

裸的主席树。查询的时候,通过相减求出区间内左子树中数的个数a。然后判断要查找的k是否比这个z要大。如果比这个值大,那么就去右子树中查找第k - z大,否则去左子树中查找第k大。


* @Author: wxyww
* @Date: 2018-12-11 16:27:19
* @Last Modified time: 2018-12-11 16:46:07
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 200000 + 100;
ll read() {
ll x=0,f=1;char c=getchar();
while(c<'0'||c>'9') {
if(c=='-') f=-1;
while(c>='0'&&c<='9') {
return x*f;
int a[N],root[N];
int tree[N * 30],ls[N * 30],rs[N * 30];
int tot,dy[N];
void update(int &rt,int lst,int l,int r,int pos) {
rt = ++tot;
ls[rt] = ls[lst];rs[rt] = rs[lst];
tree[rt] = tree[lst] + 1;
if(l == r) return;
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if(pos <= mid) update(ls[rt],ls[lst],l,mid,pos);
else update(rs[rt],rs[lst],mid + 1,r,pos);
int query(int L,int R,int l,int r,int k) {
int z = tree[ls[R]] - tree[ls[L]];
if(l == r) return l;
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if(k <= z) return query(ls[L],ls[R],l,mid,k);
else return query(rs[L],rs[R],mid + 1,r,k - z);
int main() {
int n = read(),m = read();
for(int i = 1;i <= n;++i) ls[i] = a[i] = read(); sort(ls + 1,ls + n + 1);
int js = 0;
ma[ls[1]] = ++js;
dy[js] = ls[1];
for(int i = 2;i <= n;++i) if(ls[i] != ls[i - 1]) ma[ls[i]] = ++js,dy[js] = ls[i];
for(int i = 1;i <= n;++i) a[i] = ma[a[i]]; for(int i = 1;i <= n;++i) update(root[i],root[i - 1],1,js,a[i]); while(m--) {
int l = read(),r = read(),k = read();
printf("%d\n",dy[query(root[l - 1],root[r],1,js,k)]);
return 0;

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