Android --其他测试点
Spot localization issues
Pseudolocales provide a time-saving and effective way to spot potential localizability issues in the UI by helping you to identify problems in the following areas:
- Hard-coded strings, which cannot be sent to translation, display as unaccented text in the pseudolocale to make them easy to notice.
- UI layout issues caused by text expansion showing where the UI can break due to text length.
String concatenation, which displays as one message split across 2 or more brackets. This can make correct translation difficult because translators have to translate each part independently without knowing that the parts are related. String concatenation can also make correct translation impossible because different languages might require a different order of parts or a completely different sentence structure. For example, some languages such as Japanese, Korean, and Tamil place the verb at the end. When the sentence is concatenated, translators cannot change the word order as needed.
Bi-directional (BIDI) text problems, such as when content in one text direction includes an inline phrase in the opposite text direction making the string difficult to read.
Right-to-left (RTL) problems such as elements not being mirrored. For example, a UI element did not move to the left, text did not reverse and move to the left, or misplaced punctuation, such as "pseudolocales rule!" changing to "elur selacoloduesp!" when it should instead be "!elur selacoloduesp".
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