poj 2752Seek the Name, Seek the Fame
Time Limit: 2000MS | Memory Limit: 65536KB | 64bit IO Format: %I64d & %I64u |
Step1. Connect the father's name and the mother's name, to a new string S.
Step2. Find a proper prefix-suffix string of S (which is not only the prefix, but also the suffix of S).
Example: Father='ala', Mother='la', we have S = 'ala'+'la' = 'alala'. Potential prefix-suffix strings of S are {'a', 'ala', 'alala'}. Given the string S, could you help the little cat to write a program to calculate the length of possible prefix-suffix strings of S? (He might thank you by giving your baby a name:)
Restrictions: Only lowercase letters may appear in the input. 1 <= Length of S <= 400000.
Sample Input
Sample Output
2 4 9 18
1 2 3 4 5
1 #include<cstdio>
2 #include<cstring>
3 #include<algorithm>
5 using namespace std;
6 const int maxl=400010;
7 char s[maxl];
8 int next[maxl],l;
9 int ans[maxl],js=0,ll;
10 void getnext()
11 {
12 l=strlen(s);
13 next[0]=-1;
14 for(int j,i=1;i<l;i++)
15 {
16 j=next[i-1];
17 while(s[i]!=s[j+1] && j>=0)j=next[j];
18 next[i]=s[i]==s[j+1]?j+1:-1;
19 }
20 }
21 int main()
22 {
23 while(~scanf("%s",s))
24 {
25 getnext();
26 js=0;ll=l-1;
27 while(next[ll]!=-1)
28 {
29 ans[js++]=next[ll];
30 ll=next[ll];
31 }
32 while(js>0)printf("%d ",ans[--js]+1);
33 printf("%d\n",l);
34 }
35 return 0;
36 }
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