Bookmarkable Pages
Build a Bookmarkable Edit Page with JDeveloper 11gPurposeIn this tutorial, you use Oracle JDeveloper 11g to build a web application that allows the bookmarking of URL. Based on a predefined application, you implement a functionality that enables to bookmark an edit page from a Browse / Edit type Time to Complete 20 minutes TopicsThe tutorial covers the following topics:
Viewing Screenshots
Note: Alternatively, you can place the cursor over an individual icon in the following steps to load and view only the screenshot associated with that step. You can hide an individual screenshot by clicking it. OverviewThe model is provided by business components, while the view and controller are provided by Java Server Faces. The predefined application includes two pages, a Browse page and an Edit page. The Browse page provides the list of departments and allows you to select a department from the list to edit the department details. The Edit page displays the The problem is that when the edit page is displayed for a specific department, the URL in the address is still referencing the entry point of the application (the Browse page). This default behavior stops from being able to bookmark the ScenarioIn order to make the Edit page bookmarkable, you add an action listener to the Edit button of the Browse page. In the Edit page, you use a method defined in a managed bean and set the bookmark properties providing Prerequisites Before starting any section of the tutorial, you should:
Downloading the Required Components and Start JDeveloper 11g In the following steps, you download JDeveloper 11g and other files required for this tutorial.
Uploading the Starter Application Before you create any component, you must first open the startup application. To do this, perform the following steps:
Creating a Database Connection You need to create a Database Connection to the HR schema. To do this, perform the following steps:
Exploring the Startup Application The startup application uses Departments and Employees entity objects and their corresponding view objects.
Preparing the BrowseDepartments Page To be able to provide bookmarkable information about the selected department in the browse page, you add an action listener that holds the referenced department based on the currentRowKeyString property.
1. |
Open the Diagram view of the page flow and select the EditDepartment page to view the page properties. |
2. |
In the Property Inspector, select the Bookmark tab and set the bookmark property to true and click the Add button |
3. |
For the bookmark URL parameter type rowKey as the name and paste the content of the clipboard in the value field: #{pageFlowScope.rowKey}. |
4. |
Next to the method field, click the down arrow and select the Expression Builder option. |
5. |
In the Expression Builder dialog, expand ADF Managed Beans | pageFlowScope | BookmarkHandler nodes and select handleBookMarkRequest. Click OK. |
6. |
To review the content of the managed bean that was created in the predefined application, in the Application Navigator, double click the to open the java class. |
7. |
The handleBookMarkRequest method displays in the editor. |
8. |
Click the EditDepartment.jspx tab to open the page in the editor. |
9. |
Right click in the EditDepartment page and select Go to Page Definition from context. |
10. |
Click the EditDepartment.jspx tab to open the page in the editor. |
11. |
Using the Structure pane for the page definition, right click the bindings node and from context select Insert inside bindings --> Generic Bindings --> action. |
12. |
In the Create Action Bindings dialog, in the Select an Iterator field selectDepartmentsView1Iterator and in the Operation choose setCurrentRowWithKey. In the Parameters section, paste the content of the clipboard in the value field #{pageFlowScope.rowKey}. Click OK. |
13. |
Now, the page definition should look like this: and the Structure window... |
14. |
Click the save all |
Running the Application and Bookmarking the Edit Page
You now use JDeveloper's JSF Navigation Modeler to diagrammatically plan and create your application's pages, and the navigation between them.
1. |
Open the page flow diagram by clicking the adfc-config.xml tab. |
2. |
Right click the BrowseDepartments page and select Run from context. |
3. |
The page loads up in your browser. Notice the URL in the address bar. |
4. |
Select a department from the list and click the Edit Departments button. |
5. |
The corresponding department details display. Notice the URL now displayed in the address bar. |
6. |
Using your browser menu bar, bookmark the page. Select a location folder for your bookmark. Close your browser. |
7. |
Open a new browser window, and select the bookmark you just saved. |
8. |
The browser returns the page corresponding to the department number you bookmarked. |
11. | You can close your browser window. |
In this tutorial, you learned how to:
Prepare the Browse Department Page | |
Make the Edit Page Bookmarkable | |
Test the Bookmark Functionality |
the cursor over this icon to hide all screenshots.
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