



alter table t_User** add IfCleaned bit default(0) not null

对Mailing list表执行

alter table t_MailingList add IfCleanning bit default(0) not null











alter table t_User***** add NewColumnIfCleaned bit default(0)




第二步,增加一个NOT NULL的约束,并设置NOCHECK

alter table t_User***** with nocheck add constraint NewColumnIfCleaned_NotNull check (NewColumnIfCleaned is not null)


若插入新纪录,则会有这个NOT NULL的约束


第三步,分批将原有记录更新为0. 一次执行3000条,完整的脚本如下。

原文章中的Go 1000的方法在我们这里并不适用,因为我们要GO多少次是不确定的,要根据t_user表数据量来计算出来的。


declare @i int, @strSql nvarchar(2000), @table nvarchar(200), @start int, @strNum nvarchar(100), @preUpate int, @totalCount int, @goCount int, @siteDelay datetime, @dbDelay datetime, @tbDelay datetime;


select @preUpate=3000, @siteDelay='00:00:02', @dbDelay='00:05:00', @tbDelay='00:00:01';


declare @time1 datetime;

select @time1=GETDATE();



use [Comm100.Site****]

select @totalCount=0,@goCount=0,@i=0,@start=10000000;

while @i<500


select @strNum= CONVERT(nvarchar(50),@start+@i);

select @table='t_User'+@strNum;

select @strSql='if exists (select top 1 * from [dbo].[sysobjects] where [Id]=object_id(N''[dbo].['+@table+']'') and objectproperty(id, N''IsUserTable'') = 1)


if exists(select * from syscolumns where id=OBJECT_ID('''+@table+''') and name=''IfCleaned'')


select @totalCount1=count(0) from '+@table+' where IfCleaned is null;





--print @strSql;

exec sp_executesql @strSql,N'@totalCount1 int output',@totalCount output;




select @goCount=@totalCount / @preUpate +1;

        while (@goCount>0)


select @strSql='       

update top('+CONVERT(nvarchar(10),@preUpate)+') '+@table+' set IfCleaned=0 where IfCleaned is null;


--print @strSql;       


select @goCount=@goCount-1;

waitfor delay @tbDelay;



set @i=@i+1;

waitfor delay @siteDelay;





注:在新的SQL Server 2012中,在表中增加一个NOT NULL的字段,情况好像有所不同,

Adding NOT NULL Columns as an Online Operation

In SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition, adding a NOT NULL column with a default value is an online operation when the default value is a runtime constant. This means that the operation is completed almost instantaneously regardless of the number of rows in the table. This is because the existing rows in the table are not updated during the operation; instead, the default value is stored only in the metadata of the table and the value is looked up as needed in queries that access these rows. This behavior is automatic; no additional syntax is required to implement the online operation beyond the ADD COLUMN syntax. A runtime constant is an expression that produces the same value at runtime for each row in the table regardless of its determinism. For example, the constant expression "My temporary data", or the system function GETUTCDATETIME() are runtime constants. In contrast, the functions NEWID() or NEWSEQUENTIALID() are not runtime constants because a unique value is produced for each row in the table. Adding a NOT NULL column with a default value that is not a runtime constant is always performed offline and an exclusive (SCH-M) lock is acquired for the duration of the operation.

While the existing rows reference the value stored in metadata, the default value is stored on the row for any new rows that are inserted and do not specify another value for the column. The default value stored in metadata is moved to an existing row when the row is updated (even if the actual column is not specified in the UPDATE statement), or if the table or clustered index is rebuilt.

Columns of type varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, text, ntext, image, hierarchyid, geometry, geography, or CLR UDTS, cannot be added in an online operation. A column cannot be added online if doing so causes the maximum possible row size to exceed the 8,060 byte limit. The column is added as an offline operation in this case.

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