2013-07-08 17:12:30




  1. 对负数,要加上负号;
  2. 考虑不同进制,根据要求进行处理;对不同的进制转换方法不同(如对于16进制还要考虑10~15的情况:*str++ = digit[cnt--] - 10 + 'A');
  3. 最后要加上字符串结束符*str = '\0';
  4. 要正确输出绝对值最大的负数,就必须将输入转换为无符号数,因为对下面的代码:

long int num = -2147483648;



因为-2147483648取负号,为2147483648,但对于32位的long int型,其所能表示的最大正数为2147483647,因此2147483648将转换为-2147483648,在执行下面的while循环时就会得到意想不到的怪异结果。


if (false == PreFlag)
    *str++ = '0';
    *str++ = 'x';
    PreFlag = true;


if (false == PreFlag)
    *str++ = '0';
    PreFlag = true;



 #include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std; #define SIZE 100 bool BaseError = false; //考虑不同进制的转换
char * _itoa_1 (long int num,char str[],int base)
if ( !(base == || base == || base == ) )
BaseError = true;
return NULL;
} int digit[]; //保存各个数字
int cnt = ;
int sign = ;
bool PreFlag = false;
char *str_copy = str;
unsigned long int uNum = ; if (num < ) //对负数的处理
sign = -;
uNum = (unsigned long int) - num; //转换为unsigned long int,这样才能处理绝对值最大的负数
uNum = num;
} while (uNum)
digit[cnt++] = uNum % base;
uNum = uNum / base;
} --cnt; if (cnt >= && - == sign) //对负数,要加负号
*str++ = '-';
} while (cnt >= )
if ( == base) //对不同的进制,转换方式不同
*str++ = digit[cnt--] + '';
else if ( == base)
if (false == PreFlag)
*str++ = '';
*str++ = 'x';
PreFlag = true;
if (digit[cnt] >= && digit[cnt] <= )
*str++ = digit[cnt--] + '';
*str++ = digit[cnt--] - + 'A';
else if ( == base)
if (false == PreFlag)
*str++ = '';
PreFlag = true;
*str++ = digit[cnt--] + '';
} *str = '\0';
return str_copy; //返回指针地址
} //测试程序
int main()
char str[SIZE];
int num = ;
int base = ;
cout<<"test _itoa_1..."<<endl;
cout<<"please enter the integer number and the base:"<<endl;
cout<<"the integer number is :"<<num<<endl;
cout<<"the int number is : "<<_itoa_1(num,str,base)<<endl;
cout<<"please enter the string :"<<endl;
cout<<"please enter the integer number and the base:"<<endl;
} return ;


test _itoa_1...
please enter the integer number and the base: the integer number is :
the int number is :
please enter the string :
please enter the integer number and the base:
- the integer number is :-
the int number is : -
please enter the string :
please enter the integer number and the base: the integer number is :
the int number is : 0x22E6
please enter the string :
please enter the integer number and the base: the integer number is :
the int number is :
please enter the string :
please enter the integer number and the base:
- the integer number is :-
the int number is : -0x4E
please enter the string :
please enter the integer number and the base:
- the integer number is :-
the int number is : -
please enter the string :
please enter the integer number and the base:
请按任意键继续. . .


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