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  • 函数覆盖

    (1) 作用域不同

    (2) 有virtual关键字

    (3) 参数列表/返回值/调用约定必须相同
  • 函数隐藏

    (1) 作用域不同

    (2) 函数名相同

    (3) 参数列表/返回值/调用约定不考虑
  • 函数重载

    (1) 作用域相同

    (2) 函数名相同

    (3) 参数列表不同,返回值/调用约定不考


class Base
virtual void Handle1(float x)
cout << "Base::Handle1(float) " << x << endl;
void Handle2(float x)
cout << "Base::Handle2(float) " << x << endl;
void Handle3(float x)
cout << "Base::Handle3(float) " << x << endl;
}; class Derived : public Base
virtual void Handle1(float x)
cout << "Derived::Handle1(float) " << x << endl;
void Handle2(int x)
cout << "Derived::Handle2(int) " << x << endl;
void Handle3(float x)
cout << "Derived::Handle3(float) " << x << endl;
void Handle3(double x)
cout << "Derived::Handle3(double) " << x << endl;


  1. 调用的方法是哪个?
  2. 调用造成的原因,是重载、覆盖、隐藏中的哪一种?
 void main(void)
Derived DervObj;
Base *pBase = &DervObj;
Derived *pDerv = &DervObj; pBase->Handle1(3.14f);
******************************************/ pDerv->Handle1(3.14f);
cout << endl;
******************************************/ pBase->Handle2(3.14f);
*****************************************/ pDerv->Handle2(3.14f);
cout << endl; pBase->Handle3(3.14f);
结果:Base::Handle3(float) 3.14
****************************************/ pDerv->Handle3(3.14f);
结果:Derived::Handle3(float) 3.14
***************************************/ pDerv->Handle3(3.14);
结果:Derived::Handle3(double) 3.14
cout << endl; pDerv->Handle3(3);









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