LC 593. Valid Square
Given the coordinates of four points in 2D space, return whether the four points could construct a square.
The coordinate (x,y) of a point is represented by an integer array with two integers.
Input: p1 = [0,0], p2 = [1,1], p3 = [1,0], p4 = [0,1]
Output: True
- All the input integers are in the range [-10000, 10000].
- A valid square has four equal sides with positive length and four equal angles (90-degree angles).
- Input points have no order.
Runtime: 16 ms, faster than 57.63% of Java online submissions for Valid Square.
class Solution {
public boolean validSquare(int[] p1, int[] p2, int[] p3, int[] p4) {
int[][] p = {{p1[],p1[]},{p2[],p2[]},{p3[],p3[]},{p4[],p4[]}};
int cnt = ;
int[] len = new int[];
for(int i=; i<; i++){
for(int j=i+; j< ;j++){
if(p[i][] == p[j][] && p[i][] == p[j][]) return false;
len[cnt++] = (p[i][]-p[j][])*(p[i][]-p[j][])+(p[i][]-p[j][])*(p[i][]-p[j][]);
if(len[] == len[] && len[] == len[] && len[] > len[]){
return true;
return false;
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