抽取通用模块作为项目的一个spring boot starter。可参照mybatis的写法。

IDEA创建Empty Project并添加如下2个module,一个基本maven模块,另一个引入spring-boot-starter依赖。

1) xxx-spring-boot-starter - 引入依赖并管理依赖版本



2) xxx-spring-boot-autoconfigure - xxx的自动配置类


@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "chris.demo")
public class DemoProperties {
private String name;
private String content; public String getName() {
return name;
} public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
} public String getContent() {
return content;
} public void setContent(String content) {
this.content = content;


public class DemoService {

    private DemoProperties demoProperties;

    public DemoProperties getDemoProperties() {
return demoProperties;
} public void setDemoProperties(DemoProperties demoProperties) {
this.demoProperties = demoProperties;
} public String demoShow(){
return this.demoProperties.getName() + " ----- " + this.demoProperties.getContent();


public class DemoAutoConfiguration { @Autowired
private DemoProperties demoProperties; @Bean
public DemoService demoService(){
DemoService demoService = new DemoService();
return demoService;



在新的spring boot项目中如果需要引用以上starter,只需要在依赖中添加如下,



public class DemoController { @Autowired
private DemoService demoService; @GetMapping("demo")
public String demo(){
return demoService.demoShow();


demo-starter, demo

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