This List of Open Software is comprised largely of open-source packages. Most people who review the list below are surprised by the quantity and depth of open-source software. Many of us think of Linux when we hear "open source". While Linux is a great example of the open-source process, it is a small segment of the movement. Many open-source applications are available for Microsoft Windows and the Apple Macintosh.
Take a tour of open-source software by following some of the links below. You'll be amazed! To learn more about how DAMICON can help you navigate the open-source landscape, visit our Open Software Program page.
Commercial Software Category | Open-Source Equivalent |
AntiVirus Tools (eg. Norton, McAfee) |
Application Servers (eg. IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic) | |
Asset Management (eg. Intuit, Peregrine, Remedy) | |
Backup Utilities (eg. CA ARCserve, Legato, Veritas) | |
BioInformatics (multiple highly specialized vendors) | |
Business Graphics (eg. Microsoft Visio) | |
CD / DVD Burning (eg. Adaptec RecordNow, Roxio CD Creator) | |
Configuration Management (eg. Rational ClearCase, Visual SourceSafe) | |
Content Management Systems (eg. Documentum, Interwoven, Vignette) | |
Content Management Systems - Web | |
CRM Applications (eg. Microsoft CRM, Siebel) | |
Database Software (eg. Microsoft Access, SQL Server) | |
Database (BI) Tools (eg. Crystal Reports, ERWin, Microsoft Access) | |
Desktop Publishing (eg. Microsoft Publisher, Quark Xpress) | |
Directory Servers (eg. Microsoft Active Directory) | |
Disk Imaging (eg. Norton Ghost) | |
Document Management (eg. Open Text) | |
Email Applications (eg. Microsoft Outlook Express) | |
Email List Manager | |
Email Servers - POP and SMTP (eg. Microsoft Exchange) | |
Email Servers - IMAP | |
ERP and Financial Software (eg. Oracle, SAP, Intuit QuickBooks) | |
File Compression (eg. PKzip, WinZip) | |
Flash Viewers (eg. Macromedia Flash) | |
Forums, Blogs (Weblogs), Bulletin Boards and Wikis | |
Graphics and Image Editors (eg. Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop) | |
Groupware (eg. Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes) | |
Help Desk (eg. BMC Remedy, FrontPage Heat, Intuit Track-It) | |
HTML Editors (eg. DreamWeaver, FrontPage, HomeSite) | |
Instant Messaging (eg. AIM, MSN, Yahoo!) | |
Integrated Dev Environments (eg. Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual Studio) | |
Learning (or Course) Management System | |
Modeling Tools (eg. IBM Rational Rose, CA AllFusion) | |
Music Playing / Editing (eg. iTunes, Sound Forge, Cool Edit) | |
Network Diagramming and Monitoring | |
Network Management Tools (eg. HP OpenView, Microsoft SMS) | |
Office Productivity Suites (eg. Microsoft Office) | |
Operating Environments (eg. Microsoft Windows, Linux, VMWare) | |
PDF File Viewer and Creator (eg. Adobe Acrobat) | |
Personal Financial Managers (eg. Microsoft Money, Intuit Quicken) | |
Personal Information Managers (eg. Microsoft Outlook) | |
Photo Album Manager (or Photo Organizer) | |
Portal Servers (eg. Microsoft Sharepoint, Plumtree, Vignette) |
Presentation Software (eg. Microsoft Powerpoint) | |
Privacy (eg. Pretty Good Privacy) | |
Programming Languages | |
Project Management and Collaboration (eg. Microsoft Project) | |
Remote Access (eg. Symantec pcAnywhere or VPN appliances) | |
Security (eg. firewalls, scanners) | |
Shopping Cart (eg. AShop, Interspire) | |
Spam Filters (eg. MailWasher, SpamEater) | |
Spreadsheets (eg. Microsoft Excel) | |
Telephone Systems - VOIP / PBX / FAX Servers | |
Terminal Server (eg. Microsoft Windows Terminal Server) | |
Test Tools (eg. IBM Rational, Mercury Interactive, Segue) | |
Text Editors & File Merging (eg. Microsoft Notepad) | |
Video Editing | |
Video Players (WinDVD, PowerDVD, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer) | |
Virtual Meetings (eg. Microsoft NetMeeting / Messenger) | |
Web Browsers (eg. Microsoft Internet Explorer) | |
Web and FTP Servers (eg. Microsoft IIS) | |
Word Processors (eg. Microsoft Word) |
This List of Open Software is comprised largely of open-source packages. Most people who review the list below are surprised by the quantity and depth of open-source software. Many of us think of Linux when we hear "open source". While Linux is a great example of the open-source process, it is a small segment of the movement. Many open-source applications are available for Microsoft Windows and the Apple Macintosh.
