21 Free SEO Tools For Bloggers--reference
What do you think is important in a website? Yes, we have talked about making sure that your website looks great, and the design and graphics you use. All of the aforementioned should be top-notch for your viewer to stay loyal to you. Moreover, you should have regularly updated content and accurate content at that too. While you are at it, you may want to consider writing interesting content instead of it being boring. Having said that, remember that no content is boring, it’s just the way you write it. Coming back to the point, you need SEO for your website to stand out and show up in search results because ultimately, search traffic is what would constitute as a higher percentage of traffic on your website. True enough, SEO is not an easy job for many which is why we came up with this list of 25 free SEO tools for bloggers which should prove very useful.
SEO can be done on your own but sometimes the complexity of the SEO rules is extreme and you need outside help and this is what we decided to do for you. Your site, for higher functionality, needs good and optimized SEO because that will help your site rank higher in search results and the higher it is, the more likely a person to visit it. Take a look at the following tools and let us know what you think in the comments.
21. Majestic SEO
Let’s start off with one of the more advanced and complete SEO services available on the market. It focuses on link intelligence and domain-based metrics. It includes Site Explorer, Backlink History Tool, Keyword Checker, Clique Hunter and Comparator.
20. IIS SEO Toolkit
IIS SEO Toolkit has Site Index Modules, Sitemaps, Robots Exclusion and Site Analysis which has a fully featured crawler engine as well as a Query Builder Interface to generate custom reports. Should come in handy.
19. Screaming Frog SEO Spider
Funny name but this one is an extensive website crawling tool which should help you analyze and audit you website for maximum SEO. It would check your links, CSS, scripts, images and even apps.
18. Google Keyword Planner
Presumably, most of your traffic comes from Google. If so, you may want to take a look at this tool as it will help you better plan your keywords and do your optimization. You have the options of advanced filtering that could come in handy.
17. Virante SEO Tools
Virante offers several on-site and off-site SEO tools and that too for free. You have access to Duplicate Content Tool, LDA Content Optimizer, Keyword density tool, Competitive Analysis Tool, Link Atrophy Tool and a PageRank Recovery Tool. Do give it a check.
16. Web CEO
This is a complete SEO tool which comes with offline and online versions both. You could check ranks with this particular tool on top of which is offers link management and analysis and site auditor.
15. SEO Book Tools
SEO book has several SEO tools available on their particular website which you can access by clicking the link. All you need to do is register a free account and you will be able to use Keyword List Generator, Meta Tag Generator, Server Header Checker all for free. You even have access to FireFox extensions.
14. SEOgadget Tools
If you are looking for free SEO tools to help you with your SEO efforts try this one. You have access to tools such as Link Categorization, Content Strategy Generator, Anchor Text Tool, etc.
13. SEER’s SEO Toolbox
This is a spreadsheet-based SEO toolbox which can be used to analyze data from difference sources including Google Analytics, Twitter and Majestic SEO. You have access to on-page analysis as well.
12. Internet Marketing Ninjas SEO Tools
If you visit their website, you will come to notice that they have more than a few free SEO and Webmaster tools. Some of the tools you have access to include, search combination tool, meta tag generator, robots text generator and page speed tool. Try it out.
11. SEO Tools for Excel
This particular package is for excel and works as an add-on that adds a number of SEO based features. Some of the functions include finding duplicated content, checking backlinks and you can even obtain WhoIs data.
10. SEO Site Tools (Chrome Extension)
This is a Google Chrome extension. It should be able to extract on-page SEO data which is drawn by several different services. It will provide you with data from Google PageRank, Quancast rank, Dmoz Domain Presence and Alexa Traffic Rank.
9. SEOquake
This is another plugin for FireFox. You have plugins available for Google Chrome and Apple Safari as well. This should provide you information such as site’s ranking, backlinks information, Google page rank, Bing indexing etc.
8. Moz SEO Toolbar
This toolbar is available for both FireFox and Chrome and should give you access to typical analytical metrics. Also, it will provide you with that information in real-time.
7. Open Site Explorer
This is a tool that you can use to investigate backlinks on your blog and any other blog (your competitor). The free version will limit you to 200 backlinks per report with detailed information on the first five backlinks.
6. Ubersuggest
This is a simple keyword suggestion tool. It would keyword phrases based on Google’s own suggestion engine which proves very useful especially when you are confused as to what keywords to use.
5. Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool
This particular tool should help you optimize your page’s title and meta description tags in order for you to maximize the appeal of your websites when they are listed in search results. You definitely want this one.
4. Browseo
This simple little tool will let you look at websites as a search engine would. It should let you view your blog from an SEO perspective in seconds without having to go through long coding and all. You have Android and iOS versions available.
3. Anchor Text over Optimization Report
This tool will check your site for over optimized anchor text. All you need to do is input your site’s URL and the service will generate a list of keywords and keyword phrases.
2. Xenu’s Link Sleuth
Xenu’s Link Sleuth is of extreme importance because it checks for broken links on your website and that includes partial checking of FTP, e-mail links and Gopher. It should be able to generate a simple report of all the issues that it locates.
1. Bing Webmaster Tools
In functionality, this particular one is quite similar to Google Webmaster Tools. Bing Webmaster Tools offers a suite of interesting research tools and resources for webmasters.
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