为了实现这种功能,通过模拟golang的`time`模块中的`ParseDuration(s string) (duration, error)`函数,使用Python代码实现如下:
- #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- import sys
- import logging
- reload(sys) # reload 才能调用 setdefaultencoding 方法
- sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') # 设置 'utf-8'
- from cfg import config
- class TimeTool(object):
- def __init__(self):
- handler = logging.StreamHandler()
- formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
- handler.setFormatter(formatter)
- self.logger = logging.getLogger("HistoryReader")
- self.logger.addHandler(handler)
- self.logger.setLevel(config.LOG_LEVEL)
- self.Nanosecond = 1
- self.Microsecond = 1000 * self.Nanosecond
- self.Millisecond = 1000 * self.Microsecond
- self.Second = 1000 * self.Millisecond
- self.Minute = 60 * self.Second
- self.Hour = 60 * self.Minute
- self.unitMap = {
- "ns": int(self.Nanosecond),
- "us": int(self.Microsecond),
- "µs": int(self.Microsecond), # U+00B5 = micro symbol
- "μs": int(self.Microsecond), # U+03BC = Greek letter mu
- "ms": int(self.Millisecond),
- "s": int(self.Second),
- "m": int(self.Minute),
- "h": int(self.Hour),
- }
- pass
- def leadingInt(self, s):
- x, rem, err = int(0), str(""), "time: bad [0-9]*"
- i = 0
- while i < len(s):
- c = s[i]
- if c < '0' or c > '9':
- break
- #print x
- if x > (1 << 63-1)/10:
- #print "x > (1 << 63-1)/10 => %s > %s" %(x, (1 << 63-1)/10)
- return 0, "", err
- x = x * 10 + int(c) - int('0')
- if x < 0:
- #print "x < 0 => %s < 0" %(x)
- return 0, "", err
- i+=1
- return x, s[i:], None
- def leadingFraction(self, s):
- x, scale, rem = int(0), float(1), ""
- i, overflow = 0, False
- while i < len(s):
- c = s[i]
- if c < '0' or c > '9':
- break
- if overflow:
- continue
- if x > (1<<63-1)/10 :
- overflow = True
- continue
- y = x*10 + int(c) - int('0')
- if y < 0:
- overflow = True
- continue
- x = y
- scale *= 10
- i += 1
- return x, scale, s[i:]
- """
- 将小时,分钟,转换为秒
- 比如: 5m 转换为 300秒;5m20s 转换为320秒
- time 单位支持:"ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"
- """
- def ParseDuration(self, s):
- if s == "" or len(s) < 1:
- return 0
- orig = s
- neg = False
- d = float(0)
- if s != "":
- if s[0] == "-" or s[0] == "+":
- neg = s[0] == "-"
- s = s[1:]
- if s == "0" or s == "":
- return 0
- while s != "":
- v, f, scale = int(0), int(0), float(1)
- print "S: %s" %s
- # the next character must be [0-9.]
- if not (s[0] == "." or '0' <= s[0] and s[0] <= '9'):
- self.logger.error("time1: invalid duration %s, s:%s" % (orig, s))
- return 0
- # Consume [0-9]*
- pl = len(s)
- v, s, err = self.leadingInt(s)
- if err != None:
- self.logger.error("time2, invalid duration %s" %orig)
- return 0
- pre = pl != len(s)
- # consume (\.[0-9]*)?
- post = False
- if s != "" and s[0] == ".":
- s = s[1:]
- pl = len(s)
- f, scale, s = self.leadingFraction(s)
- post = pl != len(s)
- if not pre and not post:
- self.logger.error("time3, invalid duration %s" %orig)
- return 0
- # Consume unit.
- i = 0
- while i < len(s):
- c = s[i]
- if c == '.' or '0' <= c and c <= '9':
- break
- i+=1
- if i == 0:
- self.logger.error("time4: unkonw unit in duration: %s" %orig)
- return 0
- print "s:%s, i:%s, s[:i]:%s" %(s, i, s[:i])
- u = s[:i]
- s = s[i:]
- if not self.unitMap.has_key(u):
- self.logger.error("time5: unknow unit %s in duration %s" %(u, orig))
- return 0
- unit = self.unitMap[u]
- if v > (1<<63-1)/unit:
- self.logger.error("time6: invalid duration %s" %orig)
- return 0
- v *= unit
- if f > 0 :
- v += int(float(f) * (float(unit) / scale))
- if v < 0:
- self.logger.error("time7: invalid duration %s" %orig)
- return 0
- d += v
- if d < 0 :
- self.logger.error("time8: invalid duration %s" %orig)
- return 0
- if neg :
- d = -d
- return float(d)
- #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- from timeTools import TimeTool
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- tools = TimeTool()
- s = tools.ParseDuration("1m20.123s")
- print s
- tools = TimeTool()
- s = tools.ParseDuration("1m20.123s")
print s/tools.Second
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