Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints,这篇论文是图像识别领域SIFT算法最为经典的一篇论文,导师给布置的第一篇任务就是它。网上找了好多找不到中译本,那就自己动手丰衣足食吧,顺便造福后人,花时间翻译啃下来并做一个笔记在这吧。


Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints



This paper presents a method for extracting distinctive invariant features from images that can be used to perform reliable matching between different views of an object or scene. The features are invariant to image scale and rotation, and are shown to provide robust matching across a a substantial(充实的,有实力的) range of affine(仿射,几何学) distortion(扭曲,变形), change in 3D viewpoint, addition of noise, and change in illumination.The features are highly distinctive, in the sense that a single feature can be correctly matched with high probability against a large database of features from many images. This paper also describes an approach to using these features for object recognition. The recognition proceeds by matching individual features to a database of features from known objects using a fast nearest-neighbor algorithm, followed by a Hough transform to identify clusters belonging to a single object, and finally performing verification through least-squares solution for consistent pose parameters. This approach to recognition can robustly identify objects among clutter and occlusion while achieving near real-time performance.
这篇文章展示了一种从图片中提取有特色的不变特征方法,它可以用来执行对一个物体或者风景不同视角之间的匹配。这些特征对于图像的伸缩以及旋转是不变的,而且展示出能对几何扭曲变形、变换三维视角,增加噪声,光照改变进行健壮的匹配。这些特征是独特的,在一幅场景中,一个单个的特征能够被正确的在很多图片的大量数据库中进行高可能性的匹配。这篇文章也提供一种方法来利用这些特征用于物体识别,这一识别通过在已知物体是什么的数据库中利用快速邻域法(fast nearest-neighbor algorithm)匹配独立的特征。紧接着用Hough变换以鉴别对于一个单个物体的类属,最终对一致姿势的属性通过最小方差法(least-squares solution)执行认证。这种方法识别能够很好的在聚类与闭塞(occlusion )之间识别物体的同时接近实时的表现



Image matching is a fundamental aspect of many problems in computer vision, including object or scene recognition, solving for 3D structure from multiple images, stereo correspondence, and motion tracking. This paper describes image features that have many properties that make them suitable for matching differing images of an object or scene. The features are invariant to image scaling and rotation, and partially invariant to change in illumination and 3D camera viewpoint. They are well localized in both the spatial and frequency domains, reducing the probability of disruption by occlusion, clutter, or noise. Large numbers of features can be extracted from typical images with efficient algorithms. In addition, the features are highly distinctive, which allows a single feature to be correctly matched with high probability against a large database of features, providing a basis for object and scene recognition.

The cost of extracting these features is minimized by taking a cascade filtering approach,in which the more expensive operations are applied only at locations that pass an initial test.Following are the major stages of computation used to generate the set of image features:
采用瀑布滤波器(cascade filtering卷积滤波器?)可以使提取特征的开销最小化,其中开销最大运算只在定位跟初始化测试时。接下来生成图像特征的主要的几个阶段:

1. Scale-space extrema detection: The first stage of computation searches over all scales and image locations. It is implemented efficiently by using a difference-of-Gaussian function to identify potential interest points that are invariant to scale and orientation.

2. Keypoint localization: At each candidate location, a detailed model is fit to determine location and scale. Keypoints are selected based on measures of their stability.

3. Orientation assignment: One or more orientations are assigned to each keypoint location based on local image gradient directions. All future operations are performed on image data that has been transformed relative to the assigned orientation, scale, and location for each feature, thereby providing invariance to these transformations.

4. Keypoint descriptor: The local image gradients are measured at the selected scale in the region around each keypoint. These are transformed into a representation that allows for significant levels of local shape distortion and change in illumination.

This approach has been named the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), as it transforms image data into scale-invariant coordinates relative to local eatures.

An important aspect of this approach is that it generates large numbers of features that densely cover the image over the full range of scales and locations. A typical image of size 500x500 pixels will give rise to about 2000 stable features (although this number depends on both image content and choices for various parameters). The quantity of features is particularly important for object recognition, where the ability to detect small objects in cluttered backgrounds requires that at least 3 features be correctly matched from each object for reliable identification.

For image matching and recognition, SIFT features are first extracted from a set of reference images and stored in a database. A new image is matched by individually comparing each feature from the new image to this previous database and finding candidate matching features based on Euclidean distance of their feature vectors. This paper will discuss fast nearest-neighbor algorithms that can perform this computation rapidly against large databases.

The keypoint descriptors are highly distinctive, which allows a single feature to find its correct match with good probability in a large database of features. However, in a cluttered 2 image, many features from the background will not have any correct match in the database, giving rise to many false matches in addition to the correct ones. The correct matches can be filtered from the full set of matches by identifying subsets of keypoints that agree on the object and its location, scale, and orientation in the new image. The probability that several features will agree on these parameters by chance is much lower than the probability that any individual feature match will be in error. The determination of these consistent clusters can be performed rapidly by using an efficient hash table implementation of the generalized Hough transform.

Each cluster of 3 or more features that agree on an object and its pose is then subject to further detailed verification. First, a least-squared estimate is made for an affine approximation to the object pose. Any other image features consistent with this pose are identified,and outliers are discarded. Finally, a detailed computation is made of the probability that a particular set of features indicates the presence of an object, given the accuracy of fit and number of probable false matches. Object matches that pass all these tests can be identified as correct with high confidence .

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