
(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7)

hash_pbkdf2 — Generate a PBKDF2 key derivation of a supplied password


string hash_pbkdf2 ( string $algo , string $password , string $salt , int $iterations [, int $length = 0 [, bool$raw_output = FALSE ]] )



Name of selected hashing algorithm (i.e. md5sha256haval160,4, etc..) See hash_algos() for a list of supported algorithms.


The password to use for the derivation.


The salt to use for the derivation. This value should be generated randomly.


The number of internal iterations to perform for the derivation.


The length of the output string. If raw_output is TRUE this corresponds to the byte-length of the derived key, if raw_output is FALSEthis corresponds to twice the byte-length of the derived key (as every byte of the key is returned as two hexits).

If 0 is passed, the entire output of the supplied algorithm is used.


When set to TRUE, outputs raw binary data. FALSE outputs lowercase hexits.

Return Values

Returns a string containing the derived key as lowercase hexits unless raw_output is set to TRUE in which case the raw binary representation of the derived key is returned.


An E_WARNING will be raised if the algorithm is unknown, the iterations parameter is less than or equal to 0, the length is less than 0 or the salt is too long (greater than INT_MAX - 4).


Version Description
7.2.0 Usage of non-cryptographic hash functions (adler32, crc32, crc32b, fnv132, fnv1a32, fnv164, fnv1a64, joaat) was disabled.


Example #1 hash_pbkdf2() example, basic usage

$password = "password";
$iterations = 1000;

// Generate a random IV using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()
// random_bytes() or another suitable source of randomness
$salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);

$hash = hash_pbkdf2("sha256", $password, $salt, $iterations, 20);
echo $hash;

The above example will output something similar to:




The PBKDF2 method can be used for hashing passwords for storage. However, it should be noted that password_hash() or crypt()with CRYPT_BLOWFISH are better suited for password storage.

crypto.pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest, callback)#


Provides an asynchronous Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) implementation. A selected HMAC digest algorithm specified by digest is applied to derive a key of the requested byte length (keylen) from thepasswordsalt and iterations.

The supplied callback function is called with two arguments: err and derivedKey. If an error occurs while deriving the key, err will be set; otherwise err will be null. By default, the successfully generated derivedKey will be passed to the callback as a Buffer. An error will be thrown if any of the input arguments specify invalid values or types.

If digest is null'sha1' will be used. This behavior is deprecated, please specify a digest explicitely.

The iterations argument must be a number set as high as possible. The higher the number of iterations, the more secure the derived key will be, but will take a longer amount of time to complete.

The salt should be as unique as possible. It is recommended that a salt is random and at least 16 bytes long. See NIST SP 800-132 for details.

const crypto = require('crypto');
crypto.pbkdf2('secret', 'salt', 100000, 64, 'sha512', (err, derivedKey) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(derivedKey.toString('hex')); // '3745e48...08d59ae'

The crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING property can be used to change the way the derivedKey is passed to the callback. This property, however, has been deprecated and use should be avoided.

const crypto = require('crypto');
crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'hex';
crypto.pbkdf2('secret', 'salt', 100000, 512, 'sha512', (err, derivedKey) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(derivedKey); // '3745e48...aa39b34'

An array of supported digest functions can be retrieved using crypto.getHashes().

Note that this API uses libuv's threadpool, which can have surprising and negative performance implications for some applications, see the UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE documentation for more information.

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