[转]jquery 鼠标放在图片上显示图片的放大镜效果jqzoom_ev-2.3
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- //使用方法
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $('.jqzoom').jqzoom({
- zoomType: 'innerzoom',
- lens:true,
- preloadImages: true,
- alwaysOn:false
- });
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- <li><a href='javascript:void(0);' rel="{gallery: 'gal1', smallimage: './imgProd/triumph_small3.jpg',largeimage: './imgProd/triumph_big3.jpg'}"><img src='imgProd/thumbs/triumph_thumb31.jpg'></a></li>
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<title>JQzoom 2 Demo</title>
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<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
zoomType: 'innerzoom',
preloadImages: true,
alwaysOn:false }); }); </script>
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<a href="imgProd/triumph_big1.jpg" class="jqzoom" rel='gal1' title="triumph" >
<img src="imgProd/triumph_small1.jpg" title="triumph" style="border: 1px solid #666;">
<div class="clearfix" >
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<li><a class="zoomThumbActive" href='javascript:void(0);' rel="{gallery: 'gal1', smallimage: './imgProd/triumph_small1.jpg',largeimage: './imgProd/triumph_big1.jpg'}"><img src='imgProd/thumbs/triumph_thumb1.jpg'></a></li>
<li><a href='javascript:void(0);' rel="{gallery: 'gal1', smallimage: './imgProd/triumph_small2.jpg',largeimage: './imgProd/triumph_big2.jpg'}"><img src='imgProd/thumbs/triumph_thumb2.jpg'></a></li>
<li><a href='javascript:void(0);' rel="{gallery: 'gal1', smallimage: './imgProd/triumph_small3.jpg',largeimage: './imgProd/triumph_big3.jpg'}"><img src='imgProd/thumbs/triumph_thumb31.jpg'></a></li>
- zoomType 'standard' The others admitted option values are 'reverse','drag','innerzoom'.
- zoom模式,可选参数'reverse','drag','innerzoom'
- zoomWidth 300 The popup window width showing the zoomed area.
- 弹出的div的宽
- zoomHeight 300 The popup window height showing the zoomed area.
- 弹出的div的高
- xOffset 10 The popup window x offset from the small image. (always positive to move the popup window more on the right if position is "right" or more on the left if position is "left")
- 弹出的div的x轴偏离,如果position属性设为right,则是距离右边的距离。
- yOffset 0 The popup window y offset from the small image. (always positive to move the popup window more on the top if position is "top" or more on the bottom if position is "bottom"),
- 弹出的div的x轴偏离,同上。
- position 'right' The popup window position.Admitted values:'right' ,'left' ,'top' ,'bottom'
- 弹出的div的位置在左边,在右边,可选参数:'right' ,'left' ,'top' ,'bottom'。
- preloadImages true if set to true,jqzoom will preload large images.
- 是否弹出大图,如果为true则弹出大图。
- preloadText 'Loading zoom' The text to show while preloading images.
- 当加载图片时显示的文字。
- title true Show a small title over the zoomed window it can be the anchor title and if not specified,it will get the small image title.
- 当地弹出div时在div的顶部显示一个标题,如果没有指定则取缩略图的的标题
- lens true if set to false,the small lens,over the image, won't show.
- 是否显示小图上的小div,如果设置为false则在图片上的div不显示。
- imageOpacity 0.4 Set the image opacity when the 'zoomType' option is set to 'reverse'.
- 图片遮罩层的透明度,仅当'zoomType' 的模式为'reverse'时起效。
- showEffect 'show' The effect by which showing the popup window.Options available: 'show' ,'fadein'.
- 设置大图弹出的方式,可选参数:'show' (显示),'fadein'(淡入)。
- hideEffect 'hide' The effect by which hiding the popup window.Options available: 'hide' ,'fadeout'.
- 设置大图隐藏的方式,可选参数:'hide' (隐藏),'fadeout'(淡出)。
- fadeinSpeed 'slow' Changes fade in speed,in case the showEffect option is set to 'fadein'.(options: 'fast','slow',number)
- 设置图片弹出的速度,仅当showEffect设置为fadein时有效,可选参数:'fast','slow',数字
- fadeoutSpeed '2000' Changes fade out speed,in case the hideEffect option is set to 'fadeout'.(options: 'fast','slow',number)
- 设置图片隐藏的速度,仅当showEffect设置为fadeout时有效,可选参数:'fast','slow',数字
zoomType 'standard' The others admitted option values are 'reverse','drag','innerzoom'.
zoomWidth 300 The popup window width showing the zoomed area.
zoomHeight 300 The popup window height showing the zoomed area.
xOffset 10 The popup window x offset from the small image. (always positive to move the popup window more on the right if position is "right" or more on the left if position is "left")
yOffset 0 The popup window y offset from the small image. (always positive to move the popup window more on the top if position is "top" or more on the bottom if position is "bottom"),
position 'right' The popup window position.Admitted values:'right' ,'left' ,'top' ,'bottom'
弹出的div的位置在左边,在右边,可选参数:'right' ,'left' ,'top' ,'bottom'。
preloadImages true if set to true,jqzoom will preload large images.
preloadText 'Loading zoom' The text to show while preloading images.
title true Show a small title over the zoomed window it can be the anchor title and if not specified,it will get the small image title.
lens true if set to false,the small lens,over the image, won't show.
imageOpacity 0.4 Set the image opacity when the 'zoomType' option is set to 'reverse'.
图片遮罩层的透明度,仅当'zoomType' 的模式为'reverse'时起效。
showEffect 'show' The effect by which showing the popup window.Options available: 'show' ,'fadein'.
设置大图弹出的方式,可选参数:'show' (显示),'fadein'(淡入)。
hideEffect 'hide' The effect by which hiding the popup window.Options available: 'hide' ,'fadeout'.
设置大图隐藏的方式,可选参数:'hide' (隐藏),'fadeout'(淡出)。
fadeinSpeed 'slow' Changes fade in speed,in case the showEffect option is set to 'fadein'.(options: 'fast','slow',number)
fadeoutSpeed '2000' Changes fade out speed,in case the hideEffect option is set to 'fadeout'.(options: 'fast','slow',number)
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