
  1. UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xca in position 0: invalid continuation byte


  1. class LineSentence(object):
  2. """Iterate over a file that contains sentences: one line = one sentence.
  3. Words must be already preprocessed and separated by whitespace.
  5. """
  6. def __init__(self, source, max_sentence_length=MAX_WORDS_IN_BATCH, limit=None):
  7. """
  9. Parameters
  10. ----------
  11. source : string or a file-like object
  12. Path to the file on disk, or an already-open file object (must support `seek(0)`).
  13. limit : int or None
  14. Clip the file to the first `limit` lines. Do no clipping if `limit is None` (the default).
  16. Examples
  17. --------
  18. .. sourcecode:: pycon
  20. >>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath
  21. >>> sentences = LineSentence(datapath('lee_background.cor'))
  22. >>> for sentence in sentences:
  23. ... pass
  25. """
  26. self.source = source
  27. self.max_sentence_length = max_sentence_length
  28. self.limit = limit
  30. def __iter__(self):
  31. """Iterate through the lines in the source."""
  32. try:
  33. # Assume it is a file-like object and try treating it as such
  34. # Things that don't have seek will trigger an exception
  35. self.source.seek(0)
  36. for line in itertools.islice(self.source, self.limit):
  37. line = utils.to_unicode(line).split()
  38. i = 0
  39. while i < len(line):
  40. yield line[i: i + self.max_sentence_length]
  41. i += self.max_sentence_length
  42. except AttributeError:
  43. # If it didn't work like a file, use it as a string filename
  44. with utils.smart_open(self.source) as fin:
  45. for line in itertools.islice(fin, self.limit):
  46. line = utils.to_unicode(line).split()
  47. i = 0
  48. while i < len(line):
  49. yield line[i: i + self.max_sentence_length]
  50. i += self.max_sentence_length



  1)from gensim import utils

    utils.samrt_open(url, mode="rb", **kw)

    在源码中用utils.smart_open()方法打开文件时默认是用二进制的形式打开的,可以将mode=“rb” 改成mode=“r”。

  2)from gensim import utils

    utils.to_unicode(text, encoding='utf8', errors='strict')

    在源码中在decode("utf8")时,其默认errors=“strict”, 可以将其改成errors="ignore"。即utils.to_unicode(line, errors="ignore")


  1. import logging
  2. import itertools
  3. import gensim
  4. from gensim.models import word2vec
  5. from gensim import utils
  7. logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
  9. class LineSentence(object):
  10. """Iterate over a file that contains sentences: one line = one sentence.
  11. Words must be already preprocessed and separated by whitespace.
  13. """
  14. def __init__(self, source, max_sentence_length=10000, limit=None):
  15. """
  17. Parameters
  18. ----------
  19. source : string or a file-like object
  20. Path to the file on disk, or an already-open file object (must support `seek(0)`).
  21. limit : int or None
  22. Clip the file to the first `limit` lines. Do no clipping if `limit is None` (the default).
  24. Examples
  25. --------
  26. .. sourcecode:: pycon
  28. >>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath
  29. >>> sentences = LineSentence(datapath('lee_background.cor'))
  30. >>> for sentence in sentences:
  31. ... pass
  33. """
  34. self.source = source
  35. self.max_sentence_length = max_sentence_length
  36. self.limit = limit
  38. def __iter__(self):
  39. """Iterate through the lines in the source."""
  40. try:
  41. # Assume it is a file-like object and try treating it as such
  42. # Things that don't have seek will trigger an exception
  43. self.source.seek(0)
  44. for line in itertools.islice(self.source, self.limit):
  45. line = utils.to_unicode(line).split()
  46. i = 0
  47. while i < len(line):
  48. yield line[i: i + self.max_sentence_length]
  49. i += self.max_sentence_length
  50. except AttributeError:
  51. # If it didn't work like a file, use it as a string filename
  52. with utils.smart_open(self.source, mode="r") as fin:
  53. for line in itertools.islice(fin, self.limit):
  54. line = utils.to_unicode(line).split()
  55. i = 0
  56. while i < len(line):
  57. yield line[i: i + self.max_sentence_length]
  58. i += self.max_sentence_length
  60. our_sentences = LineSentence("./zhwiki_token.txt")
  61. model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(our_sentences, size=200, iter=30) # 大语料,用CBOW,适当的增大迭代次数
  62. # model.save(save_model_file)
  63. model.save("./mathWord2Vec" + ".model") # 以该形式保存模型以便之后可以继续增量训练

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