Gym 100942A Three seamarks
我们可以把给定的角看成圆周角 从而算出圆心角
如果$M1\ M2$确定出来的两个圆与$M2\ M3$确定出来的两个圆圆心不同的话
再判断这两个圆的交点即为答案 另外每次两个交点中一定有一个点是$M2$
此题卡精度比较严重 不要随意地使用三角函数库函数 尤其是$atan2$这类的
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const double eps = 1e-, inf = 1e8, pi = acos(-1.0);
const double eps2 = 1e-;
struct point
double x, y;
point(double _x,double _y)
x = _x;
y = _y;
point operator - (const point &p) const
return point(x - p.x, y - p.y);
point operator + (const point &p) const
return point(x + p.x, y + p.y);
double operator * (const point &p) const
return x * p.y - y * p.x;
double operator / (const point &p) const
return x * p.x + y * p.y;
struct circle
double x, y, r;
int t, cnt;
double ang1, ang2;
bool flag;
double getdist2(const point &aa)
return (aa.x * aa.x + aa.y * aa.y);
double mycos(double B, double C, double A)
return (B * B + C * C - A * A) / (B * C * );
double mycos2(const point &aa, const point &bb, const point &cc)
double C2 = getdist2(aa - bb), A2 = getdist2(bb - cc), B2 = getdist2(cc - aa);
return (B2 + C2 - A2) / (sqrt(B2 * C2) * );
point rotate(const point &p, double cost, double sint)
double x = p.x, y = p.y;
return point(x * cost - y * sint, x * sint + y * cost);
void getcircle(const point &aa, const point &bb, double ang)
ang = (ang < pi * 0.5 ? ang: pi - ang);
point mid;
mid.x = (aa.x + bb.x) * 0.5;
mid.y = (aa.y + bb.y) * 0.5;
if(ang + eps < pi * 0.5)
double tan1 = tan(ang);
c[cnt].x = mid.x + (aa.y - mid.y) / tan1;
c[cnt].y = mid.y - (aa.x - mid.x) / tan1;
c[cnt].r = sqrt(getdist2(mid - point(c[cnt].x, c[cnt].y)) +
getdist2(mid - aa));
c[cnt].x = mid.x - (aa.y - mid.y) / tan1;
c[cnt].y = mid.y + (aa.x - mid.x) / tan1;
c[cnt].r = c[cnt - ].r;
c[cnt].x = mid.x;
c[cnt].y = mid.y;
c[cnt].r = sqrt(getdist2(mid - aa));
c[cnt] = c[cnt - ];
bool checkpoint(const point &re)
for(int i = ; i < ; ++i)
if(getdist2(a[i] -re) < eps)
return ;
double tmp = acos(mycos2(re, a[], a[])) - ang1 - pi;
while(tmp < -eps2)
tmp += pi;
if(abs(tmp) > eps2)
return ;
tmp = acos(mycos2(re, a[], a[])) - ang2 - pi;
while(tmp < -eps2)
tmp += pi;
return abs(tmp) < eps2;
void getpoint2(const circle &c1)
double dab = sqrt(getdist2(point(a[].x - a[].x, a[].y - a[].y)));
double ang = acos(dab / (c1.r * ));
ang -= ang1;
double len = c1.r * * cos(ang);
double cang1 = cos(ang1);
double l2 = len * cang1;
point d, re;
d.x = a[].x + (a[].x - a[].x) * l2 / dab;
d.y = a[].y + (a[].y - a[].y) * l2 / dab;
double l3 = len * sqrt( - cang1 * cang1);
re.x = d.x + (a[].y - a[].y) * l3 / dab;
re.y = d.y - (a[].x - a[].x) * l3 / dab;
printf("%.8f %.8f\n", re.x, re.y);
flag = ;
re.x = d.x - (a[].y - a[].y) * l3 / dab;
re.y = d.y + (a[].x - a[].x) * l3 / dab;
printf("%.8f %.8f\n", re.x, re.y);
flag = ;
void getpoint(circle c1, circle c2)
double dab = sqrt(getdist2(point(c1.x, c1.y) - point(c2.x, c2.y)));
if(dab < eps)
if(c1.r > c2.r)
swap(c1, c2);
double cost = mycos(c1.r, dab, c2.r);
double sint = sqrt( - cost * cost);
point re = rotate(point(c2.x, c2.y) - point(c1.x, c1.y), cost, sint);
re.x = c1.x + re.x * (c1.r / dab);
re.y = c1.y + re.y * (c1.r / dab);
if(getdist2(a[] - re) < eps)
re = rotate(point(c2.x, c2.y) - point(c1.x, c1.y), cost, -sint);
re.x = c1.x + re.x * (c1.r / dab);
re.y = c1.y + re.y * (c1.r / dab);
flag = ;
printf("%.8f %.8f\n", re.x, re.y);
int main()
scanf("%d", &t);
for(int i = ; i < ; ++i)
scanf("%lf%lf", &a[i].x, &a[i].y);
scanf("%lf%lf", &ang1, &ang2);
ang1 = ang1 * pi / ;
ang2 = ang2 * pi / ;
cnt = ;
getcircle(a[], a[], ang1);
getcircle(a[], a[], ang2);
flag = ;
getpoint(c[], c[]);
getpoint(c[], c[]);
getpoint(c[], c[]);
getpoint(c[], c[]);
return ;
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