

You don't have permission to access / on this server.  



2、cd /etc/apache2  --切换到apache目录

3、sudo vim httpd.conf  --需要输入电脑密码


<Directory "/Users/apple/Sites/">--/Users/apple/Sites是自己设置的apache指向的站点目录,默认是/Library/WebServer/Document
  Options Indexes MultiViews   
  AllowOverride All      # OSX 10.9 / Apache 2.2   
  Order from deny, allow   


<Directory "/Users/apple/Sites/">--/Users/apple/Sites是自己设置的apache指向的站点目录,默认是/Library/WebServer/Document

  Options Indexes MultiViews

  AllowOverride All   
  # OSX 10.10 / Apache 2.4
  Require all granted   

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