
var preview = plus.webview.currentWebview().opener() //获取当前窗口的创建者,即A
preview.evalJS("preference.refreshAttensionInfo('author')") //执行父窗口中的方法 A中的showAG方法


// 语音 长按
document.getElementById('app-voice').addEventListener('longtap', function () {
}) // 语音 松开
document.getElementById('app-voice').addEventListener('touchend', function () {


* @author mona
* @date 2017-11-10
* @desc 聊天
*/ /*var preview = plus.webview.currentWebview().opener(); //获取当前窗口的创建者,即A
preview.evalJS("preference.refreshAttensionInfo('author')"); //执行父窗口中的方法 A中的showAG方法
plus.webview.currentWebview().close();*/ /**
* 功能需求:语音,文字,图片,拍照,视频
*/ var apiURL = WebIM.config.apiURL
var conn = null
var textSending = false
var appkey = WebIM.config.appkey
var userInfo = JSON.parse(window.localStorage["userInfo"]) //{fullName:'editor5', id:'5', status:'1', imStatus: '1'}//JSON.parse(window.localStorage["userInfo"])
var curUserId = userInfo.id
var userName = userInfo.fullName
var chatId = null
console.log('userInfo=>', window.localStorage["userInfo"]) var conn = new WebIM.connection({
isMultiLoginSessions: WebIM.config.isMultiLoginSessions,
https: typeof WebIM.config.https === 'boolean' ? WebIM.config.https : location.protocol === 'https:',
url: WebIM.config.xmppURL,
heartBeatWait: WebIM.config.heartBeatWait,
autoReconnectNumMax: WebIM.config.autoReconnectNumMax,
autoReconnectInterval: WebIM.config.autoReconnectInterval,
apiUrl: WebIM.config.apiURL,
isAutoLogin: true
}); // 允许发送的文件类型
var allowSendFileType = {
img: {'jpg': true, 'gif': true, 'png': true, 'bmp': true, 'mp3': true, 'jpeg': true},
audio: {"wav": true, "aac": true,"amr": true}
} // 发送消息的类型
var renderFileType = {text: 0, img: 1, audio: 2, video: 3, other: 4} // listern,添加回调函数
onOpened: function (message) {},
onTextMessage: function (message) {
console.log('接收到的文本消息', JSON.stringify(message))
/*var msgData = {
var msgData = message
var type = 'text'
var msg = msgData.data
var isMe = msgData.from == curUserId
appIM.renderMsg(isMe, type, msg)
}, //收到文本消息
onEmojiMessage: function (message) {}, //收到表情消息
onPictureMessage: function (message) {}, //收到图片消息
onCmdMessage: function (message) {}, //收到命令消息
onAudioMessage: function (message) {}, //收到音频消息
onLocationMessage: function (message) {},//收到位置消息
onFileMessage: function (message) { var data = {"id":"402304991731122668",
try {
var lastDotIndex = message.filename.lastIndexOf('.')
