CF1638E Colorful Operations
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#define IN inline
#define RE register
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const int N = 1e6 + 5;
int n, q;
LL tag[N];
struct BIT{
LL c[N];
IN int lowbit(int x){return x & (-x);}
IN void add(int x, LL v){for(; x <= n; x += lowbit(x)) c[x] += v;}
IN LL Query(int x){LL s = 0; for(; x; x -= lowbit(x)) s += c[x]; return s;}
struct node{
int l, r; mutable int v;
IN node(int l, int r, int v):l(l), r(r), v(v){};
IN bool operator < (const node &a) const {return l < a.l;}
set<node> odt;
typedef set<node>::iterator IT;
IN IT split(int x)
if (x > n) return odt.end();
IT it = --odt.upper_bound(node{x, 0, 0});
if (it->l == x) return it;
int l = it->l, r = it->r, v = it->v;
odt.erase(it), odt.insert(node{l, x - 1, v});
return odt.insert(node{x, r, v}).first;
IN void assign(int l, int r, int c)
IT itr = split(r + 1), itl = split(l);
for(RE IT it = itl; it != itr; it++)
T.add(it->l, tag[it->v]), T.add(it->r + 1, -tag[it->v]);
odt.erase(itl, itr), odt.insert(node{l, r, c});
T.add(l, -tag[c]), T.add(r + 1, tag[c]);
IN int find(int x)
IT it = odt.lower_bound(node{x, 0, 0});
if (it->l == x) return it->v;
return (--it)->v;
IN void read(int &x)
x = 0; int f = 1; char ch = getchar();
for(; !isdigit(ch); f = (ch == '-' ? -1 : 1), ch = getchar());
for(; isdigit(ch); x = (x<<3)+(x<<1)+(ch^48), ch = getchar());
x *= f;
int main()
read(n), read(q), odt.insert(node{1, n, 1});
char op[10];
for(RE int l, r, c, x; q; --q)
scanf("%s", op);
if (op[0] == 'C') read(l), read(r), read(c), assign(l, r, c);
else if (op[0] == 'A') read(c), read(x), tag[c] += x;
else read(x), printf("%lld\n", T.Query(x) + tag[find(x)]);
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