Break through the psychological barrier to surpass themselves.


To break through those barriers which you think have hindered your growth, you must figure out what they are and how they have affected your growth.

Most often, they may be not barriers at all, and their effects on your growth may be not negative at all.

Even if in some extreme cases, it seems they have blocked the way, without being settled, you will not get any progress.

However, they actually provide some guidelines about how you can get improved.

Always try to challenge some new things, in the process of trying to challenge oursleves, we will be given the opportunities and experiences that we otherwise would have missed.

Like the work-control-flow in many big companies, maybe at the beginning you will think it is not convenient when working with it, because you have to keep attention to most of its nodes.

But once you are familiar with it, you will find it can assist your efforts and improve the cooperative efficiency, especially when the size and the scope of the projects are much larger.

Just being patient to make the work-flow clear, don't be afraid to allocate resources, we can learn a lot from cooperating with many excellent colleagues.

Reprove your friend privately, commend them publicly.


From Solon.

This is a good way to make friends and maintain friendships, it will make you become more and more popular in your community, both in your life and in your work.

Recently, I have met a lot of new friends, they are very excellent and professional.

I found my abilities, compared with their's, may be limited and inferior.

I felt so anxious, but I think it also serves as a good opportunity to improve my abilities and broaden my knowledge, as well as interpersonal relationship.

It was another encounter that made me happy, I found the courage to step out of my geographical and psychological comfort zone.

How to fit in the group quickly and how to help them with their growing workload?

Maybe I should be more optimistic and be open, interested and willing to get out and interact with my new colleagues.

Notice every minute counts, they are the very componets of our life. Do something that can make them valuable.

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