Find the maximum node in a binary tree, return the node.


Given a binary tree:

/ \
-5 2
/ \ / \
0 3 -4 -5

return the node with value 3.


 class Solution {
* @param root the root of binary tree
* @return the max node
TreeNode* maxNode(TreeNode* root) {
// Write your code here
if (root == NULL) {
return root;
} TreeNode* left = maxNode(root->left);
TreeNode* right = maxNode(root->right); return max(root, max(left, right));
} TreeNode* max(TreeNode* a, TreeNode* b) {
if (a == NULL || b == NULL) {
return (a == NULL ? b : a);
} return (a->val > b->val ? a : b);
} };

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