"Thank you," I said icily.

His eyes narrowed.

"You're welcome," he retorted.

I straightened up swiftly, turned away from him again, and stalked off to Gym without looking back.

Gym was brutal. We'd moved on to basketball.

My team never passed me the ball, so that was good, but I fell down a lot.

Sometimes I took people with me.

Today I was worse than usual because my head was so filled with Edward.

I tried to concentrate on my feet, but he kept creeping back into my thoughts just when I really needed my balance.

It was a relief, as always, to leave.

I almost ran to the truck; there were just so many people I wanted to avoid.

The truck had suffered only minimal damage in the accident.

I'd had to replace the taillights, and if I'd had a real paint job, I would have touched that up.

Tyler's parents had to sell their van for parts.

I almost had a stroke when I rounded the corner and saw a tall, dark figure leaning against the side of my truck.

Then I realized it was just Eric. I started walking again.

"Hey, Eric," I called.

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