C:\Program Files\Atmel\Atmel Studio 6.1\atbackend\atprogram.exe

No command specified.
Atmel Studio Command Line Interface
Copyright (C) 2013 Atmel Corporation.

Usage: atprogram [options] <command> [arguments] [<command> [arguments] ...]


-t --tool <arg> Tool name: avrdragon, avrispmk2, avrone, jtagice3,jtagicemkii, qt600, stk500, stk600, samice or edbg.
-s --serialnumber <arg> The programmer/debugger serialnumber. Must be specified when more than one debugger is connected.
-c --comport <arg> The com port to use for the programmer/debugger. e.g. -c COM1 or -c 1
-i --interface <arg> Physical interface: aWire, debugWIRE, HVPP, HVSP, ISP, JTAG, PDI, TPI or SWD.
-d --device <arg> Device name. E.g. atxmega128a1 or at32uc3a0256.
-v --verbose Verbose output (debug).
-h --host <arg> Target host which runs the backend process.
-p --port <arg> Specify which port to use for the backend process. Ignored if the host option is not given.
-f --force Force command even if firmware is not up to date.
-cl --clock <arg> The frequency to use for communication with a device (hz, khz, mhz, default hz). E.g. -cl 10mhz
-mb --max-baudrate <arg> The maximum baud rate for communication on awire (Kbps).
-xr --externalreset Apply external reset when starting a session.
-dc --daisychain <args,..> Set up a JTAG daisychain. Arguments are <devices-before devices-after instr-before instr-after>.
-sa --snippet_addr <arg> Address where flash programming ram snippet should be loaded.
-nr --no_ram Do not use ram snippet to program flash.
-tv --target-voltage <arg> Set the STK600 or STK500 target voltage (float value).
-a0 --aref0 <arg> Set the STK600 Aref0 or STK500 aref generator voltage (float value).
-a1 --aref1 <arg> Set the STK600 Aref1 generator voltage (float value).
-cg --clock-generator <arg> Set the STK600 or STK500 clock generator frequency (hz, khz, mhz, default hz).
--timeout <arg> Set the timeout value in seconds for commands. The default is 180 seconds. Set to 0 for no timeout.
-q --quiet Do not display activity indicator.
-? --help Display help information.
-V --version Display version information.


chiperase Full erase of chip.
erase Erase the specified memory.
help Displays help for a specific command.
info Display information about a device.
interactive Run in interactive mode.
list Detect and print information about connected Atmel Tools.
program Program device with data from <file>.
read Read the contents of the memory on the device.
reset Reset all domains and jump to the reset vector.
secure Set the security bit on UC3 and ARM devices.
verify Verify content of memory based on a file.
version Display the version.
write Write to the memory with values entered on the command line.


Use atprogram help <command> to get available attributes.


atprogram -t jtagice3 -i jtag -d at32uc3b0512 program -f e:\file.elf
atprogram -t avrone -i pdi -d atxmega128a1 chiperase
atprogram -t jtagicemkii -i jtag -d at90can128 info

For command specific help, use atprogram help <command>

C:\Program Files\Atmel\Atmel Studio 6.1\atbackend>atprogram help program

    atprogram [options] program <arguments>

    Program device with data from <file>. File format is determined from its suffix unless specified.
    If no address space name is specified, flash is assumed for Tiny/Mega and XMega, base for uc3 and SAM.

    Execute atprogram without arguments to list available options.

  -fl --flash               Program flash address space. tinyAVR, megaAVR  and AVR XMEGA only. 
  -ee --eeprom              Program eeprom address space. 
  -us --usersignature       Program user signature. 
  -up --userpage            Program userpage. 
  -fs --fuses               Program fuses. 
  -lb --lockbits            Program lockbits. 
  -f  --file (file)         File to be programmed. Intel hex, elf or binary. 
  -o  --offset (offset)     Input file contents will be written to this offset. Default offset is 0. Only valid for binary file format. 
  --format (format)         Specify the format of file. Supported input formats are 'elf', 'hex' and 'bin'. 
  -c  --chiperase           Perform a chip erase before programming. 
  -e  --erase               Erase only affected pages before programming. AVR UC3 and AVR XMEGA only. SAM devices will always do this. 
  --verify                  Verify memory after programming. 
  -l  --list                List content of file.

  atprogram -t avrone -i jtag -d atmega2560 program -c -fl -f source.elf 
    Perform chiperase and program only the segments of source.elf that map to flash.

atprogram -t avrone -i jtag -d at32uc3a0512 program -e --verify -f source.elf 
    Erase only affected pages, program all segments in source.elf and verify.

atprogram -t samice -i jtag -d atsam3s4c program -lb -f lockbits.bin 
    Program lockbits as contained in a binary file.

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