

a. set[low] + set[high] > limit: 表示set[high]的体重人只能一人坐一船,得出boats += dic[set[high]], high -= 1;

b. set[low] + set[high] <= high: 表示可以共坐一船,但这里又要考虑  dic[set[high]] 与  dic[set[low]] 的大小:

b1. dic[set[high]]  > dic[set[low]]  : 得出 boats += dic[set[low]], low += 1;

b2.dic[set[high]]  < dic[set[low]]  : 得出 boats += dic[set[high]], high -= 1;

b3:dic[set[high]]  == dic[set[low]]  : 得出 boats += dic[set[high]], high -= 1,low += 1;

最后当low == high的时候,表示只剩下相同体重的人,这时判断这些人能否共坐一船,得出最终boats的总数。


class Solution(object):
def numRescueBoats(self, people, limit):
:type people: List[int]
:type limit: int
:rtype: int
dic = {}
puniq = []
for i in people:
if i not in dic:
dic[i] = 1
dic[i] += 1
boats = 0
low = 0
high = len(puniq) - 1
while low < high:
if puniq[low] + puniq[high] > limit:
boats += dic[puniq[high]]
dic[puniq[high]] = 0
high -= 1
if dic[puniq[low]] > dic[puniq[high]]:
boats += dic[puniq[high]]
dic[puniq[low]] -= dic[puniq[high]]
dic[puniq[high]] = 0
high -= 1
elif dic[puniq[low]] < dic[puniq[high]]:
boats += dic[puniq[low]]
dic[puniq[high]] -= dic[puniq[low]]
dic[puniq[low]] = 0
low += 1
boats += dic[puniq[high]]
dic[puniq[high]] = 0
dic[puniq[low]] = 0
low += 1
high -= 1
if limit >= puniq[high]*2:
boats += ((dic[puniq[high]]/2) + (dic[puniq[high]]%2))
boats += dic[puniq[high]]
#boats += dic[puniq[low]] return boats

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