





A) Manage Jenkins->New Node

B) 设置新节点信息



# of executors:Jenkins在该代理(client)上支持的最大并发生成数,一般情况与client的CPU核数一致即可。

Tips:1.A good value to start with would be the number of CPU cores on the machine. Setting a higher value would cause each build to take longer, but could increase the overall throughput. For example, one build might be CPU-bound, while a second build running at the same time might be I/O-bound — so the second build could take advantage of the spare I/O capacity at that moment.

2.ents must have at least one executor. To temporarily prevent any builds from being executed on an agent, use the Mark this node temporarily offline button on the agent's page. does not apply to the Jenkins master — setting the number of executors to zero will prevent any builds from being executed on the master.

·Remote root directory:client节点需要有一个文件夹专门用于Jenkins,这里填写路径,比如:windows环境下,是:D:\Jenkins

Tips:1.client(代理)并不保存/持有重要数据信息。比如logs和artifacts存储在master上。Agent一般存储cache data比如installations,build workspace。



Tips:1.For example, if you have multiple Windows agents and you have a job that must run on Windows, then you could configure all your Windows agents to have the label windows, and then tie that job to this label.

This would ensure that your job runs on one of your Windows agents, but not on any agents without this label.

2.Labels do not necessarily have to represent the operating system on the agent; you can also use labels to note the CPU architecture, or that a certain tool is installed on the agent.

3.Multiple labels must be separated by a space. For example, windows docker would assign two labels to the agent: windows and docker.

4.Labels may contain any non-space characters, but you should avoid special characters such as any of these: !&|<>(), as other Jenkins features allow for defining label expressions, where these characters may be used.


Tips:1.Use this node as much as possible

This is the default setting.

In this mode, Jenkins uses this node freely. Whenever there is a build that can be done by using this node, Jenkins will use it.

2.Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node

In this mode, Jenkins will only build a project on this node when that project is restricted to certain nodes using a label expression, and that expression matches this node's name and/or labels.

This allows a node to be reserved for certain kinds of jobs. For example, if you have jobs that run performance tests, you may want them to only run on a specially configured machine, while preventing all other jobs from using that machine. To do so, you would restrict where the test jobs may run by giving them a label expression matching that machine.

Furthermore, if you set the # of executors value to 1, you can ensure that only one performance test will execute at any given time on that machine; no other builds will interfere.

·Launch methos:控制Jenkins在该节点上如何启动。

Tips:Launch agent via Java Web Start

Allows an agent to be launched using Java Web Start.

In this case, a JNLP file must be opened on the agent machine, which will establish a TCP connection to the Jenkins master.

This means that the agent need not be reachable from the master; the agent just needs to be able to reach the master. If you have enabled security via the Configure Global Security page, you can customize the port on which the Jenkins master will listen for incoming JNLP agent connections.

By default, the JNLP agent will launch a GUI, but it's also possible to run a JNLP agent without a GUI, e.g. as a Window service.


Tips:1.Keep this agent online as much as possible

In this mode, Jenkins will keep this agent online as much as possible.

If the agent goes offline, e.g. due to a temporary network failure, Jenkins will periodically attempt to restart it.

2.Take this agent online and offline at specific times

In this mode, Jenkins will bring this agent online at the scheduled time(s), remaining online for a specified amount of time.

If the agent goes offline while it is scheduled to be online, Jenkins will periodically attempt to restart it.

After this agent has been online for the number of minutes specified in the Scheduled 3.Uptime field, it will be taken offline.

If Keep online while builds are running is checked, and the agent is scheduled to be taken offline, Jenkins will wait for any any builds that may be in progress to complete.

Take this agent online when in demand, and offline when idle

In this mode, Jenkins will bring this agent online if there is demand, i.e. there are queued builds which meet the following criteria:

They have been in the queue for at least the specified In demand delay time period

They can be executed by this agent (e.g. have a matching label expression)

This agent will be taken offline if:

There are no active builds running on this agent

This agent has been idle for at least the specified Idle delay time period

·Node Properties:

Environment variables

Tool Locations




A) Agent登录


B) 配置打开JNLP功能

Manage Jenkins->Configure Global Security

在Agents分类中修改TCP port for JNLP agents选项为Random.

点击Agent protocols…,勾选Java Web Start Agent Protocol/4 (TLS encryption)即可。

C) 启动client连接

Manage Jenkins->Manage Nodes



这时,会下载一个文件slave-agent.jnlp,双击打开(前提需要安装Java Web Start Launcher或jdk环境)会有如下所示:



打开Manage Jenkins->Manage Nodes,然后就可以看到如下列表,显示client的信息:




A)在Agent program running界面,选择File->Install as a service

Tips:该功能需要有“.NET Framework 3.5 Features”







1) 理解层面:可能这里的启动并不是通过installutil

2) 技术层面:自动启动部分的安装还有原理不清楚



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