RobotFramework AppiumLibrary 用户关键字

  • 最近在用robotframework搞安卓app 的自动化,其中用到了 AppiumLlibrary 的关键字,我都映射成了用户关键字,需要的自取。
  • 把页面内容copy 到你本地的txt 文件中,然后导入到你自己的RobotFramewrk 工程中,就可以使用了,注意你需要先导入AppiumLlibrary 关键字哟~
*** Settings ***
Library AppiumLibrary
Library AutoItLibrary
Library os *** Keywords ***
[Arguments] ${xpath} ${count}
Xpath Should Match X Times ${xpath} ${count} 上传文件
[Arguments] ${path} ${data} ${encode}=base64
Push File ${path} ${data} ${encode} 元素不应该包含文本
[Arguments] ${locator} ${expected} ${msg}=
Element Should not Contain Text ${locator} ${expected} ${msg} 元素值应该是
[Arguments] ${locator} ${expected}
Element Value Should Be ${locator} ${expected} 元素名应该是
[Arguments] ${path} ${name}
Element Name Should Be ${path} ${name} 元素属性应该匹配
[Arguments] ${locator} ${attr_name} ${match_pattern} ${regx}=False
Element Attribute Should Match ${locator} ${attr_name} ${match_pattern} ${regx} 元素应该包含文本
[Arguments] ${locator} ${expected} ${msg}=None
Element Should Contain Text ${locator} ${expected} ${msg} 元素应该失效
[Arguments] ${locator} ${level}=INFO
Element should be disabled ${locator} ${level} 元素应该有效
[Arguments] ${locator} ${level}=INFO
Element should be enabled ${locator} ${level} 元素文本应该是
[Arguments] ${locator} ${expected} ${msg}=None
Element Text Should Be ${locator} ${expected} ${msg} 关闭当前应用
Close Application 关闭所有应用
Close All Applications 切换应用
[Arguments] ${index_or_alias}
Switch Application ${index_or_alias} 切换页面内容
[Arguments] ${webview}
Switch To Context ${webview} 卸载应用
[Arguments] ${application_id}
Remove Application ${application_id} 后台运行
[Arguments] ${sec}
Background App ${sec} 向上滚动
[Arguments] ${locator}
Scroll Up ${locator} 向下滚动
[Arguments] ${locator}
Scroll Down ${locator} 失败后运行关键字
[Arguments] ${keyword}
[Documentation] Example: # Disables run-on-failure functionality and stores the previous kw name in a variable. # Restore to the previous keyword.
... Register Keyword To Run On Failure \ \ \ Log Source
... \ \ \ \ \ \ \ # Run `Log Source` on failure.
... ${previous kw}=
... Register Keyword To Run On Failure \ \ Nothing
... Register Keyword To Run On Failure \ \ \ \ ${previous kw} \ \ \ \
Register Keyword To Run On Failure ${keyword} 打印资源
[Arguments] ${level}
Log Source ${level} 打开URL
[Arguments] ${url}
[Documentation] Example:
... 打开应用
... http://localhost:4755/wd/hub \ platformName=iOS \ platformVersion=7.0
... deviceName='iPhone Simulator'
... browserName=Safari
... 打开URL \
Go To URL ${url} 打开应用
[Arguments] ${url} ${platformName} ${version} ${deviceName} ${app}
[Documentation] 打开应用 ${url} ${platformName} ${version} \ \ ${devicename} ${app} @{args}
... 例如:
... 打开应用 http://localhost:4723/wd/hub Android 5.1.1 5e25d20d ${CURDIR}${/}app${/}fft.apk
... ${url} 是用于访问应用的地址,一般是固定的。 url 和 端口可以根据具体地址修改。
... ${version} \ 是安卓的版本
... ${devicename} 是手机的UDID, 可以打开cmd 然后用 adb devices -l \ 看到设备列表。
... UDID 是看到的第一列的内容,真机是一串字符串,模拟器是 \ ip:port \ 的形式
... ${app} 是apk 存放的路径 ${CURDIR} 系统变量,取得当前脚本路径。 ${/} 系统变量 '/'
open application ${url} platformName=${platformName} platformVersion=${version} deviceName=${deviceName} app=${app} 按关键字
[Arguments] ${keycode} ${metastate}=None
Press Keycode ${keycode} ${metastate} 摇动手机
Shake 放大元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${percent}=200% ${step}=1
Zoom ${locator} ${percent} ${step} 敲击元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
Tap ${locator} 横屏
[Documentation] 手机设置横屏
[Arguments] ${locator}
Clear Text ${locator} 滑动
[Arguments] ${start_x} ${start_y} ${end_x} ${end_y}
swipe ${start_x} ${start_y} ${end_x} ${end_y} 滚动
[Arguments] ${start_locator} ${end_locator}
[Documentation] 从一个元素滚动到另一个元素
Scroll ${start_locator} ${end_locator} 点击元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
Click Element ${locator} 点击元素坐标
[Arguments] ${coordinate_x} ${coordinate_y}
Click Element At Coordinates ${coordinate_x} ${coordinate_y} 点击固定点
[Arguments] ${x} ${y} @{args}
Click A Point ${x} ${y} @{args} 点击按钮
