Social media users of the world unite!
If Plato were alive today, he might well regard much of the work we do as leisure, and much of the
leisure we enjoy as work. Those extravagantly paid Davosian chief executives who jet around the
world discussing the great issues of the day are in fact indulging in an endless swirl of symposia. But
Plato would probably look askance at others who enjoy fishing, gardening and cooking, and view
those activities as laborious occupations.
So argued the Czech philosopher Tomas Sedlacek at a recent Financial Times conference, where he
claimed to be working. His argument was intended (I think) mostly as an intellectual provocation to
highlight how our definitions of work and leisure depend on cultural context rather than immutable
social laws.
在英国《金融时报》近期举办的一场会议上,捷克哲学家托马斯•塞德拉切克(Tomas Sedlacek)
But it would certainly help us unravel some of the puzzles of our digital economy if we were to flip
some of our conceptual classifications on their head.
Take social media, for example. Users of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube may believe
they are simply sharing their special moments, witty insights and hilarious escapades with friends
and families. All this activity is enriching our lives, deepening our social connections, and providing
fun and free leisure time.
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注 中国高翻团队,专注 MTI  考研三年多,考入学员三百多!
以社交媒体为例。Facebook、Instagram、Twitter 和 YouTube 的用户或许认为只是在分享自己
Looked at another way, though, all we are doing by pecking away at our mobile phones like so many
digital battery hens is generating massive data sets for machine-learning programs to work out how
to sell advertising against us. The genius of Facebook is that all its users are — unwittingly —
working for the company for free, creating its most valuable product.
何投放针对我们的广告生成大量数据集。Facebook 的聪明之处在于,所有用户都在不知不觉
That enables Facebook to pay out the equivalent of just 1 per cent of the company’s market value to
its own employees, compared with 40 per cent at Walmart. We have all been seduced by the “siren
servers”, as Jaron Lanier, the author and Microsoft researcher, has called them.
这使得 Facebook 的员工开支仅相当于公司市值的 1%,而沃尔玛(Walmart)的这一比例为 40%。
我们都受到了被作家、微软(Microsoft)研究员杰伦•拉尼尔(Jaron Lanier)称为“海妖服务器”的
Naturally, most of the Silicon Valley crowd see little wrong with our implicit digital contract. Hal
Varian, Google’s chief economist, argues that consumers receive immensely popular, convenient
services for free. Advertisers benefit from cheap, effective targeting of audiences. If users do not like
Google’s offer then they can easily switch to other services. Rivals can generate, and buy in, their
own data unencumbered. Competition is but a click away.
尔•瓦里安(Hal Varian)辩称,消费者免费得到了广为流行、便捷的服务。广告商获益于针对受
That argument may hang together if you regard user data as capital created and owned by the
technology companies. But a team of technologists and academics, including Mr Lanier, has
published a paper challenging that conception. They argue that data are better viewed as the product
of labour, rather than the byproduct of leisure.
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注 中国高翻团队,专注 MTI  考研三年多,考入学员三百多!
The data economy has developed by accident rather than design, is inefficient, unfair and
unproductive, and should be radically rethought, they contend. They draw a distinction between what
they call our existing Data as Capital (DaC) model, which treats data as the “exhaust” products of
consumption and the feedstock for surveillance capitalism, and a theoretical Data as Labour (DaL)
model, which would treat data as user-generated possessions that should primarily benefit their
They appeal to labour market economists and entrepreneurs to help shape a real market for users’
data. Such a market would pay people for their data, creating new jobs, nurturing a culture of
“digital dignity”, and boosting the productivity of the economy.
That argument is developed in Radical Markets, a forthcoming book by Eric Posner and Glen Weyl,
which is both a savage critique of “techno-feudalism” and an idealistic appeal to share the fruits of
our collective intelligence more fairly. “The current model of data ownership,” says Mr Weyl, “is
economically inefficient.”
上述观点是埃里克•波斯纳(Eric Posner)和格伦•韦尔(Glen Weyl)在即将出版的《Radical
Mr Lanier and his co-authors acknowledge it is simplistic to view the DaC and DaL models as binary.
They also accept that paying people for data is problematic in the real world. Some experiments by
Microsoft and others to reward users for data have been immediately gamed by bots.
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注 中国高翻团队,专注 MTI  考研三年多,考入学员三百多!
拉尼尔和论文的其他合著者承认,将 DaC 模型和 DaL 模型视为非此即彼是将问题简单化了。
It may also be a hard sell to convince a sceptical public that some of the most Stakhanovite
“workers” in their model data economy might be marginalised teenage gaming addicts, even if the
authors argue their case well.
To shunt the data economy in the right direction, they suggest we need to strengthen three
countervailing powers. First, greater competition and innovation are essential for stimulating real
data markets. Big Tech should not be allowed to stifle smaller upstarts. Indeed, it may even take one
of the big technology companies to break ranks and champion a new data economy given the
daunting economies of scale.
Second, governments need to update and enforce competition policy, encouraging data portability
and the growth of the DaL economy. Stricter regulatory regimes, such as the EU’s General Data
Protection Regulation, which comes into effect in May, should help.
其次,政府需要升级、贯彻竞争政策,鼓励数据可移植性和 DaL 经济增长。更严格的监管制
度,如将于今年 5 月生效的欧盟《一般数据保护条例》(General Data Protection Regulation),应
Finally, we consumers should wise up to our role as digital workers and — in Marxist terminology
— develop “class consciousness”. Data labour unions need to emerge to fight for our collective
rights. The historic approach of labour to overmighty capital has been to strike. We may know the
DaL movement is serious when we start digitally picketing social media groups under the slogan:
“No posts without pay!”
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注 中国高翻团队,专注 MTI  考研三年多,考入学员三百多!
们就会知道 DaL 运动是严肃的。

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