
On an alphabet board, we start at position (0, 0), corresponding to character board[0][0].

Here, board = ["abcde", "fghij", "klmno", "pqrst", "uvwxy", "z"], as shown in the diagram below.

We may make the following moves:

  • 'U' moves our position up one row, if the position exists on the board;
  • 'D' moves our position down one row, if the position exists on the board;
  • 'L' moves our position left one column, if the position exists on the board;
  • 'R' moves our position right one column, if the position exists on the board;
  • '!' adds the character board[r][c] at our current position (r, c) to the answer.

(Here, the only positions that exist on the board are positions with letters on them.)

Return a sequence of moves that makes our answer equal to target in the minimum number of moves.  You may return any path that does so.

Example 1:

Input: target = "leet"
Output: "DDR!UURRR!!DDD!"

Example 2:

Input: target = "code"
Output: "RR!DDRR!UUL!R!"


  • 1 <= target.length <= 100
  • target consists only of English lowercase letters.



class Solution(object):
def alphabetBoardPath(self, target):
:type target: str
:rtype: str
board = ["abcde", "fghij", "klmno", "pqrst", "uvwxy", "z"]
dic = {}
for i in range(len(board)):
for j in range(len(board[i])):
dic[board[i][j]] = (i,j)
x,y = 0,0
res = ''
for i in target:
x1,y1 = dic[i]
if i == 'z':
v = y - y1
if v > 0:
res += 'L' * v
res += 'R' * (-v)
v = x - x1
if v > 0:
res += 'U' * v
res += 'D' * (-v)
v = x - x1
if v > 0:
res += 'U' * v
res += 'D' * (-v)
v = y - y1
if v > 0:
res += 'L'*v
res += 'R' * (-v)
res += '!'
x,y = x1,y1
return res

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