1. build the graph and then dfs

-- graph <String, List<String>>,  (the value is sorted and non- duplicate)


2. dfs

we use bottom-up to store the path and reverse it finally. And to check if visited or not, we remove the node.

if(node == null) return;
visitedp[node] = true;
for(each neightbors from node){
if(! visited neighbors) dfs(neighbors);

Here we use the adjacent list

dfs(graph, curKey){
if(!garph.containsKey(curKey) || graph.get(curKey).size()==0)
//visit (top down)
String temp = graph.get(curKey).get(0);
graph.get(curKey).remove(0); //remvoe the path
dfs(graph, temp);
//visit bottom up


class Solution {
//what is the problem of top down
//solve this by bottom up
List<String> res = new ArrayList<>();
public List<String> findItinerary(String[][] tickets) {
//build graph
Map<String, List<String>> graph = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] ticket : tickets) {
if (!graph.containsKey(ticket[0])) graph.put(ticket[0], new ArrayList<>()); //contains check the null first
} //sorting the value by value
for (String key : graph.keySet()) {
Collections.reverse(res); return res;
void dfs(String cur,Map<String, List<String>> graph){ if(!graph.containsKey(cur) || graph.get(cur).size() == 0) return;
//res.add(graph.get(cur).get(0)); //seach all the list
String temp = graph.get(cur).get(0);//
graph.get(cur).remove(0); dfs(temp,graph);

how to build graph efficiently?

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