import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main {
private static Scanner cin;
private static LinkedList<Integer>[] list;
private static HashMap equationCalced;
private static HashMap calculatedN;
public static void init() {
list=new LinkedList[6];
list[0] = new LinkedList<Integer>();
list[0].add(1);//2 match can represent 1
list[1] = new LinkedList<Integer>();
list[1].add(7);//3 match can represent 7
list[2] = new LinkedList<Integer>();
list[2].add(4);//4 match can represent 4
list[3] = new LinkedList<Integer>();
list[3].add(2);//5 match can represent 2
list[3].add(3);//5 match can represent 3
list[3].add(5);//5 match can represent 5
list[4] = new LinkedList<Integer>();
list[4].add(0);//6 match can represent 0
list[4].add(6);//6 match can represent 6
list[4].add(9);//6 match can represent 9
list[5] = new LinkedList<Integer>();
list[5].add(8);//7 match can represent 8 equationCalced = new HashMap();
calculatedN = new HashMap();
} public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
cin = new Scanner(;
int n = cin.nextInt();
int matchesForDigit = n-4;
//we need at least 12 matches, the equation is 1+1=2
if(n<13) {
}else {
} //calc digit which can be represented by n matches
public static int calc(int n) {
//LinkedList<Integer> digitList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
int ret = 0;
//get the first digit
for(int i=2;i<=n-4;i++) {
LinkedList<String> listA = digitWithMatchN(i);
if(null == listA) {
} for(int j=2;j<=n-i-2;j++) {
LinkedList<String> listB = digitWithMatchN(j);
LinkedList<String> listC = digitWithMatchN(n-i-j);
if (null == listB || null == listC) {
Object[] arrayA = listA.toArray();
Object[] arrayB = listB.toArray();
Object[] arrayC = listC.toArray();
for(int x=0;x<arrayA.length;x++) {
for(int y=0;y<arrayB.length;y++) {
for(int z=0;z<arrayC.length;z++) {
long a = Long.valueOf((String)arrayA[x]);
long b = Long.valueOf((String)arrayB[y]);
long c = Long.valueOf((String)arrayC[z]);
if(a + b == c) {
if (equationCalced.containsKey(String.format("%d+%d", a,b))) {
}else {
equationCalced.put(String.format("%d+%d", a,b), c);
return ret;
} public static LinkedList<String> digitWithMatchN(int n) {
if(calculatedN.containsKey(n)) {
return (LinkedList<String>)calculatedN.get(n);
LinkedList<String> retList = new LinkedList<String>();
if(n == 0) {
return null;
}else if(n==1) {
//this match list can not present the right digit
return null;
}else if(n == 2){
//return digit 1
}else if(n == 3) {
//return digit 7
}else {
for(int i=2;i<=7 && i<=n;i++) {
Iterator<Integer> ai = list[i-2].iterator();
//iterate digit in list[i-2]
if(0 == n-i) {
while(ai.hasNext()) {
String tmpStr = String.valueOf(;
}else {
LinkedList<String> tmp = digitWithMatchN(n-i);
if(null == tmp) {// n-1 match can not represent the right digit
while(ai.hasNext()) {
String tmpStr = String.valueOf(;
Iterator tmpIt = tmp.iterator();
boolean hasNext = false;
while (tmpIt.hasNext()) {
hasNext = true;
String tmpStr2 = (String);
if(tmpStr.equals("0")) {
break;//if the prefix is 0, this digit is not illegal
}else {
retList.add(tmpStr +tmpStr2);
if (!hasNext) {
if(!calculatedN.containsKey(n)) {
calculatedN.put(n, retList);
return retList;

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