自己使用Nestjs 搭配 Sequelize ,在安装新包的时候提示有Critical 风险。有漏洞嘛,要第一时间处理,要处理,除了升级,还要看一下这个漏洞如何复现。






where: or(
literal('soundex("firstName") = soundex(:firstName)'),
{ lastName: lastName },
replacements: { firstName },


"firstName": "OR true; DROP TABLE users;",
"lastName": ":firstName"


SELECT * FROM users WHERE soundex("firstName") = (:firstName) OR "lastName" = ':firstName'


SELECT * FROM users WHERE soundex("firstName") = soundex('OR true; DROP TABLE users;') OR "lastName" = ''OR true; DROP TABLE users;''



Do not use the replacements and the where option in the same query if you are not using Sequelize >= 6.19.1

  • 升级sequelize版本。
  • where 与replacements 不要同时出现。







At the present time I do not know.

The problem is that, while I did make the changes to remove a footgun in v7, that behavior was not a bug but a deliberate feature implemented by one of the previous teams that worked on Sequelize, and there are codebases relying on it.

Backporting #15374 would introduce a breaking change in a minor release. We've exceptionally done that in the past when we fixed a major issue (#14519), but I am not convinced that it's warranted for this one.

The reason I think releasing this breaking change in a minor release is unwarranted is that it can only be a problem if you use user-provided values as the name of a column to select. Even without the fix, you should make sure that input is safe as the query will crash if the input is not a valid attribute name.

We're stuck between a rock and a hard place. We can either introduce a breaking change in a minor release, or have a critically vulnerability warning.

We need to check with the people that published that vulnerability if they would consider a big bold warning that that property accepts arbitrary SQL (and therefore that user data should not be used in it) to be sufficient to dismiss the audit warning

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