





namespace db
/// <summary>
/// 数据库连接工厂
/// </summary>
public class dbFactory
public static string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbConn"].ConnectionString;
private static string prividerName = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbConn"].ProviderName; public static IDbConnection createConn()
IDbConnection conn = null;
switch (prividerName)
case "System.Data.SqlClient":
conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
case "MySql.Data.MySqlClient":
conn = new MySqlConnection(connStr);
return conn;


namespace db.model
public class Couser
public int id { get; set; }
public string courseName { get; set; }
public partial class Score
public int id { get; set; }
public int score { get; set; }
public int courseId { get; set; }
public int studentId { get; set; }
public partial class Student
public int id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public int sex { get; set; }
public string tel { get; set; }
public string other { get; set; }


using Dapper;
using DapperExtensions;
using db.model;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Text;


public static Couser query()
using (IDbConnection conn = db.dbFactory.createConn())
string sql = " SELECT * FROM dbo.Course where id=@id ";
Couser model1 = conn.QueryFirstOrDefault<Couser>(sql, new { id = });
return model1;
} //过滤查询like方式1
public static List<Couser> queryWhere1(string courseName)
using (IDbConnection conn = db.dbFactory.createConn())
//原生写法 模糊查询1
string sql = " SELECT * FROM dbo.Course where charindex(@courseName,courseName)>0 ";
List<Couser> list = conn.Query<Couser>(sql, new { courseName = courseName }).ToList();
return list;
} //过滤查询like方式2
public static List<Couser> queryWhere2(string courseName)
using (IDbConnection conn = db.dbFactory.createConn())
//原生写法 模糊查询2
string sql = " SELECT * FROM dbo.Course where courseName like @courseName ";
List<int> idList = new List<int>();
List<Couser> list = conn.Query<Couser>(sql, new { courseName = $"%{courseName}%" }).ToList();
return list;
} //in 查询
public static List<Couser> queryWhere3()
List<int> idList = new List<int>();
idList.Add(); using (IDbConnection conn = db.dbFactory.createConn())
//原生写法 模糊查询2
string sql = " SELECT * FROM dbo.Course where id in @id ";
List<Couser> list = conn.Query<Couser>(sql, new { id = idList }).ToList();
return list;
} //查询所有
public static List<Couser> queryAll()
using (IDbConnection conn = db.dbFactory.createConn())
string sql = " SELECT * FROM dbo.Course ";
List<Couser> list = conn.Query<Couser>(sql).ToList();
return list;
} //返回动态类型
public static List<dynamic> getStudentScore()
using (IDbConnection conn = db.dbFactory.createConn())
string sql = @" SELECT dbo.Student.name,courseName,score FROM dbo.Course
LEFT JOIN dbo.Score ON dbo.Course.id = coursedId
LEFT JOIN dbo.Student ON studentId = dbo.Student.id; ";
List<dynamic> list = conn.Query<dynamic>(sql).ToList();
return list;
} //新增
public static int insert()
using (IDbConnection conn = db.dbFactory.createConn())
db.model.Couser model = new Couser();
model.courseName = "数据库原理";
string sql = " INSERT INTO dbo.Course(courseName ) VALUES (@courseName) ";
return conn.Execute(sql, model);
} //批量新增
public static void insertBatch()
using (IDbConnection conn = db.dbFactory.createConn())
List<Couser> list = new List<Couser>();
list.Add(new Couser { courseName = "Batch1" });
list.Add(new Couser { courseName = "Batch2" }); Console.WriteLine(conn.State);
string sql = " INSERT INTO dbo.Course(courseName ) VALUES (@courseName) ";
conn.Execute(sql, list);
Console.WriteLine(conn.State); }
} //修改
public static void update()
using (IDbConnection conn = dbFactory.createConn())
db.model.Couser model = new Couser();
model.id = ;
model.courseName = "数据库原理1";
string sql = " UPDATE dbo.Course SET courseName=@courseName WHERE id=@id ";
conn.Execute(sql, model);
} //删除
public static void delete()
using (IDbConnection conn = dbFactory.createConn())
string sql = " DELETE FROM dbo.Course WHERE id=@id ";
conn.Execute(sql, new { id = });
} //事务控制
public static void testTran()
using (IDbConnection conn = dbFactory.createConn())
IDbTransaction ts = conn.BeginTransaction();
string sql1 = " DELETE FROM dbo.Course WHERE id=@id ";
conn.Execute(sql1, new { id = }, ts); string sql2 = " INSERT INTO dbo.Course(id, courseName ) VALUES (N'4', N'sdfsfd') ";
conn.Execute(sql2, new { id = }, ts); ts.Commit();
catch (Exception ex)


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