var ext = message.filename.substring(lastDotIndex + 1)
var type = null
if (ext in allowSendFileType['img']) {
type = 'img'
} else if (ext in allowSendFileType['audio']) {
type = 'audio'
var msg = {fileUrl: message.url}
var isMe = message.from == curUserId
appIM.renderMsg(isMe, type, msg)
console.log(type, type, JSON.stringify(msg))
} catch (e) {
console.log('e', JSON.stringify(e))
}, //收到文件消息
onVideoMessage: function (message) {}, //收到视频消息
onPresence: function (message) {}, //收到联系人订阅请求(加好友)、处理群组、聊天室被踢解散等消息
onRoster: function (message) {}, //处理好友申请
onInviteMessage: function (message) {}, //处理群组邀请
onOnline: function () {}, //本机网络连接成功
onOffline: function () {}, //本机网络掉线
onError: function (message) {}, //失败回调
onBlacklistUpdate: function (list) {}
}); var appIM = {
// 登录时的时间戳和登录类型 password/token
validTabs: function () {
if (!WebIM.config.isMultiLoginSessions || !window.localStorage) {
return true
} else {
Demo.userTimestamp = new Date().getTime()
var key = 'easemob_' + Demo.user
var val = window.localStorage.getItem(key)
var count = 0
var oneMinute = 60 * 1000 if (val === undefined || val === '' || val === null) {
val = 'last'
val = Demo.userTimestamp + ',' + val
var timestampArr = val.split(',')
var uniqueTimestampArr = [] for (var o in timestampArr) {
if (timestampArr[o] === 'last')
uniqueTimestampArr[timestampArr[o]] = 1
} val = 'last'
for (var o in uniqueTimestampArr) {
if (parseInt(o) + oneMinute < Demo.userTimestamp) {
if (count > this.state.pageLimit) {
return false
val = o + ',' + val
window.localStorage.setItem(key, val)
return true
// 注册 param.username param.password
regist: function (param) {
var _this = this
var user = param.username
var pass = param.password
if (user == '' || pass == '') {
console.log("用户名/密码/昵称 不能为空")
var options = {
username: user,
password: pass,
nickname: '',
appKey: appkey,
apiUrl: apiURL,
success: function () {
error: function (e) {
// 登录 param.username param.password
login: function (param) {
var name = param.username
var pwd = param.password
var options = {
apiUrl: WebIM.config.apiURL,
user: name,
pwd: pwd,
appKey: WebIM.config.appkey,
success: function () {
error: function (e) {
console.log('登录失败==》', JSON.stringify(e))
// 表情数据
facesData: function () {
var data = {path: 'resource/im/faces/', map: {
'[):]': 'ee_1.png',
'[:D]': 'ee_2.png',
'[;)]': 'ee_3.png',
'[:-o]': 'ee_4.png',
'[:p]': 'ee_5.png',
'[(H)]': 'ee_6.png',
'[:@]': 'ee_7.png',
'[:s]': 'ee_8.png',
'[:$]': 'ee_9.png',
'[:(]': 'ee_10.png',
'[:\'(]': 'ee_11.png',
'[:|]': 'ee_18.png',
'[(a)]': 'ee_13.png',
'[8o|]': 'ee_14.png',
'[8-|]': 'ee_15.png',
'[+o(]': 'ee_16.png',
'[<o)]': 'ee_12.png',
'[|-)]': 'ee_17.png',
'[*-)]': 'ee_19.png',
'[:-#]': 'ee_20.png',
'[:-*]': 'ee_22.png',
'[^o)]': 'ee_21.png',
'[8-)]': 'ee_23.png',
'[(|)]': 'ee_24.png',
'[(u)]': 'ee_25.png',
'[(S)]': 'ee_26.png',
'[(*)]': 'ee_27.png',
'[(#)]': 'ee_28.png',
'[(R)]': 'ee_29.png',
'[({)]': 'ee_30.png',
'[(})]': 'ee_31.png',
'[(k)]': 'ee_32.png',
'[(F)]': 'ee_33.png',
'[(W)]': 'ee_34.png',
'[(D)]': 'ee_35.png'
return data
replaceTextMsg: function (msg) {
var _this = this
var faces = _this.facesData().map
var path = 'resource/im/faces/'
var curMsg = (msg).replace(/\[[^\]]+\]/g, function (it) {
if (faces[it]) {
return '<img src="'+path+ faces[it]+'"/>'
return it
return curMsg
* @param isMe {Boolean}
* @param msg {Object} | msg.name {String} | msg.info [{Object} | {String}]
renderMsg: function (isMe, type, msg) {
var _this = this
var h = ''
var liDom = document.createElement('li')
var typeDom = ''
if (type == 'text') {
var curMsg = _this.replaceTextMsg(msg)
typeDom = curMsg
} else if (type == 'img') {
typeDom = '<img src="'+ msg.fileUrl +'" style="max-width: 200px; height: auto;"/>'
