using namespace std;
typedef long long int64;
//typedef __int64 int64;
typedef pair<int64,int64> PII;
#define L(x) (x<<1)
#define R(x) (x<<1|1)
#define MP(a,b) make_pair((a),(b))
const int maxn = ;
const int inf = 0x7fffffff;
const double pi=acos(-1.0);
const double eps = 1e-; struct Node{
int L,R,color;
}tree[ maxn<< ];
struct NODE{
int L,R;
bool operator<(const NODE &tmp ) const{
return R<tmp.R;
}a[ maxn ];
int myhash[ maxn ];
int ANS;
int vis[ maxn ]; int lisanhua( int k ){
sort( myhash,myhash+k );
int cnt = unique( myhash,myhash+k ) - myhash;
return cnt;
} void build( int L,int R,int n ){
if( L==R ){
tree[ n ].L = L;
tree[ n ].R = R;
tree[ n ].color = ;
return ;
tree[ n ].L = L;
tree[ n ].R = R;
tree[ n ].color = ;
int mid = (L+R)/;
build( L,mid,L(n) );
build( mid+,R,R(n) );
} void PushDown( int n,int new_color ){
if( tree[ n ].color!=&&tree[ n ].color!=new_color ){
tree[ L(n) ].color = tree[ R(n) ].color = tree[ n ].color;
tree[ n ].color = ;
} void update( int x,int y,int new_color,int L,int R,int n ){
if( x==L&&y==R ){
tree[ n ].color = new_color;
return ;
PushDown( n,new_color );
int mid = (L+R)/;
if( mid>=y ) update( x,y,new_color,L,mid,L(n) );
else if( mid<x ) update( x,y,new_color,mid+,R,R(n) );
else {
update( x,mid,new_color,L,mid,L(n) );
update( mid+,y,new_color,mid+,R,R(n) );
} void query( int n ){
if( tree[n].color ){
if( vis[tree[n].color]== ){
vis[tree[n].color] = ;
return ;
//int mid = (tree[n].L+tree[n].R)/2;
query( L(n) );
query( R(n) );
} int main(){
int T;
while( T-- ){
int n;
int k = ;
for( int i=;i<=n;i++ ){
myhash[ k++ ] = a[i].L;
myhash[ k++ ] = a[i].R;
int cnt = lisanhua( k );
build( ,cnt, );
for( int i=;i<=n;i++ ){
int x = lower_bound( myhash,myhash+cnt,a[i].L )-myhash;
int y = lower_bound( myhash,myhash+cnt,a[i].R )-myhash;
//printf("i = %d\n",i);
//printf("x = %d, y=%d\n",x,y);
update( x,y,i,,cnt, );
ANS = ;
memset( vis,,sizeof( vis ) );
query( );
return ;
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