Take a tour of open-source software by following some of the links below. You'll be amazed! To learn more about how DAMICON can help you navigate the open-source landscape, visit our Open Software Program page.
Commercial Software Category | Open-Source Equivalent |
AntiVirus Tools (eg. Norton, McAfee) |
Application Servers (eg. IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic) | |
Asset Management (eg. Intuit, Peregrine, Remedy) | |
Backup Utilities (eg. CA ARCserve, Legato, Veritas) | |
BioInformatics (multiple highly specialized vendors) | |
Business Graphics (eg. Microsoft Visio) | |
CD / DVD Burning (eg. Adaptec RecordNow, Roxio CD Creator) | |
Configuration Management (eg. Rational ClearCase, Visual SourceSafe) | |
Content Management Systems (eg. Documentum, Interwoven, Vignette) | |
Content Management Systems - Web | |
CRM Applications (eg. Microsoft CRM, Siebel) | |
Database Software (eg. Microsoft Access, SQL Server) | |
Database (BI) Tools (eg. Crystal Reports, ERWin, Microsoft Access) | |
Desktop Publishing (eg. Microsoft Publisher, Quark Xpress) | |
Directory Servers (eg. Microsoft Active Directory) | |
Disk Imaging (eg. Norton Ghost) | |
Document Management (eg. Open Text) | |
Email Applications (eg. Microsoft Outlook Express) | |
Email List Manager | |
Email Servers - POP and SMTP (eg. Microsoft Exchange) | |
Email Servers - IMAP | |
ERP and Financial Software (eg. Oracle, SAP, Intuit QuickBooks) | |
File Compression (eg. PKzip, WinZip) | |
Flash Viewers (eg. Macromedia Flash) | |
Forums, Blogs (Weblogs), Bulletin Boards and Wikis | |
Graphics and Image Editors (eg. Adobe Illustrator, PhotoShop) | |
Groupware (eg. Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes) | |
Help Desk (eg. BMC Remedy, FrontPage Heat, Intuit Track-It) | |
HTML Editors (eg. DreamWeaver, FrontPage, HomeSite) | |
Instant Messaging (eg. AIM, MSN, Yahoo!) | |
Integrated Dev Environments (eg. Microsoft Visual Basic, Visual Studio) | |
Learning (or Course) Management System | |
Modeling Tools (eg. IBM Rational Rose, CA AllFusion) | |
Music Playing / Editing (eg. iTunes, Sound Forge, Cool Edit) | |
Network Diagramming and Monitoring | |
Network Management Tools (eg. HP OpenView, Microsoft SMS) | |
Office Productivity Suites (eg. Microsoft Office) | |
Operating Environments (eg. Microsoft Windows, Linux, VMWare) | |
PDF File Viewer and Creator (eg. Adobe Acrobat) | |
Personal Financial Managers (eg. Microsoft Money, Intuit Quicken) | |
Personal Information Managers (eg. Microsoft Outlook) | |
Photo Album Manager (or Photo Organizer) | |
Portal Servers (eg. Microsoft Sharepoint, Plumtree, Vignette) |
Presentation Software (eg. Microsoft Powerpoint) | |
Privacy (eg. Pretty Good Privacy) | |
Programming Languages | |
Project Management and Collaboration (eg. Microsoft Project) | |
Remote Access (eg. Symantec pcAnywhere or VPN appliances) | |
Security (eg. firewalls, scanners) | |
Shopping Cart (eg. AShop, Interspire) | |
Spam Filters (eg. MailWasher, SpamEater) | |
Spreadsheets (eg. Microsoft Excel) | |
Telephone Systems - VOIP / PBX / FAX Servers | |
Terminal Server (eg. Microsoft Windows Terminal Server) | |
Test Tools (eg. IBM Rational, Mercury Interactive, Segue) | |
Text Editors & File Merging (eg. Microsoft Notepad) | |
Video Editing | |
Video Players (WinDVD, PowerDVD, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer) | |
Virtual Meetings (eg. Microsoft NetMeeting / Messenger) | |
Web Browsers (eg. Microsoft Internet Explorer) | |
Web and FTP Servers (eg. Microsoft IIS) | |
Word Processors (eg. Microsoft Word) |
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