} else if (type == 'video') {
typeDom = '<video class="" controls preload="auto" width="100%" height="auto"' +
'<source src="'+msg.fileUrl+'" type="video/'+msg.fileExt+'">'
'<p class="vjs-no-js">\n' +
'<a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a>\n' +
'</p>\n' +
} else if (type == 'audio') {
console.log('msg.fileUrl==>', msg.fileUrl)
typeDom = '<audio src="'+ msg.fileUrl+'" controls="controls" style="width: 150px"></audio>'
} if (isMe) {
h += '<div class="chat-list flex-container-mid main-chat">'+
'<div class="chat-cont chat-cont-right">'+ typeDom+'</div>'+
'<div class="head-icon">'+
'<img src="../../images/main/txl.png" alt="" />'+
} else {
h += '<div class="chat-list flex-container-mid">'+
'<div class="head-icon">'+
'<img src="../../images/main/txl.png" alt="" />'+
'<div class="chat-cont chat-cont-left">'+ typeDom +'</div>'+
liDom.innerHTML = h
var ulDom = document.getElementById('contact-ct').querySelector('ul')
console.log('文件发送时生成的字符串dom==>', h)
console.log('ulDom', ulDom.innerHTML)
// 获取文件地址
getObjectURL: function (file) {
var url = null
if (window.createObjectURL != undefined) { // basic
url = window.createObjectURL(file)
} else if (window.URL != undefined) { // mozilla(firefox)
url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file)
} else if (window.webkitURL != undefined) { // webkit or chrome
url = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(file)
return url
} // app.js
// "{\"deadTime\":1516446016000,
// "email":"editor4@cicc.com",
// "freeCategoryIds\":\"0\",
// \"fullName\":\"editor4\",
// \"id\":4,\"imRights\":1,
// \"imStatement\":0,
// \"imStatus\":1,\"imTip\":1,
// \"level\":\"B\",
// \"mobile\":\"13444444444\",
// \"status\":1,
// \"type\":2}" // main.js{"code":200,"data":{"hasComments":0,"message":0,"ciccTripStatus":true,"nameAndImg":{"name":"editor4"}},"msg":"请求成功!"} function inArray( elem, arr, i ) {
var len if ( arr ) {
if (indexOf) {
return indexOf.call(arr, elem, i)
} len = arr.length;
i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max(0, len + i) : i : 0
for (; i < len; i++) {
if (i in arr && arr[i] === elem) {
return i
return -1
} var getFileUrlFn = function(file) {
var uri = {
url: '',
filename: '',
filetype: '',
data: ''
}; var fileObj = file if (!fileObj) {
return uri;
try {
if (window.URL.createObjectURL) {
var u = fileObj
uri.data = u
uri.url = window.URL.createObjectURL(u)
uri.filename = u.name || ''
var index = uri.filename.lastIndexOf('.')
if (index != -1) {
uri.filetype = uri.filename.substring(index + 1).toLowerCase()
return uri
} catch (e) {
throw e
} function convertBase64UrlToBlob(dataURI) {
// convert base64 to raw binary data held in a string
// doesn't handle URLEncoded DataURIs - see SO answer #6850276 for code that does this
var byteString = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]); // separate out the mime component
var mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0]; // write the bytes of the string to an ArrayBuffer
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);
var ia = new Uint8Array(ab);
for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) {
ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
} //Old Code
//write the ArrayBuffer to a blob, and you're done
//var bb = new BlobBuilder();
//return bb.getBlob(mimeString); //New Code
console.log('mimeString==>', mimeString)
return new Blob([ab], {type: mimeString});
} function getFileUrl1 (fileObj, fileData) {
var uri = {url: '', filename: '', filetype: '', data: ''}
if (!fileObj) return uri try {
if (window.URL.createObjectURL) {
uri.data = fileData;
uri.url = window.URL.createObjectURL(fileData)
uri.filename = fileObj.name || ''
uri.filesize = fileObj.size
var index = uri.filename.lastIndexOf('.')
