



class LRUCache
struct CacheNode
int key;
int value;
CacheNode(int k, int v) :key(k), value(v){}
int capacity;
list<CacheNode> cacheList;
unordered_map<int, list<CacheNode>::iterator> cacheMap;
LRUCache(int capacity)
this->capacity = capacity;
} int get(int key)
if (cacheMap.find(key) == cacheMap.end())return -;
cacheList.splice(cacheList.begin(), cacheList, cacheMap[key]);
cacheMap[key] = cacheList.begin(); return cacheMap[key]->value;
} void set(int key, int value)
if (cacheMap.find(key) == cacheMap.end())
if (cacheList.size() == capacity)
cacheList.push_front(CacheNode(key, value));
cacheMap[key] = cacheList.begin();
} else
cacheMap[key]->value = value;
cacheList.splice(cacheList.begin(), cacheList, cacheMap[key]);
cacheMap[key] = cacheList.begin();

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