Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

Last Significant Update: January 2003

A short summary of the patterns in Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (P of EAA).

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These pages are a brief overview of each of the patterns in P of EAA. They aren't intended to stand alone, but merely as a quick aide-memoire for those familiar with them, and a handy link if you want to refer to one online. In the future I may add some post-publication comments into the material here, but we'll see how that works out.

Many of these diagrams demonstrate the rather poor GIF output of Visio. The nice diagrams were redrawn for me by David Heinemeier Hansson

Domain Logic Patterns: Transaction Script (110), Domain Model (116), Table Module (125), Service Layer (133).

Data Source Architectural Patterns: Table Data Gateway (144), Row Data Gateway (152), Active Record (160), Data Mapper (165).

Object-Relational Behavioral Patterns: Unit of Work (184), Identity Map (195), Lazy Load (200)

Object-Relational Structural Patterns: Identity Field (216), Foreign Key Mapping (236), Association Table Mapping (248), Dependent Mapping (262), Embedded Value (268), Serialized LOB (272), Single Table Inheritance (278), Class Table Inheritance (285), Concrete Table Inheritance (293), Inheritance Mappers (302).

Object-Relational Metadata Mapping Patterns: Metadata Mapping (306), Query Object (316), Repository (322).

Web Presentation Patterns: Model View Controller (330), Page Controller (333), Front Controller (344), Template View (350), Transform View (361), Two-Step View (365), Application Controller (379).

Distribution Patterns: Remote Facade (388), Data Transfer Object (401)

Offline Concurrency Patterns: Optimistic Offline Lock (416), Pessimistic Offline Lock (426), Coarse Grained Lock (438), Implicit Lock (449).

Session State Patterns: Client Session State (456), Server Session State (458), Database Session State (462).

Base Patterns: Gateway (466), Mapper (473), Layer Supertype (475), Separated Interface (476), Registry (480), Value Object (486), Money (488), Special Case (496), Plugin (499), Service Stub (504), Record Set (508)

Revision History

Here's a list of the major updates to this paper

  • January 2003: 

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