
if gene.enabled then
local c1 = cells[gene.into]
local c2 = cells[gene.out]
local opacity = 0xA0000000
if c1.value == 0 then
opacity = 0x20000000
end local color = 0x80-math.floor(math.abs(sigmoid(gene.weight))*0x80)
if gene.weight > 0 then
color = opacity + 0x8000 + 0x10000*color
color = opacity + 0x800000 + 0x100*color
gui.drawLine(c1.x+1, c1.y, c2.x-3, c2.y, color)
end gui.drawBox(49,71,51,78,0x00000000,0x80FF0000) if forms.ischecked(showMutationRates) then
local pos = 100
for mutation,rate in pairs(genome.mutationRates) do
gui.drawText(100, pos, mutation .. ": " .. rate, 0xFF000000, 10)
pos = pos + 8
end function writeFile(filename)
local file = io.open(filename, "w")
file:write(pool.generation .. "\n")
file:write(pool.maxFitness .. "\n")
file:write(#pool.species .. "\n")
for n,species in pairs(pool.species) do
file:write(species.topFitness .. "\n")
file:write(species.staleness .. "\n")
file:write(#species.genomes .. "\n")
for m,genome in pairs(species.genomes) do
file:write(genome.fitness .. "\n")
file:write(genome.maxneuron .. "\n")
for mutation,rate in pairs(genome.mutationRates) do
file:write(mutation .. "\n")
file:write(rate .. "\n")
file:write("done\n") file:write(#genome.genes .. "\n")
for l,gene in pairs(genome.genes) do
file:write(gene.into .. " ")
file:write(gene.out .. " ")
file:write(gene.weight .. " ")
file:write(gene.innovation .. " ")
if(gene.enabled) then
end function savePool()
local filename = forms.gettext(saveLoadFile)
end function loadFile(filename)
local file = io.open(filename, "r")
pool = newPool()
pool.generation = file:read("*number")
pool.maxFitness = file:read("*number")
forms.settext(maxFitnessLabel, "Max Fitness: " .. math.floor(pool.maxFitness))
local numSpecies = file:read("*number")
for s=1,numSpecies do
local species = newSpecies()
table.insert(pool.species, species)
species.topFitness = file:read("*number")
species.staleness = file:read("*number")
local numGenomes = file:read("*number")
for g=1,numGenomes do
local genome = newGenome()
table.insert(species.genomes, genome)
genome.fitness = file:read("*number")
genome.maxneuron = file:read("*number")
local line = file:read("*line")
while line ~= "done" do
genome.mutationRates[line] = file:read("*number")
line = file:read("*line")
local numGenes = file:read("*number")
for n=1,numGenes do
local gene = newGene()
table.insert(genome.genes, gene)
local enabled
gene.into, gene.out, gene.weight, gene.innovation, enabled = file:read("*number", "*number", "*number", "*number", "*number")
if enabled == 0 then
gene.enabled = false
gene.enabled = true
end end
file:close() while fitnessAlreadyMeasured() do
pool.currentFrame = pool.currentFrame + 1
end function loadPool()
local filename = forms.gettext(saveLoadFile)
end function playTop()
local maxfitness = 0
local maxs, maxg
for s,species in pairs(pool.species) do
for g,genome in pairs(species.genomes) do
if genome.fitness > maxfitness then
maxfitness = genome.fitness
maxs = s
maxg = g
end pool.currentSpecies = maxs
pool.currentGenome = maxg
pool.maxFitness = maxfitness
forms.settext(maxFitnessLabel, "Max Fitness: " .. math.floor(pool.maxFitness))
pool.currentFrame = pool.currentFrame + 1
end function onExit()
end writeFile("temp.pool") event.onexit(onExit) form = forms.newform(200, 260, "Fitness")
maxFitnessLabel = forms.label(form, "Max Fitness: " .. math.floor(pool.maxFitness), 5, 8)
showNetwork = forms.checkbox(form, "Show Map", 5, 30)
showMutationRates = forms.checkbox(form, "Show M-Rates", 5, 52)
restartButton = forms.button(form, "Restart", initializePool, 5, 77)
saveButton = forms.button(form, "Save", savePool, 5, 102)
loadButton = forms.button(form, "Load", loadPool, 80, 102)
saveLoadFile = forms.textbox(form, Filename .. ".pool", 170, 25, nil, 5, 148)
saveLoadLabel = forms.label(form, "Save/Load:", 5, 129)
playTopButton = forms.button(form, "Play Top", playTop, 5, 170)
hideBanner = forms.checkbox(form, "Hide Banner", 5, 190) while true do
local backgroundColor = 0xD0FFFFFF
if not forms.ischecked(hideBanner) then
gui.drawBox(0, 0, 300, 26, backgroundColor, backgroundColor)
end local species = pool.species[pool.currentSpecies]
local genome = species.genomes[pool.currentGenome] if forms.ischecked(showNetwork) then
end if pool.currentFrame%5 == 0 then
end joypad.set(controller) getPositions()
if marioX > rightmost then
rightmost = marioX
timeout = TimeoutConstant
end timeout = timeout - 1 local timeoutBonus = pool.currentFrame / 4
if timeout + timeoutBonus <= 0 then
local fitness = rightmost - pool.currentFrame / 2
if gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario World (USA)" and rightmost > 4816 then
fitness = fitness + 1000
if gameinfo.getromname() == "Super Mario Bros." and rightmost > 3186 then
fitness = fitness + 1000
if fitness == 0 then
fitness = -1
genome.fitness = fitness if fitness > pool.maxFitness then
pool.maxFitness = fitness
forms.settext(maxFitnessLabel, "Max Fitness: " .. math.floor(pool.maxFitness))
writeFile("backup." .. pool.generation .. "." .. forms.gettext(saveLoadFile))
end console.writeline("Gen " .. pool.generation .. " species " .. pool.currentSpecies .. " genome " .. pool.currentGenome .. " fitness: " .. fitness)
pool.currentSpecies = 1
pool.currentGenome = 1
while fitnessAlreadyMeasured() do
end local measured = 0
local total = 0
for _,species in pairs(pool.species) do
for _,genome in pairs(species.genomes) do
total = total + 1
if genome.fitness ~= 0 then
measured = measured + 1
if not forms.ischecked(hideBanner) then
gui.drawText(0, 0, "Gen " .. pool.generation .. " species " .. pool.currentSpecies .. " genome " .. pool.currentGenome .. " (" .. math.floor(measured/total*100) .. "%)", 0xFF000000, 11)
gui.drawText(0, 12, "Fitness: " .. math.floor(rightmost - (pool.currentFrame) / 2 - (timeout + timeoutBonus)*2/3), 0xFF000000, 11)
gui.drawText(100, 12, "Max Fitness: " .. math.floor(pool.maxFitness), 0xFF000000, 11)
end pool.currentFrame = pool.currentFrame + 1 emu.frameadvance();



neatevolve.lua 文件   和  DP1.State  需要放在同一目录下,不然的话执行lua脚本时会找不到游戏的起始状态文件(DP1.State)。

Super Mario World (USA).sfc  游戏文件的位置没有特殊要求,本人操作时为了方便便将其一并放在了模拟器的根目录中。

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