enable_nestloop = off #默认为on
enable_seqscan = off #默认为on
enable_indexscan = on
enable_bitmapscan = on
max_connections = 1000 #默认为100
shared_buffers = 16GB # 默认为128MB
effective_cache_size = 24GB #默认为4GB
work_mem = 32MB
temp_buffers = 32MB
wal_buffers = 512MB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
autovacuum = on
autovacuum_max_workers = 3 #默认为3
autovacuum_work_mem = 256MB
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = 0.05 #默认为0.2
max_wal_size = 4GB #默认为1GB
min_wal_size = 1GB #默认为80MB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 #默认为0.5
checkpoint_timeout = 30min #默认为5min
log_destination = csvlog
log_directory = pg_log
logging_collector = on
log_min_duration_statement = 800
log_rotation_size = 1024MB
log_truncate_on_rotation = on
log_filename = 'xl_log_%a.log'


  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #command to execute script: su - postgres -c "./create.sh"
  3. #default value refer to standard server(cpu:6cores,memory:32G,storage:12T)
  4. #value according to the actual situation
  5. #List of parameters to be modified
  6. :<<!
  7. enable_seqscan = off
  8. enable_indexscan = on
  9. enable_bitmapscan = on
  10. max_connections = 1000
  11. shared_buffers = 16GB
  12. effective_cache_size = 24GB
  13. work_mem = 32MB
  14. temp_buffers = 32MB
  15. wal_buffers = 512MB
  16. maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
  17. autovacuum_max_workers = 3
  18. autovacuum_work_mem = 256MB
  19. checkpoint_timeout = 30min
  20. max_wal_size = 4GB
  21. min_wal_size = 1GB
  22. checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
  23. log_destination = csvlog
  24. log_directory = pg_log
  25. logging_collector = on
  26. log_min_duration_statement = 800
  27. log_rotation_size = 1024MB
  28. log_truncate_on_rotation = on
  29. log_filename = 'xl_log_%a.log'
  30. !
  31. ERROR="\033[41;37m ERROR \033[0m"
  32. INFO="\033[42;37m INFO \033[0m"
  33. WARN="\033[43;37m WARN \033[0m"
  34. COMMON_ERROR="some error happened, specific information please see console output"
  35. # Array of parameters
  36. declare -A parameter_array
  37. parameter_array=([enable_seqscan]=off [enable_indexscan]=on [enable_bitmapscan]=on [max_connections]=1000 [shared_buffers]=16GB
  38. [effective_cache_size]=24GB [work_mem]=32MB [temp_buffers]=32MB [wal_buffers]=512MB [maintenance_work_mem]=2GB
  39. [autovacuum_max_workers]=3 [autovacuum_work_mem]=256MB [checkpoint_timeout]=30min [max_wal_size]=4GB
  40. [min_wal_size]=1GB [checkpoint_completion_target]=0.9 [log_destination]=csvlog [log_directory]=pg_log
  41. [logging_collector]=on [log_min_duration_statement]=800 [log_rotation_size]=1024MB [log_truncate_on_rotation]=on [log_filename]=viid_log_%a.log )
  42. #default value :
  43. pgctl_path=
  44. data_directory=
  45. memory=
  46. # check command exit value, 0 is success
  47. function check_fun(){
  48. status=$?
  49. error=${COMMON_ERROR}
  50. if [[ 0 -ne ${status} ]] ; then
  51. echo -e "${ERROR} ${error}"
  52. exit 1
  53. fi
  54. }
  55. # prepare conditions
  56. function prepare_conditions(){
  57. data_directory=$(psql -qtAX -c "show data_directory" | sed 's/[ ]//g')
  58. check_fun
  59. if [[ ! -d "${data_directory}" ]] ; then
  60. echo -e "${ERROR} database's data directory does not exist"
  61. exit 1
  62. fi
  63. # physical machine environment
  64. memory=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2 / 1024 / 1024}' | sed 's/\.[0-9]*//' | tail -n 1)
  65. check_fun
  66. # docker environment
  67. memory_limit=$(($(awk '{print $1}' /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes) / 1024 / 1024 /1024))
  68. check_fun
  69. # comparing the two, choose the smaller one.
