原文: At the butcher's

A:Do you want any meat today,Mrs.B?


A:Do you want beef or lamb?

B:Beef please.

A:This lamb is very good.

B:I like lamb,but my husband doesn't.

A:What about some steak? This is a nice piece.

B:Give me that piece,please. And a pound of mince too.

A:Do you want a chicken,Mrs.B? There are very nice.

B:No thank you. My husband likes steak,but he doesn't  like chicken.

A:To tell you the truth,Mrs.B,I don't like chicken either.



butcher:屠夫,屠宰。 +‘s 是所有格  表示在某某家里  店里  at Sam's =at Sam's home.





mince:切碎,切碎物。  文中只肉馅。



To tell you the truth.  To tell the truth.  老实说。

I don't like chicken either.   either, 也不,  用于否定句中,  肯定句和疑问句可以用 too。

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