July 09th, 2018. Monday, Week 28th.
Happiness is an inside job.
From William Arthur Ward.
Nobody wants to suffer, and we all want to live a happy life.
We are eager to be happy and we are constantly striving to pursue happiness.
But in the process of cultivating happiness, sometimes we might forget to strengthen our inner selves so that we can harvest more happiness in our life.
We might be limited to believe that happiness is something we derive from people, events or outcomes.
But in the actual fact, all those things that can bring us pleasure are simply mirrors, reflecting back to us idealized notions of who we think we might be, rather than who we truly are.
If we believe that our happiness is just connected to those external things, we might never experience true fulfillment in life. Chasing those external happiness only leads to pain and suffering.
Actually, we already have everything we need in order to be happy and live an extraordinary life, it resides within us.
Just as Democritus had said, " Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold. Happiness dwells in the soul."
So, we must understand that happiness is a state of mind, if we want to live a happy life, we need to know that point and find happiness within our soul.
Besides, happiness isn't conditional, it is a choice. In every moment, we have the power of determine whether we will view events in our life from a positive or a negative lens.
Try to be postive, try to be optimisitc, try to be grateful for those extraordinary things that already exist in our life.
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.
It's said that better than nothing, don't be afraid of making mistakes in our innovative work, some new ideas that can lead us to the right roads may become visible only when we are trying to solve those problems, by means of some unfeasible ways.
If we worry about potential failures, or if we want to make a perfect plan to ensure a higher successful rate, we would be reluctant to take actions to push our missions ahead, eventually ending up with nothing being done.
But if we put our hands on the work, maybe at the beginning the results are not perfect, while gradually those imperfect outcomes turn out to be some great successes.
So, it is better to get on and do something even if it is not as good as it could be.
Just do it, things will become easier.
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