A life without a dress rehearsal, every day is broadcast live.


Every day when I prepare to get to bed, I find it hard to deal with my worries about the future, for there are still quite a lot of things needed to be done this day but are just postponed to the next day.

Such feelings, in detail, frustrations of my incapability of self-control and self-management, fear about the uncertain futre, put on a heavy load in my brain, and always keep me awake in the night.

So I always can't have a high-quality sleep, insufficient rest at night in turn leads to a cheerless day, a vicious circle.

And I know such behaviours, as procrastination, would eventually wreck my own future, both my persoanl life and my professional career.

How to extricate myself out of procrastination?

Try to make a habit of reading my goals when I wake up in the morning and checking whether there is any progress being made when I get to bed.

Try to learn to imagine the process and have a detailed plan to deal with every obstacles.

I think I can beat procrastination and other bad habits. I am sure that I can choose the right road that can unlease my full potential.

A person who trusts no one can't be trusted.


From Jerome Blattner.

Some people say that they only trust themselves, when dealing with such fellows, I always want to bring an end as soon as possible.

If someone around me has shown any trace of this inclination, I would tell myself to maintain viligence if I have to deal with him.

Notice, relationship is always mutual.

If you want something or you want to be treated in some way, just give what you have first, or show your sincerity.

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