if (index != -1) {
uri.filetype = uri.filename.substring(index + 1).toLowerCase()
return uri } catch (e) {
throw e
} var imAction = {
init: function () {
var imStatus = userInfo.imStatus
console.log('imStatus==>', imStatus)
//var id = userInfo.id
if (imStatus == 0) {
appIM.regist({username: curUserId, password: '111111'})
} else if (imStatus == 1) {
appIM.login({username: curUserId, password: '111111'})
} // appIM.login({'username': curUserId, 'password': '111111'})
* @desc 发送文件消息
* @param {Object} param = {to: to, isMe: is_me, fileData}
* to 是发送对象的id
* fileId file input 的id
* isMe 发送消息的人是否是我自己
* */
// "type":"image/jpeg",
// "name":"IMG_0597.JPG",
// "lastModifiedDate":"2017-11-15T07:24:13.737Z",
// "fullPath":"/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D2D117C5-B0A0-4A20-BA04-1B795C9C3A51/Documents/Pandora/apps/HBuilder/doc/camera/IMG_0597.JPG"}
sendFile: function (param) {
var id = conn.getUniqueId(); // 生成本地消息id
var msg = new WebIM.message('file', id) // 创建文件消息
var file = param.fileData
var fileName = file.filename
var fileSize = file.filesize
var fileType = file.filetype
var uploadFiledata = null
var url = null
var curRenderType = param.type
var allowType = allowSendFileType[param.type]
var msgType = renderFileType[param.type]
var fileUuid = null
var shareSecret = null console.log('msgType==>', msgType) console.log('file==>', JSON.stringify(file)) if (fileType in allowType) {
var option;
option = {
apiUrl: WebIM.config.apiURL,
file: file,
to: param.to, // 接收消息对象
roomType: false,
chatType: 'singleChat',
onFileUploadError: function () { // 消息上传失败
console.log('消息上传失败' + 'onFileUploadError')
console.log('arguments==>', JSON.stringify(arguments))
onFileUploadComplete: function (data) { // 消息上传成功
url = ((location.protocol != 'https:' && WebIM.config.isHttpDNS) ? (Demo.conn.apiUrl + data.uri.substr(data.uri.indexOf("/", 9))) : data.uri) + '/' + data.entities[0].uuid; console.log('消息上传成功', 'onFileUploadComplete')
console.log('上传成功返回data==>', JSON.stringify(data))
console.log('发送文件成功后生成的文件地址==》', url) uploadFiledata = data
fileUuid = data.entities[0].uuid
shareSecret = data.entities[0]['share-secret'] },
success: function () { // 消息发送成功
console.log('消息发送成功 ===>', 'Success')
console.log('文件发送成功回调函数的参数==》', JSON.stringify(arguments)) // 文件消息渲染到当前窗口
var msgId = arguments[1]
var msgData = {
fileName: fileName,
fileSize: fileSize,
fileUrl: url,
fileExt: fileType
console.log('myRenderType', curRenderType)
appIM.renderMsg(true, curRenderType, msgData)
console.log('url==>', JSON.stringify(msgData)) try {
// 文件消息保存到数据库
var param = {
receiverId: chatId,
msg: "",
type: msgType,
msgId: msgId,
fileUrl: url,
fileName: fileName,
fileSize: fileSize,
fileUuid: fileUuid,
shareSecret: shareSecret,
console.log('文件参数', JSON.stringify(param))
imApi.saveMsg(param, function (state, data) { if (state) {
console.log('文件保存失败', JSON.stringify(data))
} catch (e) {
console.log('error==>', e)
} },
flashUpload: WebIM.flashUpload
} else {
// 发送文本消息
sendText: function(param) {
if (textSending) return
textSending = true
var msgVal = param.msg //param.msg.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '')
var to = param.to
if (msgVal == null || msgVal.length == 0 || !to)return var id = conn.getUniqueId(); // 生成本地消息id
var msg = new WebIM.message('txt', id); // 创建文本消息
msg: msgVal, // 消息内容
to: to, // 接收消息对象(用户id)
roomType: false,
success: function (id, serverMsgId) {
console.log('send private text Success')
// 显示在当前窗口
appIM.renderMsg(true, 'text', msgVal)
// 保存进数据库
var saveParam = {
receiverId: to,
msg: msgVal,
type: 0,
msgId: serverMsgId
console.log('to', to)
imApi.saveMsg(saveParam, function (state, data) {
if (state) {
} else {
console.log('保存信息失败==》', JSON.stringify(data))
fail: function(e){
console.log("Send private text error")
