def debug(func):

def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # 指定宇宙无敌参数

    print "[DEBUG]: enter {}()".format(func.__name__)

    print 'Prepare and say...',

         return func(*args, **kwargs)

 return wrapper # 返回


def say(something):

  print "hello {}!".format(something)




#!/usr/bin/env python
#todo use decorator to decorate the function that need debug and its function name
def debug(f):
  def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
    print("this is the name of function: {0}".format(f.__name__))
    if kwargs['username'] != 'admin':
      raise Exception('you need to be admin') 
    f(*args,**kwargs) #装饰器内部函数的参数等于被修饰函数的参数
  return wrapper

def say_hi(sth,username):

  print("this is position args {0}".format(sth))
  print("i am the master: {0}".format(username))
if __name__ == '__main__':
  say_hi('first args',username='admin')
  say_hi('first args',username='haha')

*args  -- 相当于 列表   **kwargs -- 相当于字典

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