
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Row, Col, Table, Form, Cascader, Input, Button, Modal, message } from 'antd';
import { FormComponentProps } from 'antd/lib/form';
import http from '../../service'; import './post_category.css'
import { PostCategoryTo } from '../../models/PostCategoryTo';
interface PostCategoryProps extends FormComponentProps { } const PostCategory: React.FC<PostCategoryProps> = (props) => { const scroll = { y: window.innerHeight - 200 };
const columns = [
{ title: '名称', dataIndex: 'name' },
{ title: '路径', dataIndex: 'code' }
const rowSelection = {
onChange: (selectedRowKeys: any, rows: any) => {
} const { getFieldDecorator } = props.form;
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
const [dataSource, setDataSource] = useState([])
let [selectedRows, setSelectedRows] = useState([])
let [formModel, setFormModel] = useState(new PostCategoryTo())
const fieldNames = { label: 'name', value: 'uid', children: 'children'} useEffect(() => {
}, []) function loadData() {
.json(res => {
setDataSource(Object.assign([], res))
} function handleAdd () {
setFormModel(new PostCategoryTo())
} function handleModify () {
if (selectedRows.length !== 1) {
} setFormModel(PostCategoryTo.fromObject(selectedRows[0]))
} function handleDelete () {
if (selectedRows.length === 0) {
} Modal.confirm({
title: '请确认你要删除这些项目',
onOk() {
const list = selectedRows.map((it:any) => it.uid)
.text(() => {
}).catch(err => message.error(err.message))
onCancel() {},
} function handleSave() {
props.form.validateFields((err, values) => {
if (!err) {
const param = Object.assign({}, formModel, values)
console.log(param, formModel, values)
if (Array.isArray(values.parentUid)) {
param.parentUid = values.parentUid[values.parentUid.length - 1]
setLoading(true) let resp: any = null
if (param.uid) {
resp = http.url(`v1/post-category/${param.uid}`).put(param)
} else {
resp = http.url('v1/post-category').post(param)
} resp.json(res => {
.finally(() => {
} return (
<Row gutter={32}>
<Col span={6}>
<Form.Item label='名称' help='名称是它显示在网页上。'>
{getFieldDecorator('name', {initialValue: formModel.name, rules: [{ required: true, message: '请输入账号' }]})(
<Input id='name' placeholder='请输入名称'></Input>
<Form.Item label='路径' help='它通常是地址栏里面的路径,它通常都是小写的,只包含字母、数字和连字符。'>
{getFieldDecorator('code', {initialValue: formModel.code})(
<Input id="code"></Input>
<Form.Item label='父分类'>
{getFieldDecorator('parentUid', {initialValue: formModel.parentUid})(
<Cascader fieldNames={fieldNames} options={dataSource} placeholder='选择父分类'/>
<Form.Item label='描述' help='默认情况下描述不显示;一些主题可能会显示这一点。'>
{getFieldDecorator('description', {initialValue: formModel.description})(
<Input.TextArea id="description"></Input.TextArea>
<div className="button-save">
<Button type='primary' loading={loading} onClick={handleSave}>保存</Button>
<Col span={18}>
<div className='toolbar'>
<Button size='small' onClick={handleAdd}>新增</Button>
<Button type='primary' size='small' onClick={handleModify}>修改</Button>
<Button type='danger' size='small' onClick={handleDelete}>删除</Button>
<Table columns={columns} size="small" rowKey="uid" rowSelection={rowSelection} dataSource={dataSource} pagination={false} scroll={scroll}></Table>
) } export default Form.create()(PostCategory)

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