msg.body.chatType = 'singleChat'
conn.send(msg.body) setTimeout(function() {
textSending = false
}, 1000)
} } imAction.init() var vm = new Vue({
el: '#im-chat-box',
data: {
msgList: [],
showSmil: false,
showFile: false,
showInput: true,
showSend: false, // 发送按钮是否显示
chatName: '',
showBig: false, // 点击显示大图
bigSrc: null,
bigType: null,
showVoiceTip: true,
created: function () {
var _this = this
document.getElementById('smil-box').innerHTML = this.smilContent
//imAction.init()// 用户注册/登录
mounted: function () {
var _this = this var ui = {
smilCt: document.getElementById('smil-control'),
fileCt: document.getElementById('file-control'),
inputMsg: document.getElementById('input-msg'),
voiceCt: document.getElementById('voice-control'),
contactBox: document.getElementById('contact-ct'),
sendBtn: document.getElementById('send-text'),
modalBody: document.getElementById('im-modal-body'),
voiceBtn: document.getElementById('app-voice'),
sendImgInput: document.getElementById('sendImgInput'),
takePicBtn: document.getElementById('im-take-pic'),
takeVideoBtn: document.getElementById('im-video'),
footer: document.querySelector('footer'),
h: document.querySelector('#h'),
content: document.querySelector('.mui-content')
} function msgTextFocus() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 150);
} // 以下实现状态切换
// 点击表情按钮
ui.smilCt.addEventListener('tap', function () {
var curStatus = _this.setStatus(this, 'smil')
_this.showInput = true
if (curStatus == 'smil') {
_this.showSmil = false
} else {
_this.showSmil = true
_this.showFile = false
}) // 点击文件按钮
ui.fileCt.addEventListener('tap', function () {
var curStatus = _this.setStatus(this, 'file')
_this.showInput = true
if (curStatus == 'file') {
_this.showFile = false
} else {
_this.showFile = true
_this.showSmil = false
}) // input 获取光标
ui.inputMsg.addEventListener('focus', function () {
_this.showFile = false
_this.showSmil = false
}) // 语音图标点击
ui.voiceCt.addEventListener('tap', function () {
var status = this.getAttribute('data-status')
_this.showSmil = false
_this.showFile = false
if (status == 'input') {
_this.showInput = false
_this.showSend = false
this.setAttribute('data-status', 'voice')
} else {
_this.showInput = true
var inputVal = document.getElementById('input-msg').value
if (inputVal != '') {
_this.showSend = true
} else {
_this.showSend = false
}) // 操作区失去焦点
ui.contactBox.addEventListener('tap', function () {
_this.showFile = false
_this.showSmil = false
}) /*ui.h.style.width = ui.inputMsg.offsetWidth + 'px';
var footerPadding = ui.footer.offsetHeight - ui.inputMsg.offsetHeight;
ui.footer.style.height = (ui.h.offsetHeight + footerPadding) + 'px';
ui.content.style.paddingBottom = ui.footer.style.height;*/ // 点击表情
mui('#smil-box').on('tap', 'li', function () {
var dataKey = this.getAttribute('data-key')
var curVal = document.getElementById('input-msg').value
document.getElementById('input-msg').value = curVal + dataKey
if (document.getElementById('input-msg').value != '') {
_this.showSend = true
var focus = false
ui.inputMsg.addEventListener('tap', function(event) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
focus = true
setTimeout(function () {
focus = false
}, false) // 监听input标签的输入input onpropertychange
ui.inputMsg.addEventListener('input', function () {
var curVal = this.value
if (curVal) {
_this.showSend = true
} else {
_this.showSend = false
}) // 监听input标签的输入input onpropertychange
ui.inputMsg.addEventListener('change', function () {
var curVal = this.value
if (curVal) {
_this.showSend = true
} else {
_this.showSend = false
}) // 点击发送
ui.sendBtn.addEventListener('tap', function () {
var val = document.getElementById('input-msg').value
imAction.sendText({to: chatId, msg: val})
document.getElementById('input-msg').value = ''
_this.showSend = false
}) // 图片消息点击
