1. 内核版本


2. 请看devm_regmap_init_i2c (include/linux/regmap.h)

* devm_regmap_init_i2c() - Initialise managed register map
* @i2c: Device that will be interacted with
* @config: Configuration for register map
* The return value will be an ERR_PTR() on error or a valid pointer
* to a struct regmap. The regmap will be automatically freed by the
* device management code.
#define devm_regmap_init_i2c(i2c, config) \
__regmap_lockdep_wrapper(__devm_regmap_init_i2c, #config, \
i2c, config)

3. 看看__regmap_lockdep_wrapper

* Wrapper for regmap_init macros to include a unique lockdep key and name
* for each call. No-op if CONFIG_LOCKDEP is not set.
* @fn: Real function to call (in the form __[*_]regmap_init[_*])
* @name: Config variable name (#config in the calling macro)
**/#define __regmap_lockdep_wrapper(fn, name, ...) \
( \
({ \
static struct lock_class_key _key; \
fn(__VA_ARGS__, &_key, \
__stringify(__LINE__) ":" \
"(" name ")->lock"); \
}) \





5. 展开

(                                                                       \
({ \
static struct lock_class_key _key; \
__devm_regmap_init_i2c(__VA_ARGS__, &_key, \
"regmap_i2c:99:config->lock"); \
}) \

6. 看看__devm_regmap_init_i2c的执行路径


    -> regmap_get_i2c_bus

    -> __devm_regmap_init

      -> devres_alloc

      -> __regmap_init

7. 重点分析__regmap_init

        map->dev = dev;
map->bus = bus;
map->bus_context = bus_context;
map->max_register = config->max_register;
map->wr_table = config->wr_table;
map->rd_table = config->rd_table;
map->volatile_table = config->volatile_table;
map->precious_table = config->precious_table;
map->wr_noinc_table = config->wr_noinc_table;
map->rd_noinc_table = config->rd_noinc_table;
map->writeable_reg = config->writeable_reg;
map->readable_reg = config->readable_reg;
map->volatile_reg = config->volatile_reg;
map->precious_reg = config->precious_reg;
map->writeable_noinc_reg = config->writeable_noinc_reg;
map->readable_noinc_reg = config->readable_noinc_reg;
map->cache_type = config->cache_type;





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