public class Browser
{ /// <summary> /// During static instantiation, only the Netscape flag is checked
/// /// </summary>
static Browser()
_isNavigator = HtmlPage.BrowserInformation.Name.Contains("Netscape");
/// <summary> /// Flag indicating Navigator/Firefox/Safari or Internet Explorer /// </summary>
private static bool _isNavigator;
/// <summary> /// Provides quick access to the window.screen ScriptObject /// </summary>
private static ScriptObject Screen
ScriptObject screen = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("screen");
if (screen == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
} return screen;
/// <summary> /// Gets the window object's client width /// </summary>
public static double ClientWidth
return _isNavigator ? (double)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("innerWidth")
: (double)HtmlPage.Document.Body.GetProperty("clientWidth");
/// <summary> /// Gets the window object's client height /// </summary>
public static double ClientHeight
return _isNavigator ? (double)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("innerHeight")
: (double)HtmlPage.Document.Body.GetProperty("clientHeight");
/// <summary> /// Gets the current horizontal scrolling offset /// </summary>
public static double ScrollLeft
return _isNavigator ? (double)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("pageXOffset")
: (double)HtmlPage.Document.Body.GetProperty("scrollLeft");
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current vertical scrolling offset /// </summary>
public static double ScrollTop
return _isNavigator ? (double)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("pageYOffset")
: (double)HtmlPage.Document.Body.GetProperty("scrollHeight");
/// <summary> /// Gets the width of the entire display /// </summary>
public static double ScreenWidth
return (double)Screen.GetProperty("width");
/// <summary> /// Gets the height of the entire display /// </summary>
public static double ScreenHeight
return (double)Screen.GetProperty("height");
/// <summary> /// Gets the width of the available screen real estate, excluding the dock /// or task bar /// </summary>
public static double AvailableScreenWidth
return (double)Screen.GetProperty("availWidth");
/// <summary> /// Gets the height of the available screen real estate, excluding the dock /// or task bar /// </summary>
public static double AvailableScreenHeight
return (double)Screen.GetProperty("availHeight");
/// <summary> /// Gets the absolute left pixel position of the window in display coordinates /// </summary>
public static double ScreenPositionLeft
return _isNavigator ? (double)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("screenX")
: (double)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("screenLeft");
} /// <summary> /// Gets the absolute top pixel position of the window in display coordinates /// </summary>
public static double ScreenPositionTop
return _isNavigator ? (double)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("screenY")
: (double)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("screenTop");

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