[Arguments] ${index_or_name}
Click Button ${index_or_name} 点击文本
[Arguments] ${text} ${exact_match}=false
[Documentation] 点击匹配到文本的元素:
... 点击文本 "text"
... 点击文本 "text" True
... 默认模糊匹配所有元素,可以设置成精确匹配。
... 如果可以匹配到两个或两个以上的元素,那么需要用 click Element 元素,去处理。
Click Text ${text} ${exact_match} 睡眠
[Arguments] ${sec}
sleep ${sec} 竖屏
PORTRAIT 等待页面元素出现
[Arguments] ${locator} ${timeout}=100 ${err}=None
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${locator} ${timeout} ${err} 等待元素出现文本
[Arguments] ${text} ${timeout}=10 ${err}=None
Wait Until Page Contains ${text} ${timeout} ${err} 等待页面不包含元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${timeout}=10 ${err}=None
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${locator} ${timeout} ${err} 等待页面不包含文本
[Arguments] ${text} ${timeout}=10 ${err}=None
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain ${text} ${timeout} ${err} 缩小元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${percent}=200% ${step}=1
Pinch ${locator} ${percent} ${step} 获取Appium超时时间
${timeout} Get Appium Timeout
[Return] ${timeout} 获取Web元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
[Documentation] 获取匹配的定位器的第一个元素:
... ${element} 获取Web元素 id=name
... 点击元素 ${element}
${element} Get Webelement ${locator}
[Return] ${element} 获取元素坐标
[Arguments] ${locator}
${location} Get Element Location ${locator}
[Return] ${location} 获取元素尺寸
[Arguments] ${locator}
${size} Get Element Size ${locator}
[Return] ${size} 获取元素属性
[Arguments] ${locator} ${name_or_value}
[Documentation] 获取元素属性:(name 或者 value)
... ${val} \ 获取元素属性 ${locator} ${name_or_value}
... 例如:
... ${val} 获取元素属性 id=xxxx name
... ${val} 获取元素属性 id=xxxx value
${val} Get Element Attribute ${locator} ${name_or_value}
[Return] ${val} 获取匹配xpath数
[Arguments] ${xpath}
[Documentation] 例如:
... ${count} \ \ \ 获取匹配xpath数 \ \ //android.view.View[@text='Test']
${count} Get Matching Xpath Count ${xpath}
[Return] ${count} 获取可见文本
${contents} Get Contexts
[Return] ${contents} 获取当前文本
${context} Get Current Context
[Return] ${context} 获取所有web元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
[Documentation] @{element} 获取所有web元素 id=my_element
... 点击元素 @{element}[2]
@{element} Get Webelements ${locator}
[Return] @{element} 获取文件
[Arguments] ${file_path} ${decode}=False
pull file ${file_path} ${decode} 获取文件夹
[Arguments] ${folder_path} ${decode}=False
Pull Folder ${folder_path} ${decode} 获取文本
[Arguments] ${locator}
[Documentation] 获取符合元素的文本:
... ${text} \ 获取文本 \ //*[contains(@text,'foo')]
${text} Get Text ${locator}
[Return] ${text} 获取网络连接情况
${stat} Get Network Connection Status
[Return] ${stat} 获取资源
${source} Get Source
[Return] ${source} 设置Appium超时
[Arguments] ${sec}
Set Appium Timeout ${sec} 设置网络连接状态
[Arguments] ${sec}
Set Network Connection Status ${sec} 输入值
[Arguments] ${locator} ${val}
Input Value ${locator} ${val} 输入密码
[Arguments] ${path} ${passwd}
Input Password ${path} ${passwd} 输入文本
[Arguments] ${path} ${text}
Input Text ${path} ${text} 返回
[Documentation] 浏览器返回上一个的页面
Go Back 重置应用
Reset Application 锁屏
[Arguments] ${sec}
[Documentation] 这个方法只使用于IOS
Lock ${sec} 长按元素
[Arguments] ${locator}
Long Press ${locator} 长按关键字
[Arguments] ${keycode} ${metastate}=None
[Documentation] keycode 可以在这个网址里面找到:
... Args:
... \ \ \ \ - keycode - the keycode to be sent to the device
... \ \ - metastate - meta information about the keycode being sent
Long Press Keycode ${keycode} ${metastate} 隐藏键盘
Hide Keyboard 页面不应该包含元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${lvl}=INFO
Page Should Not Contain Element ${locator} ${lvl} 页面不应该包含文本
[Arguments] ${locator} ${lvl}=INFO
Page Should Not Contain Text ${locator} ${lvl} 页面应该包含元素
[Arguments] ${locator} ${lvl}=INFO
Page Should Contain Element ${locator} ${lvl} 页面应该包含文本
[Arguments] ${locator} ${lvl}=INFO
Page Should Contain Text ${locator} ${lvl} 页面截图
[Arguments] ${filename}=
Capture Page Screenshot ${filename}

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