mui('#contact-ct').on('tap', 'img', function () {
var curBigSrc = this.getAttribute('src')
console.log('curBigSrc', curBigSrc)
_this.bigSrc = curBigSrc
_this.showBig = true
_this.bigType = 'img' }) // 点击大图背景
ui.modalBody.addEventListener('tap', function () {
_this.bigSrc = null
_this.showBig = false
_this.bigType = null
}) mui.init({
gestureConfig: {
tap: true, //默认为true
doubletap: true, //默认为false
longtap: true, //默认为false
swipe: true, //默认为true
drag: true, //默认为true
hold: true, //默认为false,不监听
release: true //默认为false,不监听
}) var old_back = mui.back
mui.back = function(){
var preview = plus.webview.currentWebview().opener()
} mui.plusReady(function () { // 获取上一个窗口传递过来的chatName
var curChatInfo= plus.webview.currentWebview()
document.getElementById('chatName').innerHTML = curChatInfo.chatName
chatId = curChatInfo.chatId // 渲染聊天列表
imApi.getCurrentChatInfo({id: chatId, page: 1}, function (state, data) {
if (state) {
console.log('chat-info-data-->', JSON.stringify(data))
var curD = data.data.imList
var curData = []
mui.each(curD, function (i, item){
var obj = {}
var me = item.senderId == curUserId
obj['type'] = item.type + ''
obj['isMe'] = me
obj['name'] = me ? userName : item.senderAccount
if (item.type == 0) {
obj['msg'] = appIM.replaceTextMsg(item.msg)
} else if (item.type == 1 || item.type == 2 || item.type == 3) { // type:0 文本, 1 图片,2 音频, 3视频, 4 文件
obj['fileUrl'] = item.fileUrl
} console.log('receiverAccount',item.senderId)
console.log('senderAccount',item.receiverId) curData.push(obj)
}) setTimeout(function () {
console.log('curData==>', JSON.stringify(curData))
console.log('innerh==>', document.getElementById('contact-ct').innerHTML)
}, 3000) _this.msgList = curData
}) /*begin audio*/
// 创建audio 目录
plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL('_doc/', function(entry){
entry.getDirectory('audio', {create:true}, function(dir){
gentry = dir
clearHistoryAudio() // 页面初次加载清空语音记录
}, function(e){
console.log('Get directory "audio" failed: '+e.message);
}, function(e){
console.log('Resolve "_doc/" failed: '+e.message);
}) //清空录音目录
function clearHistoryAudio() {
try {
}, function(e){
} catch (e) {
console.log('清空目录失败===》', JSON.stringify(e))
} // 语音 长按
ui.voiceBtn.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
}); var r = plus.audio.getRecorder();
ui.voiceBtn.addEventListener('hold', function () {
this.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #ccc')
if (r == null) {
alert("Device not ready!");
r.record({filename: "_doc/audio/"}, function (path) {
alert("Audio record success!" + path);
var curPath = 'file://' + plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(path) //将平台绝对路径转换成本地URL路径
console.log('curPath==>', curPath)
try {
plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(curPath, function (entry) {
console.log('curPath==>', curPath)
entry.file(function (file) {
var myFileReader = new plus.io.FileReader()
myFileReader.onloadend = function (e) {
console.log('result==>', e.target.result)
var imgBlob = convertBase64UrlToBlob(e.target.result)
var myFile = getFileUrl1(file, imgBlob)
imAction.sendFile({fileData: myFile, to: chatId, type: 'audio'})
} catch (e) {
console.log('e=>', JSON.stringify(e))
}) }) // 音频预览 // 点击播放音频
/* mui('#contact-ct').on('tap', '.thisAudio', function () {
var path = this.getAttribute('data-url')
var audioObj = plus.audio.createPlayer(path)
audioObj.play(function (){
})*/ // 语音 松开
ui.voiceBtn.addEventListener('release', function () {
this.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: #fff')
}) mui('#contact-ct').on('tap', '.my-audio', function () { var myAudio = this.querySelector('audio')
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('音频播放出错==>', JSON.stringify(e))
} }) /*end audio*/ // 发送相册图片
document.getElementById('im-pic').addEventListener('tap', function () {
