# tf.Session.run 方法是一个执行tf.Operation或者计算tf.Tensor的一个主要的机制
# 你可以传递一个或者多个tf.Operation或者tf.Tensor对象来给tf.Session.run
# TensorFlow会执行operation操作来计算结果
# tf.Session.run需要你来指定一系列的获取,这些决定了返回值
# 这些获取可以是 tf.Operation ,一个tf.Tensor 或者一个tensor-like type 列如tf.Variable
# 这些获取决定了子的计算图必须执行的操作来产生结果
import tensorflow as tf
x = tf.constant([[37.0, -23.0], [1.0, 4.0]])
w = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([2, 2]))
y = tf.matmul(x, w)
output = tf.nn.softmax(y)
init_op = w.initializer
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Run the initializer on 'w'
sess.run(init_op) # Evaluate 'output' , 'sess.run(output)' will return a NumPy array containing
# the result of the computation
print(sess.run(output)) # Evaluate 'y' and 'output'
# y will only be computed once,
# and its result used both to return
# y_valu and as an input to the tf.nn.softmax()
# op . both y_val and output_val will be NumPy arrays
y_val, output_val = sess.run([y, output]) # print result

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