应用程序以及客户端工具(Toad、PL/SQL Developer等)出现突然连接不上数据库服务器的情况,监听日志listener.log里面出现了TSN-12518与TSN-12540错误,如下所示,

27-JAN-2015 10:10:19 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=scm2)(CID=(PROGRAM=c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe)(HOST=POS)(USER=SYSTEM)))

* (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=192.168.xxx.xxx)(PORT=1667)) * establish * scm2 * 12518

TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection

TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded

27-JAN-2015 10:10:19 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=scm2)(CID=(PROGRAM=c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe)(HOST=CEGWEB1)(USER=NETWO

RK?SERVICE))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=192.168.xxx.xxx)(PORT=1284)) * establish * scm2 * 12518

TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection

TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded



ps -ef | grep tnslsnr

oraescm 6669 5979 0 14:03 pts/5 00:00:00 grep tnslsnr

oraescm 29877 1 0 08:12 ? 00:00:11 /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit

2:检查查看监听服务的状态(lsnrctl status)

3: 检查lsnrctl services后, 发现一个奇怪的情况Dispatcher没有拒绝监听的记录,如下所示


像平时查询时(如下所示)的速度是非常快的。如果”busy rate%“比例超过50%一般建议加SHARED SERVER OR DISPATCHER

SQL> select name,(busy/(busy+idle))*100 "busy rate%" from v$dispatcher;


NAME busy rate%

---- ----------

D000 .194393707

D001 .124595175

D002 .102238233

D003 .097416229

D004 .140182022

D005 .114123279

D006 .137454634

D007 .148511476

D008 .148901287

D009 .111103697


10 rows selected.

5:检查会话、进程数量。发现当前会话数为483,历史最大值为720. sessions最大值为1000 ,processes参数最大值为870, 应该可以排除processes与session参数值设置过小导致。

select * from v$resource_limit;


select count(1) from v$session;




FROM v$license;


select count(1) from v$process;


select count(1) from v$session;


select busy/(busy+idle) from v$shared_server;


select name,busy/(busy+idle)*100 "Dispatcher Busy Rate" from v$dispatcher;




TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded

Cause: Too many TNS connections open simultaneously.

Action: Wait for connections to close and re-try.



TNS-12540/ORA-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded and TNS-00510: Internal limit restriction exceeded

Cause: An internal limit has been exceeded. Possible limits include:

Number of open connection that Oracle Net can process simultaneously

Number of memory buffers which can be used simultaneously

Number of processes a particular database instance is allowed

The first two are examples of hard limits. The third is an example of a limit which can be increased by setting PROCESSES parameter in the database initialization file to a larger value. In this case, a TNS-12500/ORA-12500 error is also returned. In some cases, these errors can be caused by the same conditions which cause TNS-12549/ORA-12549 and TNS-00519 errors.

Action: Perform these steps:

Wait for the open connections to close and retry. If the error persists, then check the sqlnet.log or listener.log file for detailed error stack information.

ORA-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded

Cause: Too many TNS connections open simultaneously.

Action: Wait for connections to close and re-try.

This error is not an indication of a network problem unless it occurs on all connections (in other words you have never been able to connect). If so it is a .ora configuration problem.

If you can make connections up to a certain point but then fails it is an indication of a resource limitation at the os level (this sounds like your scenario)

Typical problems are:

      Out of system memory / swap

       Out of process slots in the process table

       Streams resources depleted

       Physical connections allows by the kernal.

       Out of File Handles



[orxxm@xxxx ~]$ ulimit -a

core file size          (blocks, -c) 0

data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited

scheduling priority             (-e) 0

file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited

pending signals                 (-i) 193217

max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64

max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited

open files                      (-n) 65536

pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8

POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200

real-time priority              (-r) 0

stack size              (kbytes, -s) 4194302

cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited

max user processes              (-u) 16384

virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited

file locks                      (-x) unlimited

check to count the number of existing socket handles on your db server (as root):

[oraescm@eellnx18 bdump]$ lsof -i 4 -a | wc -l



[oraescm@eellnx18 bdump]$ cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max



SQL>alter system set dispatchers='(protocol=TCP)(disp=10)(serv=SCM2)' scope=both;




SQL> show parameter dispatchers


NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

dispatchers                          string      (protocol=TCP)(disp=10)(serv=S


max_dispatchers                      integer



205-02-03 添加:










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