  70. if [[ "${memory_limit}" -le "${memory}" ]] ; then
  71. memory=${memory_limit}
  72. fi
  73. }
  74. # calculate parameters
  75. function calculate_parameters(){
  76. # 50%*memory
  77. parameter_array[shared_buffers]=$((memory * 1024 / 2))"MB"
  78. # 75%*memory
  79. parameter_array[effective_cache_size]=$((memory * 1024 * 3 / 4 ))"MB"
  80. # <1%
  81. parameter_array[work_mem]=${memory}"MB"
  82. # <1%
  83. parameter_array[temp_buffers]=${memory}"MB"
  84. # 32GB => 512MB
  85. parameter_array[wal_buffers]=$((memory * 16 ))"MB"
  86. # 32GB => 2048MB
  87. parameter_array[maintenance_work_mem]=$((memory * 64 ))"MB"
  88. }
  89. # modify parameters
  90. function modify_parameters(){
  91. # modify parameters by modifying file postgresql.conf:
  92. for parameter in ${!parameter_array[*]}
  93. do
  94. #check whether the parameters have been modified
  95. # PostgreSQL's default parameter configuration example: enable_seqscan = on
  96. # viid's example: enable_seqscan='on'
  97. check_out=$(grep "^${parameter}=" "${data_directory}"/postgresql.conf | grep -v '#' | tail -n 1)
  98. # process sleep
  99. sleep 0.2s
  100. if [[ -z "${check_out}" ]] ; then
  101. echo "${parameter}='${parameter_array[${parameter}]}'" >> "${data_directory}"/postgresql.conf
  102. check_fun
  103. echo -e "${INFO} modify ${parameter} successfully"
  104. else
  105. if [[ "${check_out}" = "${parameter}='${parameter_array[${parameter}]}'" ]] ; then
  106. echo -e "${INFO} ${parameter} is already configured, then skip this step"
  107. else
  108. sed -i s!^"${check_out}"!"${parameter}='${parameter_array[${parameter}]}'"!g "${data_directory}"/postgresql.conf
  109. check_fun
  110. echo -e "${INFO} modify ${parameter} successfully"
  111. fi
  112. fi
  113. done
  114. }
  115. # create directory(pg_log and pg_arch), and set user postgres permission
  116. function create_dir(){
  117. directory_array=("pg_arch" "pg_log")
  118. for directory in ${directory_array[*]};
  119. do
  120. # process sleep
  121. sleep 0.2s
  122. if [[ ! -d "${data_directory}/${directory}" ]] ; then
  123. mkdir -p "${data_directory}"/"${directory}"
  124. echo -e "${INFO} path ${data_directory}/${directory} create successfully"
  125. else
  126. echo -e "${INFO} ${data_directory}/${directory} is already exists, then skip this step"
  127. fi
  128. # set user postgres permission
  129. chown postgres:postgres "${data_directory}"/"${directory}"
  130. done
  131. }
  132. # because the environment is different, need to find the path of the database restart command 'pg_ctl'
  133. function find_cmd(){
  134. result=$(find / -name pg_ctl 2> /dev/null | grep bin/pg_ctl$ | tail -n 1 )
  135. # check whether the path exists
  136. if [[ -z "${result}" ]] ; then
  137. echo -e "${ERROR} database restart command 'pg_ctl' not exists"
  138. echo -e "${ERROR} please check to see if the database is installed or the command directory does not have permission to access it"
  139. exit 1
  140. else
  141. echo -e "${INFO} database restart command 'pg_ctl' path: ${result}"
  142. pgctl_path=${result}
  143. fi
  144. }
  145. # user choose whether to restart or not
  146. function check_restart(){
  147. read -r -p "Is it necessary to restart database immediately?[Enter YES or NO]:" result
  148. if [[ "${result,,}" = "yes" ]] ; then
  149. echo -e "${INFO} start to restart database"
  150. ${pgctl_path} restart -D "${data_directory}" >& /dev/null
  151. if [[ 0 -ne ${status} ]] ; then
  152. echo -e "${ERROR} restart database failed"
  153. exit 12
  154. fi
  155. elif [[ "${result,,}" = "no" ]] ; then
  156. echo -e "${WARN} please restart database manually"
  157. echo -e "${WARN} if you don't restart, database may not be available"
  158. exit 11
  159. else
  160. echo -e "${ERROR} invalid input,please enter again"
  161. check_restart
  162. fi
  163. }
  164. # ******* start *******
  165. # prepare conditions:memory ,data_directory
  166. prepare_conditions
  167. # calculate parameters
  168. calculate_parameters
  169. # modify parameters
  170. modify_parameters
  171. # create directory(pg_log and pg_arch)
  172. create_dir
  173. # the path of the database restart command 'pg_ctl'
  174. find_cmd
  175. # remind user that they need to restart database to take effect
  176. # process sleep
  177. sleep 0.5s
  178. echo -e ""
  179. echo -e "*******************************************************************"
  180. echo -e "* *"
  181. echo -e "* *"
  182. echo -e "* restart database to take effect *"
  183. echo -e "* *"
  184. echo -e "* *"
  185. echo -e "*******************************************************************"
  186. # process sleep
  187. sleep 0.5s
  188. # user choose whether to restart or not
  189. # check_restart
  190. echo -e "${INFO} start to restart database"
  191. ${pgctl_path} restart -D "${data_directory}" >& /dev/null
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