nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server.


nginx has one master process and several worker processes. The main purpose of the master process is to read and evaluate configuration, and maintain worker processes. Worker processes do actual processing of requests. nginx employs event-based model and OS-dependent mechanisms to efficiently distribute requests among worker processes. The number of worker processes is defined in the configuration file and may be fixed for a given configuration or automatically adjusted to the number of available CPU cores






start nginx


tasklist /fi "imagename eq nginx.exe"


nginx/Windows runs as a standard console application (not a service), and it can be managed using the following commands:

  • nginx -s stop         fast shutdown
  • nginx -s quit          graceful shutdown,This command should be executed under the same user that started nginx
  • nginx -s reload      changing configuration, starting new worker processes with a new configuration, graceful shutdown of old worker processes
  • nginx -s reopen     re-opening log files

nginx的配置文件在 ./conf/nginx.conf 中,Configuration File文件的结构:

nginx consists of modules which are controlled by directives specified in the configuration file. Directives are divided into simple directives and block directives. A simple directive consists of the name and parameters separated by spaces and ends with a semicolon (;). A block directive has the same structure as a simple directive, but instead of the semicolon it ends with a set of additional instructions surrounded by braces ({ and }). If a block directive can have other directives inside braces, it is called a context (examples: eventshttp,server, and location).

Directives placed in the configuration file outside of any contexts are considered to be in the main context. The events and http directives reside in the main context, server in http, and location in server.

The rest of a line after the # sign is considered a comment.



yum install epel-release

yum install nginx

服务的管理 开启 查询 停止 重启

systemctl start nginx

systemctl status nginx

systemctl stop nginx

systemctl restart nginx 


systemctl reload nginx

nginx的主要配置文件在 /etc/nginx

核心配置文件是 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

日志文件是在 /var/log/nginx





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