ytkah在调试opencart项目时提示Warning: unlink(/storage/cache/cache.catalog.language.1556158719): No such file or directory in /system/library/cache/file.php on line 68,出现这个问题首先确认是否权限不够,如果权限不够,可以把对应的文件夹设为777。以下是详细的解决方案


chmod 0755 or 0777 system/storage/cache/
chmod 0755 or 0777 system/storage/download/
chmod 0755 or 0777 system/storage/logs/
chmod 0755 or 0777 system/storage/modification/
chmod 0755 or 0777 system/storage/session/
chmod 0755 or 0777 system/storage/upload/
chmod 0755 or 0777 system/storage/vendor/
chmod 0755 or 0777 image/
chmod 0755 or 0777 image/cache/
chmod 0755 or 0777 image/catalog/


2.清理缓存:extensions - modification - refresh
dashboard - cache右上角 - refresh
浏览器清理缓存:ctrl + f5强制刷新

namespace Cache;
class File {
private $expire; public function __construct($expire = 3600) {
$this->expire = $expire; $files = glob(DIR_CACHE . 'cache.*'); if ($files) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
$filename = basename($file); $time = substr(strrchr($file, '.'), 1); if ($time < time()) {
$this->delete(substr($filename, 6, strrpos($filename, '.') - 6));
} public function get($key) {
$files = glob(DIR_CACHE . 'cache.' . basename($key) . '.*'); if ($files) {
$handle = fopen($files[0], 'r'); flock($handle, LOCK_SH); $size = filesize($files[0]); if ($size > 0) {
$data = fread($handle, $size);
} else {
$data = '';
} flock($handle, LOCK_UN); fclose($handle); return json_decode($data, true);
} return false;
} public function set($key, $value) {
$this->delete($key); $file = DIR_CACHE . 'cache.' . basename($key) . '.' . (time() + $this->expire); $handle = fopen($file, 'w'); flock($handle, LOCK_EX); fwrite($handle, json_encode($value)); fflush($handle); flock($handle, LOCK_UN); fclose($handle);
} public function delete($key) {
$files = glob(DIR_CACHE . 'cache.' . basename($key) . '.*'); if ($files) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!@unlink($file)) {
clearstatcache(false, $file);


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