HDU 5266 pog loves szh III 线段树,lca
Pog and Szh are playing games. Firstly Pog draw a tree on the paper. Here we define 1 as the root of the tree.Then Szh choose some nodes from the tree. He wants Pog helps to find the least common ancestor (LCA) of these node.The question is too difficult for Pog.So he decided to simplify the problems.The nodes picked are consecutive numbers from lili to riri ([li,ri])([li,ri]).
Several groups of data (no more than 3 groups,n≥10000n≥10000 or Q≥10000Q≥10000).
The following line contains ans integers,n(2≤n≤300000)n(2≤n≤300000).
AT The following n−1n−1 line, two integers are bibi and cici at every line, it shows an edge connecting bibi and cici.
The following line contains ans integers,Q(Q≤300000)Q(Q≤300000).
AT The following QQ line contains two integers li and ri(1≤li≤ri≤n1≤li≤ri≤n).
For each case,output QQ integers means the LCA of [li,ri][li,ri].
Sample Input
1 2
1 3
3 4
4 5
1 2
2 3
3 4
3 5
1 5
Sample Input
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <queue>
#pragma warning ( disable : 4996 )
#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000") //防止爆栈 using namespace std; int Max( int x, int y ) { return x>y?x:y; }
int Min( int x, int y ) { return x>y?y:x; } const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int vspot = 3e5 + ;
const int espot = 1e5 + ; struct node {
int from, to, next;
}e[vspot<<]; int N, Q, cnt, logn;
int lca[vspot<<], linjie[vspot];
int fa[vspot][], depth[vspot]; void addedge(int u, int v)
e[cnt].from = u; e[cnt].to = v;
e[cnt].next = linjie[u]; linjie[u] = cnt++;
e[cnt].from = v; e[cnt].to = u;
e[cnt].next = linjie[v]; linjie[v] = cnt++;
} void init()
cnt = ;
logn = ;
memset( linjie, -, sizeof(linjie) );
memset( lca, , sizeof(lca) );
memset( depth, , sizeof(depth) );
memset( fa, , sizeof(fa) );
} void dfs( int x )
for( int i = ; i <= logn; i++ )
if ( fa[x][i-] )
fa[x][i] = fa[fa[x][i-]][i-];
for ( int i = linjie[x]; i+; i = e[i].next )
if ( fa[x][] != e[i].to )
fa[e[i].to][] = x;
depth[e[i].to] = depth[x]+;
} void bfs( int x )
queue<int> Q;
Q.push(x); while (!Q.empty())
int run = Q.front();
for( int i = linjie[run]; i+; i = e[i].next )
if ( fa[run][] != e[i].to )
fa[e[i].to][] = run;
depth[e[i].to] = depth[run] + ;
} void init2()
for ( int i = ; i <= logn; i++ )
for ( int x = ; x <= N; x++ )
fa[x][i+] = fa[fa[x][i]][i];
} int Lca( int u, int v )
if ( depth[u] < depth[v] )
int d = depth[u] - depth[v];
for ( int i = ; i <= logn; i++ )
if( (<<i)&d )
u = fa[u][i]; if ( u == v ) return u;
for ( int i = logn; i >= ; i-- )
if ( fa[u][i] != fa[v][i] )
u = fa[u][i];
v = fa[v][i];
return fa[u][];
} void pushUp( int pos ) { lca[pos] = Lca(lca[pos<<], lca[pos<<|]); } void build( int lhs, int rhs, int id )
if ( lhs == rhs )
lca[id] = lhs;
int mid = ( lhs + rhs ) >> ;
build( lhs, mid, id<< );
build( mid+, rhs, id<<| ); pushUp(id);
} //lhs, rhs表示当前节点的区间,l,r表示要操作的区间
int query( int lhs, int rhs, int l, int r, int id )
if ( l <= lhs && r >= rhs )
return lca[id];
int mid = (lhs+rhs)>>; int llca = -, rlca = -;
if ( l <= mid ) llca = query( lhs, mid, l, r, id<< );
if ( r > mid ) rlca = query( mid+, rhs, l, r, id<<| ); if ( llca == - || rlca == - )
return Max(llca, rlca);
return Lca(llca, rlca);
} int main()
while ( ~scanf("%d", &N) )
int x, y;
for( int i = ; i < N; i++ )
{ scanf("%d %d", &x, &y ); addedge(x,y); }
// dfs(1); 用dfs并去掉上面两行也行
build(,N,); cin >> Q;
int ans;
for ( int i = ; i <= Q; i++ )
scanf( "%d %d", &x, &y );
ans = query( , N, x, y, );
printf( "%d\n", ans );
return ;
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