plus.gallery.pick( function(e){
var fileList = e.files
mui.each(fileList, function (i, item) {
plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(item, function( entry ) {
entry.file( function(file){
var myFileReader = new plus.io.FileReader()
myFileReader.onloadend = function (e) {
var imgBlob = convertBase64UrlToBlob(e.target.result)
var myFile = getFileUrl1(file, imgBlob)
imAction.sendFile({fileData: myFile, to: chatId, type: 'img'})
}, function ( e ) {
alert( "Resolve file URL failed: " + e.message )
}) }, function (e) {
console.log( "取消选择图片")
},{filter:"image", multiple:true, maximum: 3, system:false, onmaxed: function () {
}) // 拍照
ui.takePicBtn.addEventListener('tap', function () {
}) // 摄像
ui.takeVideoBtn.addEventListener('tap', function () {
}) },
destroyed: function () { },
methods: {
// 填充表情图标
setSmilContent: function () {
var data = appIM.facesData()
var h = '<ul>'
mui.each(data.map, function(i, item) {
h += '<li data-key="'+i+'"><img src="'+data.path+item+'"></li>'
h += '</ul>'
this.smilContent = h
// 设置状态属性
setStatus: function (target, type) {
var status = target.getAttribute('data-status')
if (status == 'keyboad') {
if(type == 'smil') {
target.setAttribute('data-status', 'smil')
} else {
target.setAttribute('data-status', 'file')
} else {
target.setAttribute('data-status', 'keyboad')
return target.getAttribute('data-status')
// 重置data-status属性
resetStatus: function (type) {
if (type == 'file') {
document.getElementById('file-control').setAttribute('data-status', 'file')
} else if (type == 'smil') {0
document.getElementById('smil-control').setAttribute('data-status', 'smil')
} else if (type == 'input') {
document.getElementById('voice-control').setAttribute('data-status', 'input')
// 在系统相册中选取图片
getPic: {
init: function () {
console.log('getpic==>') }
// 拍照
takePhoto: function () {
var cmr = plus.camera.getCamera()
var res = cmr.supportedImageResolutions[0]
var fmt = cmr.supportedImageFormats[0]
console.log("Resolution: "+res+", Format: "+fmt)
try {
alert( "Capture image success: " + path )
var curPath = 'file://' + plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(path)
console.log('curPath==>', curPath)
plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(curPath, function( entry ) {
entry.file( function(file){
var myFileReader = new plus.io.FileReader()
myFileReader.onloadend = function (e) {
var imgBlob = convertBase64UrlToBlob(e.target.result)
var myFile = getFileUrl1(file, imgBlob)
imAction.sendFile({fileData: myFile, to: chatId, type: 'img'})
}, function ( e ) {
alert( "Resolve file URL failed: " + e.message )
function( error ) {
alert( "Capture image failed: " + error.message )
}, {resolution: res, format: fmt})
} catch (e) {
console.log('拍照出错==>', JSON.stringify(e))
} },
// 摄像
takeVedio: function () {
var cmr = plus.camera.getCamera()
var res = cmr.supportedImageResolutions[0]
var fmt = cmr.supportedImageFormats[0]
console.log("Resolution: "+res+", Format: "+fmt)
cmr.startVideoCapture( function( path ){
alert( "Capture video success: " + path )
var curPath = 'file://' + plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(path)
console.log('curPath==>', curPath)
plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(curPath, function( entry ) {
entry.file( function(file){
var myFileReader = new plus.io.FileReader()
myFileReader.onloadend = function (e) {
var imgBlob = convertBase64UrlToBlob(e.target.result)
var myFile = getFileUrl1(file, imgBlob)
imAction.sendFile({fileData: myFile, to: chatId, type: 'video'})
}, function ( e ) {
alert( "Resolve file URL failed: " + e.message )
},function( error ) {
alert( "Capture video failed: " + error.message )
{resolution: res, format: fmt}
) // 拍摄10s后自动完成
setTimeout(function () {
}, 10000 )





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